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Garbage crusher and crushing type grille on the comprehensive application of pollutants in water tre
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-2-17 14:42:16
Water pollution is a concern for every person on the earth. Water pollution is contamination of water by water pollutants that are allowed to enter water sources without first being treated to remove compounds that are dangerous to people and animals. Water pollution does not just hurt animals and people alike, they also hurt entire communities doing major damage that takes years to cleanup and fix.
Water pollution is problem that affects everyone. There are effects of water pollution that are devastating. Statistics show that 14,000 people die every day from harmful agents in the water. Contaminated water leads to stomach sickness and many people die from the sickness. Countries that have adequate facilities to filter water still struggle with water pollution. Everyday there are accidents that happen that allow contaminates into the water. Sometimes they are not even known because they happen in remote areas.
There are many causes of water pollution. One cause is from animal waste that finds its way into the water through a stream or pond. Many times a levy will break and the water will run into the animal yard causing contamination. Sometimes compounds are found in the air and are mixed with water from a rain storm. An oil spill is another example of a water pollution cause. An oil tanker hits something and ends up with a hole in the ship that allows oil into the water. This causes enviromental hardship for the ecosystem and people in the area.
There are two types of water pollution. The first is point source pollution; this is where contaminants enter the water from a single source that can be located. The second of water pollution is from non-pointed sources, these are sources that do not come from one source but rather many sources working together. An example of this is from fertilized land. Water runoff collects come of the fertilizer from several different fields and the fertilizer finds its way into the water supply causing polluted water. Water pollution is a constant battle all around the world. Water treatment facilities work nonstop to provide good clean water for everyone to enjoy.
Sustainability is a problem which faces all development, in industrialised countries as well as in the developing world. In recent years the debate has taken on new urgency through the adoption of Agenda 21 at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992. In the global debate sustainability is considered primarily in terms of continuing to improve human well-being, whilst not undermining the natural resource base on which future generations will have to depend.
The term "sustainability" in the context of this document, however, is limited in its meaning. It is used not to refer to the tension between development and the natural environment, but rather to refer to the narrow context of service delivery in the fields of water supply and sanitation in a developing country. Maintenance and protection of the natural resource base remains a prerequisite for durable services.
The provision of adequate water supply and sanitation services to the people of the developing world has been an ongoing quest which has occupied the minds of development experts and governments for the past 40 years. Although a great deal has been done, enormous amounts of money have been spent, and Drinking Water Decades have been proclaimed, coverage levels remain inadequate. In recent years a new trend has been emerging - throughout the developing world increasing amounts of money are now being spent on the rehabilitation of water services which have previously been installed but which have fallen into disrepair.
The figures quoted for coverage by most countries do not usually include the dereliction rate. Accurate figures for dereliction rates are not available. Rehabilitation is an embarrassment to most governments as it implies that, not only did they require assistance to implement the original project, but they are not capable of keeping services going and hence the original investment has been wasted.
As these very difficult realities come to light it becomes increasingly clear that sustainability is an issue to be addressed at the very beginning of development programmes and that if sustainability is not assured there is little point in spending the money except for very short-term welfare purposes.
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