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Blue thinking of sludge treatment feast in September will start
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-8-13 15:15:03
This is a time of change, this is an era of innovation. Follow the development of the times, to embrace change. The depth of field of the most influential forum as sludge, Shanghai water industry forum annual will officially changed its name to Shanghai sludge forum. This fall, the Institute E20 environmental platform, Shanghai municipal engineering design and Research (Group) Co. Ltd., Shanghai City Sewage Treatment Company Limited jointly sponsored the "2014 (sixth) Shanghai sludge hot forum", a new start, will in September 19-20 day grand opening in Shanghai one two nine Tongji University auditorium.

The forum will be settled in a "blue thinking of sludge road" as the theme. Director, environmental protection industry research center of Tsinghua University School of environment water / waste / China China China atmospheric network editor in chief Fu Tao think, the environmental industry development trend and direction of blue economic philosophy is the most fit, which means that in the environmental industry is blue economic might be the most convenient, the most profitable. The forum will innovatively introduced advocate big circulation, zero emissions; nature, system self purification blue thinking mode, set up the five unit of sludge solution from the blue economy point of view.

Technical environment analysis. Considering foreign experience and years of practice experience, the disposal of sludge treatment technology route has become more mature, and gradually formed a drying, incineration, anaerobic digestion, aerobic fermentation (compost), land use is the core of the 5 basic technical route. At home and abroad to dispose of sludge treatment technology development form? Future development will also be located?

The forum will be invited the Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute (Group) secretary of the Party committee, company chief engineer, national survey design master Zhang Chen; Ministry of housing and urban rural construction Urban Construction Division Secretary level inspector is Zhang Yue; director of the center for research in environmental protection industry, Tsinghua University school of environment in China net / China solid waste network / China atmospheric network Fu Tao editor; Dean, College of environmental science and engineering, Tongji University, urban pollution control, director of the National Engineering Research Center of Renmin University of China, associate dean of the school of environment Dai Xiaohu; Wang Hong Chen; vote in the city of Shanghai sewage treatment limited company chairman Mai Suihai, the authority of experts, the national environmental technology policy, international environmental technology industry development trend, the top design topic, discuss the technology policy and direction of sludge treatment and disposal technology.

Case and comment on comprehensive technology solutions. "So far, our environmental industry mainly pauses in the end treatment stage, the individual do resources." Fu Tao pointed out that the sludge treatment, some enterprises began to explore the extraction of organic matter from sludge. But 90% of the market governance, mainly in harmless at the end of the link, a cost centre, with profits from polluters pay cost, the costs depend on the policy guidance. The blue economy not only relates to resource, even taking into account the natural ecological value generated additional.

In the blue thinking under the guidance of this forum will attempt from the ecological symbiosis chain dimension analysis of the source of the sludge control, process and end resource utilization. Relates to the comprehensive solution of aerobic fermentation technology and application, based on the comprehensive solution of anaerobic digestion technology and application, based on the comprehensive solution of technology innovation and application based on three aspects, we will invite a number of outstanding design institutions and outstanding industry representative case to share, and to invite the director, China Water Association drainage Committee Yang Xiangping former general manager of Beijing drainage group; from a professional point of China's water network consultant, Beijing Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute deputy chief engineer Hang Shijun, chief expert comments.

Pay attention to business model, to investigate the win-win principle. According to reports, the current widespread sludge project project flow phenomena, and the flow behind the exposure is industry the lack of mature business model, zero emission treatment fee existing cannot realize sludge "". So the commercial pattern problem if not effectively addressed, the resource utilization of sludge can only be a beautiful dream.

This forum will be in blue under the guidance of thinking, try from the dimension analytic nature, system of self purification in the sludge as the representative of the environment industry and other industry symbiotic win-win principle. The forum will bring together a number of renowned investment institutions and outstanding industry representatives around the "how industry and capital dialogue" and "how to use capital to promote the sustainable development of the industry" two themes to explore and share.

Thinking of sludge industry chain and downstream enterprise symbiotic development road. In the process of sludge treatment and disposal harmlessness, reduction and resource utilization, need a lot of good technology and technology, technology innovation and the corresponding technical standards. Single technology, single process can not meet the development route of environmental effect of blue economy based on. When the "point source governance headache medicine" by industry gradually abandoned, ecological groups as the core of ecological symbiosis chain has been formed, how sludge industrial chain upstream and downstream enterprises will be symbiotic development?

Inspired by the blue thinking, this forum will attempt to explore the sludge industry chain and downstream enterprise symbiotic development path from the best value, incremental sharing level. Plans to invite Vice Dean and Professor, Tsinghua University School of environment / national environmental protection technology assessment and management of engineering and technology center director Wang Kaijun; executive director, Xue Tao industry experts and excellent demonstration enterprises on behalf of deputy director of the environmental protection industry research center of Tsinghua University School of the environment E20 environmental industry research Institute, a comprehensive solution comprehensive analysis of sludge sludge Alliance Group, and share starting from the external constraints of sludge treatment and disposal solutions and services interface.

E20 environment (sludge) hospital project investigation. The forum will provide participants with the user oriented, result oriented E20 hospital environment -- "disposal" Hospital (hereinafter referred to as "sludge hospital") inspection of the project. Sludge hospitals rely on the sludge treatment and disposal of industrial technology innovation strategy alliance, starting from the environmental effect, will break through 4 sludge treatment and disposal technology: the sludge source biological reduction, self sustained burning, microbial protein extraction and biological humic acid fertilizer preparation, provide different sludge system technical route solutions; to promote the industrial ecological groups of mature sludge the formation of sludge, industrial ecological chain. Forum will take the project case study and analysis are combined, according to the comprehensive solution of multi interface sludge hospital site to share.

As the first high-level contacts and value of sludge field shared platform, Shanghai sludge hot forum has been successfully held five sessions, welcome the age of development and reform, this forum will open new packaging, reloading. In the industry development and reform, a new round of industry reshuffle wrestling has been kicked off, 2014 (sixth) the future development and trend of sludge in Shanghai forum will work together to have a sense of mission and responsibility of the industry concerned to discuss industry. Welcome all the officials, sludge field of experts and scholars, entrepreneurs participate in, about 2014 (sixth) Shanghai sludge forum.
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