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OWMA meets with Ontario Environment Minister Jim Bradley
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2012-6-28 10:06:01
The Ontario Waste Management Association’s (OWMA's) Rob Cook (CEO), Peter Hargreave (Director of Policy), and Mike Watt (Chairman of the Board) had the opportunity on June 11, 2012 to meet with Ontario Environment Minister Jim Bradley and his staff.

As part of the meeting, the OWMA brought forward the following issues and recommendations to the minister:

-Ontario Ministry of the Environment's (MOE’s) ongoing waste diversion review: expressed concerns with the lack of progress made to date and concern about whether Waste Diversion Ontario (WDO) had any authority to act on recommendations brought forward. Without any certainty, we underlined legal options that would continue to be pursued. There was a general sense from the MOE that the new WDO board had the authority they needed to implement change.

-Waste Diversion Framework: continued to push for legislative or regulatory changes. We underlined that without a fundamental change in the approach, problems would continue. Despite a minority government, it was underlined that there appears to be support for change from both opposition parties. Expressed support for utilizing other approaches, such as the Environmental Protection Act, for diversion programs.

-IC&I Diversion & Research: expressed concerns with the lack of progress on IC&I waste diversion, but emphasized the need to better understand what is happening in the market before acting. The OWMA discussed potential research in cooperation with the MOE, the Recycling Council of Ontario, and others.

-Hazardous Waste Information Network: discussed a potential Delegated Administrative Authority model to build and administer an IT system for the tracking, generation, and movement of hazardous waste into, out of, and within Ontario using an electronic point of sale based system. There seemed to be support to at least investigate this new model.

-Compost Guidelines: restated our support of the collaborative process undertaken to develop new compost guidelines and the need for the guidelines to be released. It appears we may be close to a decision and the OWMA is undertaking support actions to the MOE to facilitate the release of the Guideline.

-Collection of Tires, WEEE & MHSW: advocated that further steps be taken to address the unlevel regulatory environment between retail collection and service provider (public or private) collection of designated materials under the Waste Diversion Act.  

-Financial Assurance: discussed the OWMA's 2010 proposal around a pooled financial assurance system, which may fit with the recommendations brought forward by the Drummond report.

It was a frank and constructive conversation with acknowledgement of many of the concerns we brought forward.  

For more information, contact Rob Cook or Peter Hargreave at 905-791-9500.

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