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Huanchuang (Xiamen) Technology Co.,Ltd
Phone: :+86 592 5029670
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Add; 22 Guanri Road, Software Park 2, Xiamen, China

MDEQ Awards Solid Waste Assistance Grant To Brookhaven
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2012-6-28 9:41:56
Jackson, MS - The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) has awarded the City of Brookhaven a solid waste assistance grant of $23,900 that will be used by the city for local recycling efforts.

“The Solid Waste Assistance Grants support a variety of useful solid waste management activities for cities and counties, and this grant will assist Brookhaven’s efforts in improving their management of solid waste,” said Trudy D. Fisher, MDEQ Executive Director.

Cities and counties may apply for Solid Waste Assistance Grants through the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality. These grants are utilized by local communities for programs to prevent and clean up unauthorized dumps; to aid in hiring local solid waste enforcement officers; for public education efforts on solid waste disposal and recycling; and to establish programs for the collection of white goods, bulky wastes and recyclables.
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Products:  Sewage Grinder / Pipeline Grinder / No Drum Channel Grinder / Single Drum Channel Grinder / Double Drum Channel Grinder / Transit Grinder / Solid Waste Grinder / Crossing Cutting Shredder / Vertical Shredder / Horizontal Shredder
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