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Wastewater grinder
 Pipeline Wastewater Grinder
 Channel Wastewater Grinder
 Single Drum Wastewater Grinder
 Double Drums Sewage Grinder
 Transmission Sewage Grinder
Solid waste shredder
MSW shredder
 Double shaft shredder
 Hook shredder
 Signal shaft shredder
 High speed Pulverizer/Granulator
Solid waste recycling system
 Municipal Solid Waste Sorting +RDF system
 Waste plastic crushing, washing, pelletizing recycling system
 Waste tire pulverizing, separating recycling system
 Printer and small appliances crushing, separating system
 Wire & Cable Pulverizing, Separating System
 Motor Stator &Rotor·Transformer Pulverizing ,Separating System
 PCB Pulverizing ,Separating System
 Copper and aluminum water tank pulverizing, separating system
Contact Us

Huanchuang (Xiamen) Technology Co.,Ltd
Phone: :+86 592 5029670
Fax: +86 592 5029673
Add; 22 Guanri Road, Software Park 2, Xiamen, China

 Garbage crusher reproduction the river training coup pipeline crusher closed sewage treatment 2012-11-16
 Sewage treatment technology by blitz crushed grille garbage crusher shine 2012-11-15
 Garbage crusher in sewage treatment and crushed grille treatment direction 2012-11-14
 From smash-type grille on modern science and technology in sewage treatment engineering 2012-11-13
 Easily solve the the sludge bulking pipes broken machine 2012-11-12
 On the garbage crusher crushing work introduction 2012-11-9
 The sewage treatment plant upgrade crushed grille into a bright spot 2012-11-8
 Farewell to the "GDP only" play hardball 2014-8-26
 Example application of chemical wastewater treatment engineering pipeline crusher 2012-12-31
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  Copyright © 2011-2017 Huanchuang (Xiamen) Technology Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved License:11006791-5   
Products:  Sewage Grinder / Pipeline Grinder / No Drum Channel Grinder / Single Drum Channel Grinder / Double Drum Channel Grinder / Transit Grinder / Solid Waste Grinder / Crossing Cutting Shredder / Vertical Shredder / Horizontal Shredder
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