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SPR sewage treatment grille features crushed
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2012-12-12 16:59:05
1. Urban sewage treatment agents mixed drugs suction piping before the pump, sewage pump impeller, serpentine complete the reaction tube and the combined effect of the ceramic ball reaction tank structure data in accordance with the turbulent velocity, mixing time, and hydraulics design, to be fully mixed, and to save the maximum to obtain the purifying effect of the optimum coagulation Pharmacy to create the preconditions. This is not in the past conventional primary treatment and secondary treatment of hydraulic structures.
????2. SPR system to treat municipal sewage, with more than five sewage treatment Pharmacy its best formulation used in combination, rely on chemical reactions of organic pollutants in sewage dissolved state, heavy metal ions and harmful salts precipitated from the water and become solid phase the tiny particles of the interface (which contains sewage tertiary treatment). Which also selected an adsorption effect is very good and the price is very cheap adsorbent to adsorb organic pollutants and chroma. Rely disinfectants to kill bacteria and E. coli within 30 minutes process. The physical chemical adsorption by the coagulation of the suspended solids and various types of impurities cohesion National Cheng Kung University but dense floc. Such play each drug alone between them and the crosslinking effect of the mode of administration is not the same with the conventional physical and chemical methods. And the SPR systems use a combination of pharmaceutical formulations, only in a very fine design of hydrodynamic parameters SPR sewage purification system in order to give full play to the role, is unable to use conventional hydraulic systems.
????3. SPR system device formula derived in accordance with the simulation test, with the atmospheric pressure and a flow meter, very accurate dosing coagulation of Pharmacy and flocculation Pharmacy, due to excessive dosing will not result in drug residues in the water after purification, and power consumption very little.
????4. SPR sewage purification internal structure is precisely designed in full accordance with the coagulation mechanism, the formation of vortex flow and various parts of the appropriate rate of water flow, making the largest number of collisions between the colloidal particles, and the optimum flow rate required cohesion adsorption environment. Pole sufficient flocculation effect to be obtained in a minimal volume. This is also the conventional hydraulic devices can not match.
????5. SPR sewage purifier inside the hydrodynamic data to accurately determine the actual condition of the coagulation floc formation, so that a few tens of centimeters thick, very dense suspension mud layer is formed in the upper part of the tank. All coagulation effluent must be filtered through of suspensions mud layer to liters flow to the tank upper clean water catchment areas. It played a very successful Advanced sewage treatment process is extremely important filtering role.
????The dense suspension mud layer is composed floc formed by sewage sludge and coagulation Pharmacy. With the floc from the bottom up movement, under the surface of the mud layer increasing thickening; Meanwhile, with the filter the tank bypass flow hydraulics principle formed to guide the suspended mud layer on the surface constantly flows into the center then mud barrel, on the surface, shrinking, thinning. In this way, the the suspended mud layer thickness to achieve a dynamic balance. When the effluent after coagulation by upward through this suspension mud layer, the filter layer of this floc rely on the role of the interfacial physical adsorption and electrochemical properties, and van der Waals force, the suspension of colloidal particles, flocs, bacteria, bacterial etc. impurity All intercept this the suspended clay layer on effluent water quality to reach the level of tertiary treatment.
????Floc dense and high filtration efficiency is much higher than conventional sand bed filter; very small filter head loss (resistance) is in a suspended state floc mud layer as a filter layer, soil layers, so power consumption is much lower than conventional sand layer filtration, microfiltration, reverse osmosis membrane filtration; due to filter the mud layer sewage sludge purification process by automatically supplemented, and automatically Cited away that filter soil layers constantly updated the the filter mud layer always maintained a stable thickness, but always maintained a stable physical adsorption and electrochemical adsorption performance, stable filtering effect. And completely eliminating the need for backwashing the filter layer indispensable in the conventional system and the backwash of the many troublesome. This structure and principle of the conventional tertiary sewage treatment, filtration device is completely different, there are no expensive reverse osmosis membrane filtration, the microporous filter, or activated carbon filters, and other devices. So, investment, small power consumption, low operating costs SPR system advantages.
????6. SPR system optional flocculant, and also good sludge filter aid, therefore, the final discharge of the sludge slurry by the system, good dewatering performance, may not be the addition of a filter aid, is pumped directly into the filter press dewatering. Cake to add some filler the sidewalk bricks can be made re-use, will not bring the problem of secondary pollution. Sludge moisture content is high, it does not have the traditional biochemical methods produced poor dewatering performance of fatal weakness.
????7. The type of sewage purifier has switched on processed pig farm wastewater chicken farm sewage, coal mine tunnel sewage, pig slaughterhouse wastewater, sorghum distillery lees sewage, textile printing and dyeing wastewater, recycled paper mill wastewater and urban sewage, etc. contains a lot of organic pollutants in sewage and ammonia; successfully applied ceramics factory effluent, wall and floor tiles plant effluent, Marble Shuimo polishing sewage, coal washing wastewater, coal-fired boiler wet dust sewage, quartz sand wash sand, sewage and other very high levels of suspended solids sewage purification and reuse. Around the testing authority departments test the influent and effluent wastewater purifier data. Test report card: ammonia removal rate can reach 85% of the total nitrogen removal rate was 95%, organic nitrogen removal rate of 96%, BOD removal rate of 95%, the removal rate of suspended solids. 98.3% to 99.6%, the effluent turbidity below 3 degrees (3 mg / liter). Indicators of water the water purification system at the premise of low investment, low running costs. This is the conventional chemical method and biochemical methods a secondary treatment system can not be achieved.
????Apart from the developed countries have a special municipal sewage piping system, the actual urban sewage is often mixed with many industrial sewage, poor biodegradability and pollutants ingredients irregular rapid changes we face reality, and for the degradation of certain organic pollution matter of microbial growth and breeding process is too long, so, traditional biochemical system difficult to adapt to today's increasingly industrialized city sewage. SPR system has to deal with rapid response capabilities for the adaptability of many industrial sewage and chemical method has easily through automated means to cope with the changes in the system inlet effluent quality, and to maintain the stability of the purifying effect.
????8. In fact, after the treated effluent of the SPR sewage purification system, the suspended solids content of less than 3 mg / liter, the turbidity is less than 3 degrees (mg / L), reaching water standards, will no longer block the conveyance piping, and has been After a good disinfection. This water back to the city over the irrigation water is very safe and reliable, as urban the lawn green space and trees green. Out of the water after the treatment of the SPR system, the residual nitrogen content is very low, and nitrogen as the growth of a plant nutrient need not be removed or need not be removed so clean. Which can remove nitrogen-free depth treatment of investment and its running costs, both to ensure the quality of the environment, but also save a lot of money for the community. Use reuse water instead of tap water as the city green water, will greatly save the city's fresh water resources, and to reduce the pressure of the water supply of the city municipal departments, will generate enormous benefits to the overall economic development of the city. This is a new concept of urban wastewater reuse.
????9. This purely physical and chemical wastewater treatment system by the weather, the less the impact of environmental and human factors, the ability and flexibility to the operator to control the processing system are greatly superior to biochemical methods, which are well known.
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