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Time for a rethink on Australia’s water reuse target
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2012-2-29 11:29:07

A new report assessing Australia’s progress towards the goal of recycling 30% of its wastewater by 2015 has found that the country is falling behind in its efforts to meet the target, despite excess localised capacity.

The document, produced by Marsden Jacob Associates, claims that as little as 18.7% of Australia’s wastewater will be recycled by 2015, versus 16.8% in the year ended 30 June 2010. It updates a previous forecast of 23.8% made in 2008.

The 2008 document was published before the decision to implement indirect potable reuse from the Western Corridor Recycled Water Project was overturned, and before the drought broke in 2010, diminishing the need for alternative water supply sources.

If all existing and planned schemes were to operate at full capacity, total recycled water production in Australia would exceed 30% in 2015, the new report finds. For the moment, however, the demand is simply not there.

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