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Garbage crusher crushed grille plus integrated use to make the city sewage treatment is no longer di
Edited£ºHuanChuang technology   Date£º2013-1-11 15:37:12

With the rapid development and people's living standards of China's industrial and agricultural production has increased annually, while increasing water demand, wastewater emissions upward trend. Environmental monitoring data show that more than half of the river water pollution in China's seven major river systems, 17 of the 35 major lakes serious pollution, more than 90% of urban water pollution serious, more than 50% of urban water does not meet drinking water standards, 40% of the water has been undrinkable suffer this all organic and inorganic pollution of toxic and hazardous pollutants shocking data, 90% of urban groundwater to varying degrees, people increasingly feel the unprecedented severity of the water crisis. China's future prosperity and development of the road, the urban sewage treatment is desperately needed.
The Qing Ying Ying's water, when to see
According to the environmental performance assessment report released by the OECD (OECD), China's rivers are 1/3 the river is in "serious pollution". As a pre-eminent position, many rivers could not escape pollution doom. Beijing River five Yongding River, Jiyun, North Canal, Qinghe, Chaobai, now are subject to varying degrees of pollution.
December 8, 2012, the reporter with Dahl asked the natural knowledge society volunteers came together Haidian District, the Summer Palace Park, South Gate, along the the Kunyu river weekly "running water" activities. "Running water" activities, also known as "Le water line, asked by Total natural knowledge society initiated using every weekend, organized local environmental experts led by local volunteers, to study Beijing's water environment and record local "the water natural" changes trajectory. Has a 63-year-old volunteer Zhang Xiang elderly this year, told reporters, "running water" activities in the six years he was engaged, Kunyu as Jingmi downstream drinking water artificial drainage, sewage treatment done best. In stark contrast, as the North Canal tributaries Qinghe pollution of the hardest hit. Dahl asked the natural knowledge society volunteers surnamed Chen told reporters, Qinghe is one of the most polluted've seen since he took part in the activities of the "running water" river. Drove past the area residents have even been on station "do not worry, and smell the stench home" is a joke, heavy ridicule Qinghe pollution. Not only that, the continued breeding of parasites in the river, but also to nearby residents complain incessantly. In the end, the reporter reached by car the Qinghe nanzhen station, Haidian District, Beijing, along the Qinghe midstream explore what.
Temple of Azure Clouds, Haidian District, Qinghe originated, flows through the Chaoyang and Changping District, Import Wenyu River in Shunyi, a total length of 23.6 km. The rivers common the Qinghe and Tonghuihe, Liangshuihe such as to import North Canal, three rivers surrounding the river are dotted with numerous outfall, large outflows of untreated sewage discharged into the river, causing severe river pollution, poor water quality. With production, the manufacturer pulled out of Beijing, the sewage has become a major source of water pollution in Beijing, its sewage large, widely distributed, small and difficult to detect outfall characteristics make governance is becoming increasingly difficult. Observed that the way to the reporter along Qinghe midstream, every river banks on both sides will go some way to lend a few large and small sewage outfall, inside the outflow of sewage not only muddy colors, and braved the billowing white smoke, do not close, and will be able to smell bursts of odor. River, all kinds of garbage floating above the surface of the water, it is not bear to witness. Zhang Xiang introduced, the majority of Qinghe river outfall near the district or site private construction of sewers is untreated and discharged into the Qinghe After processing by the Qinghe sewage treatment plant discharge sewage pipeline is only one into the river with other sewage mixed, no any efficacy.
There are the river similar experiences, Qinghe one more than in Beijing. Reporter survey found, belong to the North Canal tributaries Liangshuihe also faced with the problem of sewage refractory ". , Haidian District, Beijing Water Authority, the relevant person in charge of Mr. Lai told reporters, sewage treatment involves the Beijing many administrative units, the masses, but has not yet been resolved, he suggested that reporters reflected to the Beijing Water Authority. Call the Beijing Water Authority, much the same conclusions given by the relevant person in charge, that the urban sewage discharge and treatment issues closely related to the municipal planning affect the situation as a whole, "is not your worry can be solved".
The refractory wastewater, the reasons for
"Twelfth Five-Year" period, China's urban sewage treatment and recycling facilities construction plan to invest nearly 430 billion yuan, 427.1 billion yuan investment in the construction of various facilities will be used to improve and new pipe network, the new urban sewage treatment capacity upgrading of urban sewage treatment plants, sludge treatment and disposal facilities and the use of reclaimed water facilities construction. China's major urban sewage treatment rate is 77.5%, the Beijing Municipal sewage treatment rate of up to 94%, ranking first in the country. "Beijing" second five "water resources protection and utilization planning" will arrange for the construction of water supply projects 284, a total investment of about 100 billion yuan. Advantage background in finance, policy support, the urban sewage treatment difficult why not?

Remediation efforts on Qinghe, Beijing Municipal Government has never let up. Since the 1990s, the government has Qinghe three large-scale governance: the Qinghe upstream woolen mill to move out before the 1990 Beijing Asian Games; spend 717 million yuan, the Beijing Municipal Government in 2002, spent two years built Qinghe sewage treatment plant; prior to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the Beijing municipal government on the banks of the river landscape. However, the "three governance sewage, baffling. Population pressures growing, pre-planning is not in place, supervision should be strengthened ÿ ÿ One reason, experts, scholars and uncompromising.
This, Professor Zheng Shaokui of Beijing Normal University to accept an interview with the "economic" reporter that the reasonable development of the effluent standards and strictly enforce a priority. Discharge sewage, organics (COD chemical oxygen demand), nitrogen, phosphorus and other pollutants mainly include. Through the use of advanced technology and organic pollutants in sewage basic standards. But the handling of the nitrogen and phosphorus pollutants still problems: nitrogen to total nitrogen as emissions standards, its concentration should be controlled at 10mg / L, is a very difficult to achieve the standard, present, China's total nitrogen in some surface drinking The content of even approaching this. And nitrogen morphological diversity Therefore, in addition to develop existing ammonia emission standards, should also be supplemented nitrite, nitrate emissions standards. In addition, the chemical form of phosphorus is relatively stable, not easily be absorbed or dissolved in water, sewage treatment therefore must be reduced to a low enough concentration to protect the safety of the water environment. At present, China's phosphorus content of the standard control 0.5mg / L, far below the international standard (0.1 mg / L). These two factors result in urban sewage is treated, still retains a considerable amount of pollutants, resulting in all kinds of parasites breeding river sewage. In technical processing, the country can control the content of nitrogen, phosphorus standards with international standards, but the cost of the problem, and never showed the implementation.
In addition, throughout the country also contributed to the sewage treatment governance record more than one of the reasons for the execution of water quality standards are not in place. In addition to Beijing and other cities, other provinces and cities were not strictly in accordance with the effluent standards for sewage treatment such as: Hebei Baiyangdian surrounding city, urban sewage only for the investigation and processing of the chemical oxygen demand, rich in nitrogen, phosphorus The treated effluent is discharged directly into the River House. "North China is a big funnel, groundwater resources, local people competing with these 'free' sewage irrigated land, no longer enough, who needs to deal with." In negotiations with the relevant local authorities, Zheng Shaokui this answer.
"How Can it so clear such? There is water flowing." As the Southern Song Dynasty poet Zhu Xi said, the water does not rot. Ecological Environment Research Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor Chen Qiuwen, water system only continuous before rendering the beauty of the water, the water only live up to maintain the vitality. Now, due to the reduction of the ecological water, each also be regarded as the natural surface of the water, take a self-protection, with high gate slab "leak-proof" their own water enclosed within the territory, resulting in the rupture of the water cycle. Beijing to stagnant water, drainage ditch common living area in the upper reaches of the sewage treatment plant is located downstream, criss-cross the city road rivers truncated, no supplies groundwater, caused by Beijing but not living water. "This is related to the laying of underground pipes, we are only laying the pipeline to transport sewage to the sewage treatment plant, but after the treatment of the sewage treatment plant in the water but not the pipeline can be returned to the upper class and added the Beijing area groundwater, only in vain inflow Beijing City downstream areas, unable to take advantage of. "said Professor Zheng Shaokui.
The way out of the city governance sewage pollution control, the way out lies in the following four aspects:
First, water-saving. People need to be such a huge amount of water, Beijing's per capita water resources of less than 300 cubic meters, is the country's per capita 1/8, 1/30 of the world per capita, less than the internationally recognized water scarcity lower limit of 1000 m3 1/3 . In the case of such a shortage of water resources, urban sewage emissions but high. As of 2011, the city's wastewater emissions of 1.01 billion tons, the large volume of sewage discharge, staggering reason, not in place of water conservation work. It is understood that, in the formulation of national price ladder program is in full swing, Guangxi, Hubei, Liaoning, Beijing and other provinces and municipalities, but also to begin the planning and adjustment of the price ladder. The pollution control rooted in water conservation, price ladder so that people have to conserve water, but also an effective way to reduce sewage discharge. "Zheng Shaokui said.
Second, to increase the laying of sewer network. Sewer facilities and sewage pipe network, is one of the fundamental measures to improve the urban sewage discharge, must be determined to spend a lot of money is used to transform the city sewers. Currently, the old Beijing's old town sewage discharge pipe network laying there is a big loophole, many other cell in the beginning of the construction, due to wrong estimation Check the number of inhabitants, the number of pipeline laying or even unpaved sewage pipe network, resulting in large amounts of sewage chaos row misplacing. The new city in the design and laying of sewer network is doing quite well in the future, in the process of the transformation of the old town, which also large amounts of sewage pipeline design should be laying. "Said Zheng Shaokui.
Third, the new technology to enhance wastewater treatment. According to the Beijing Water Authority data show that the third quarter of 2012, Beijing amount of renewable water back up to 76.43 million cubic meters. Olympic Park, the Olympic Center, Beijing Drainage Group supply water, and industrial cooling, road dust, municipal water, agricultural irrigation, car washing and flushing, pointing out the direction for the sewage of the flow to where. Zheng Shaokui introduced the use of precipitation in urban sewage treatment, phosphorus removal technology, but its high cost. Currently, the technology already in use for "recycled water technology double-film method", i.e. the effluent through a first microfiltration preprocessing Thereafter, by reverse osmosis, for post processing, this technique is widely used as industrial water, after treatment, Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical is now widely used. , Beijing Yizhuang Development through the technical urban recycling, water quality is extremely high, and applied to the development zone industrial production.
Fourth, the government-led strengthen supervision. Reporter survey found that urban sewage emissions and deal with the problem and is closely related to government supervision. At present, many domestic responsible for urban sewage discharge and treatment departments, division of labor but different, showing the "the Kowloon water management" trend. Industry experts and private environmental organizations called on the government placed in the top-level design of the urban sewage treatment should be driven by the authority of the department, top-down reform. On the basis of the law, the domestic environmental protection departments should be responsible for formulating the corresponding environmental quality standard management practices and local pollutant emissions standards, and strictly enforced. Sewage discharge monitoring tools also should improve, on a scientific basis, sewage discharge dispute is resolved.

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