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Environmental pollution, garbage crusher and pipe crusher common method of wastewater treatment
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-1-14 15:09:31
Environmental pollution, garbage crusher and pipe crusher common method of wastewater treatment: domestic sewage treatment lawful average family with flush toilets, excrement and urine by flushing into septic tanks, except septic tanks constructed rudimentary treatment effect low, usually less than BOD5 removal of 50%, the results are poor. Therefore, to solve domestic sewage pollution problems, only put an end to the construction of a sanitary sewer system discharged into water bodies, sewerage sewage treatment plant to meet emission standards and then be releasing contaminated water so that it no longer, and solve urban environmental health problems.
(1) septic tanks septic tank processing manure wastewater as pre-treatment for the people, septic tanks, mainly from septic tanks, garbage crusher filter tank and three-dimensional or planar oxidation tank, septic tanks, mainly the deal with the role of role for sedimentation and anaerobic manure by flushing into the tank, solid material precipitated or buoyant be decomposed by anaerobic bacteria or aerobic bacteria, crusher filter tank sewage flows into the oxidation tank, bulk water device , by slot aerobic microbial decomposition organic matter in sewage.
(2) domestic sewage treatment of domestic sewage treatment commonly used methods, in accordance with the level of treatment can be divided into primary treatment, secondary treatment and tertiary treatment. Shandong the East E Jinhua steel: primary treatment is the role of the physical sedimentation or flotation to remove or crushed sewage solids, most sewage sediments or suspended solids removal, with chemical dosing precipitation gelatinous substance may also be removed. Secondary treatment effluent sewage after primary treatment mat, crusher and then by the activated sludge aeration tank and final sedimentation pool or other aerobic biological treatment and final mat pool to be processed before it releasing. The so-called activated sludge process for the suspension of the growth of biological treatment, the garbage crusher after the processing of the initial mat pool sewage introduced into the aeration tank, with suspended aerobic microorganisms capable of contact with the oxidative decomposition of organic and then separation of sludge and treated water through the final Shen wave pool; part of the separation of the sludge waste, the other part is returned to the aeration tank, in order to maintain a certain amount of microorganisms in aeration tank. Tertiary treatment, also known as high-level processing, sewage directly by physical or chemical treatment to get a good deal with water quality, or the use of special biological treatment equipment to remove generally failed to remove impurities. Tertiary treatment method generally ion exchange, discount points plus filtration to remove ammonia, biological treatment denitrification method, reverse osmosis, activated carbon adsorption.
Industrial wastewater treatment of industrial wastewater treatment can be divided into physical, chemical and biological methods. Physical handling by mechanical equipment, the structure is simple and cheapest approach, the general approach of the crusher precipitation filtration, heat exchange, evaporated to dryness and burning garbage crusher. Chemical treatment method that dosing in wastewater and contaminated ingredients produce a chemical reaction generates harmless substances or floc removal, for example, plus acid used to adjust the pH, chlorination, plus ozone treatment, coagulation and sedimentation, ion plus In other method. The common method for biological treatment of sewage and organic industrial wastewater treatment, Lee rejection microbial decomposition of organic matter in the water to become a non-polluting simple compounds.
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