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Groundwater pollution intensifies Forced, environmental industry speed the development of
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-3-5 15:23:07
Groundwater contamination incident intensified the last few days,: Weifang corporate sewage underground waste-water treatment and; Hebei multiple groundwater pollution is serious the villagers high incidence of cancer; the pit into reservoirs and groundwater near Beijing Miyun Reservoir upstream landfill pollution risks. According to the survey, half of the cities in China urban groundwater pollution is serious, and 57% of the groundwater monitoring sites water quality is poor or even very poor, industrial emissions, sewage, landfill leachate, pesticides and fertilizers, and other sources of pollution is a serious threat to the safety of groundwater environment. Crack groundwater crisis, environmental remediation industry is in urgent need of development effort.
Sources of pollution, contamination pathways are complex
Currently, groundwater pollution sources showing the trend over a broad area, urban domestic pollution, industrial pollution, agricultural nonpoint source pollution are complex. Under the National Groundwater Pollution Prevention Plan (2011-2020) ", our groundwater pollution by point, banded spread to the surface from the shallow to the deep penetration by the city spread to the surrounding area; At the same time, part of the groundwater drinking water sources and even detect heavy metals and organic pollutants, pollutants more and more components, more complex, and pose a threat to groundwater sources of drinking water environmental safety and human health.
With the substantial increase in China's urban sewage emissions, due to the lack of capital investment, the pipe network construction is lagging behind, maintenance is not timely maintenance and other reasons, pipeline leakage caused by sewage extravasation, some into the groundwater body; rain and sewage diversion is not complete, the flood season with the rain, the sewage overflow, causing groundwater pollution. 2012 "7.21 rainstorm disasters give groundwater potentially harmful. In addition, not properly handle landfill leachate has also become an important source of pollution of the groundwater.
Damage to the industrial production of the groundwater environment. According to statistics, over two hundred million tons of industrial solid waste has not been effective utilization or disposal of chromium slag and manganese slag dumps have occurred when the leakage of contaminated groundwater events; petrochemical industry, exploration, exploitation and production activities significantly affect groundwater quality , gas stations, leakage of contaminated groundwater issues become increasingly apparent; part of industrial enterprises through seepage wells, seepage pits and fissures emissions, the dumping of industrial waste water, resulting in groundwater contamination; inadequate of groundwater engineering facilities and activities sealing measures, leading to polluted surface water polluted aquifer directly cross-contamination between the layer, as well as different aquifers.
Soil pollution overall situation is not optimistic. The soil contaminants tend leaching, to pose a threat to the the relevant regional groundwater environmental safety. China's per cultivated area of ??fertilizer and pesticide use were 2.8 times and 3 times the world average, large quantities of fertilizers and pesticides through the soil infiltration and groundwater pollution; in parts of long-term use of sewage for irrigation of farmland and groundwater environment which is harmful groundwater in agricultural areas ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, of excessive nitrite nitrogen and organic pollution is increasingly serious.
The growing influence of surface water pollution of groundwater pollution. Especially in the areas of surface water pollution in the Yellow River, Liaohe River, the Haihe River and Taihu, interconnected surface water and groundwater, groundwater pollution is also very serious. In some areas due to groundwater overexploitation, and even caused the the groundwater seawater intrusion.
The environmental protection industry in various fields together and force
Beijing Normal Water Research Institute, Professor Wang Hongqi has an interview with the China Water the complex groundwater hydrology geological conditions, governance and fix the difficulty and high cost, long cycle, once the contamination caused by the environment and ecological destruction is often difficult reversed. So, faced with the grim situation of groundwater contamination, multi-pronged approach, to increase efforts to the development of the environmental remediation industry, an effective way to crack crisis, the active participation of the environmental protection enterprises and technological innovation is also the question of meaning.
First, it is necessary to increase the urban sewage treatment rate and reuse rate, and improve the construction of sewage treatment plants and pipeline to reduce the discharge of sewage and leakage. Xing Rong investment, first listed shares BEWG, clean water source environmental protection enterprises to actively contribute to the upgrading of urban sewage treatment capacity.
The second is to strengthen industrial enterprises in the construction and supervision of sewage treatment facilities, to take the centralized management of enterprise campus or third-party procurement pollution control services, such as mode of sewage treatment. Million Banda, in electric environmental protection, Tianjin membrane science and technology on behalf of the enterprise is committed to enhance the ability of industrial water treatment, industrial pollution control services provided.
The third is to strengthen the construction of waste disposal facilities, and improve the seepage control measures, construction of rain and sewage systems, landfill leachate treated after discharge standards; accelerate the construction of a comprehensive hazardous waste disposal center to ensure the safe treatment and disposal of hazardous waste. Weier Li, clean water source in the area of ??leachate treatment Dongjiang Environmental Sound environment in terms of disposal of hazardous waste continue to expand their business development.
Classification to control agricultural non-point source pollution of groundwater, especially strict monitoring of groundwater sources of drinking water supplies, rational use of fertilizers and pesticides in the water recharge zones to scientific, engineering, ecological compensation measures, and actively develop ecological and organic agriculture.
Fifth, with the groundwater monitoring system to speed up the process of building the monitoring inspection equipment, risk assessment also will enter a period of rapid development.
Sixth, heavy metals, organic pollutants and other complex pollution component of groundwater as a source of drinking water treatment raised higher requirements, the waterworks will accelerate the upgrading of technology, equipment and processes, to protect the safety of drinking water.
With the intensification of the situation of pollution, groundwater pollution and repair industry is becoming the emerging field of environmental protection industries, countries are developing related policies and regulations, and the market system and improve the technical level repair governance, some green companies will also be involved in the repair field, accelerating groundwater repair industries, to effectively improve our groundwater pollution.
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