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Huanchuang 2014 Mid Autumn Festival holiday notice
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-8-21 18:34:54

The Mid Autumn Festival is also China Thanksgiving, is popular in the China with East Asian countries in many national traditional culture festival, the lunar calendar in August fifteen, because coincides San half, hence the name. Today, a distance of fifteen 2014 August in Chinese lunar calendar (the Gregorian calendar September 8th) Mid Autumn Festival festival have about ten days.


According to the general office of the State Council, the State Council 2014 holidays holiday office notice spirit, and the combination of Huanchuang (Xiamen) Polytron Technologies Inc Wastewater grinder, garbage crusher, shearing type crusher production situation, I Division in 2014 Mid Autumn Festival holiday notice as follows:


2014 Mid Autumn Festival holiday time for September 6, 2014 (Saturday), on September 7th (Sunday), on September 8th (Monday), a holiday for 3 days, which in September 8th (lunar calendar in August fifteen) on the same day as a statutory holiday. See the specific calendar:


Mid Autumn Festival, reunion, believe in this holiday everybody desires are the same, that is one family reunion together, Huanchuang (Xiamen) Polytron Technologies Inc here in advance wish everyone a happy mid autumn festival.

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