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Problem reports about the lives of the city's garbage flow crushing-type grille
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-3-19 9:59:28

Garbage management by the local government, is referred to as municipal solid waste (MSW). Specifically, the waste collection and recycling, incineration of municipal solid waste generated or disposed of in the landfill business and home.
Durable goods, which aims to duration of more than three years, including electrical appliances, tires, batteries and electronic equipment. Newspapers, clothing, disposable tableware, office paper, wood pallets, and diapers, have a life cycle of less than three years time, type of non-durable goods. MSW does not include domestic sewage and urban sewage treatment sludge, demolition and construction waste, agriculture and mining residue combustion ashes, waste and industrial processes. These types of waste, industrial solid waste are collectively referred to as the hazardous waste regulatory, and possible solutions to resolve the industrial solid waste is still in its infancy.
Quantity of solid waste generated by the solid waste management problem in the United States in the 1980s, growing, shrinking landfill capacity to deal with rising costs, a new solid waste disposal facility siting and strong opposition. The propaganda the Mobro garbage barge this problem has been described in the garbage before 6 months of Odyssey Travel final disposal in New York, where it was originally produced.
With the garbage generated by the millions of homes and businesses in the United States, the development of national management plans, can be challenging. Oral solid waste should be how to manage, rather than the federal regulations, states and municipalities of the solid waste management plans at the local level, according to the individual's social needs. In addition to the federal government under the landfill design and operating criteria to ensure the protection of groundwater and the requirements of the federal purchase products containing recycled materials, EPA's role in the implementation of solid waste management plan, including the setting of national targets, provide leadership and technical assistance, the development of educational materials.
Municipal solid waste stream
Municipal solid waste generated by the steady growth in the past three decades, from 88 million tons per year, or 2.7 pounds per person per day in 1960, in 1999 to 229.9 million tons, or 4.62 pounds per person per day . The largest component of the municipal solid waste stream is paper and cardboard products (38.1%), the second most important part (12.1%) with courtyard decorated. The two pie charts breaking down the top of the next page of this waste material class. Waste generation, has been growing steadily, recycling and reuse. In 1960, about 7 percent of the city garbage recycling in 1999, this figure rose to 27.8%. Municipal solid waste management in the two pie charts at the bottom of the next page. Although most of the solid waste to landfills, the statistics show that there is a clear trend to get rid of this method. Is now a common practice in the United States by the combustion of municipal solid waste recycling and recovery.
MSW management
Installation of solid waste, solid waste dilemma, EPA published the goals and recommendations of the EPA action "Programme of Action" in 1989, the state government and local governments, businesses and consumers, in order to solve the solid waste problem facing the United States. EPD proposed waste management is composed of four parts: source reduction, recycling, combustion and landfill comprehensive, layered approach. This holistic approach to solve the products and materials, manufacture, use and disposal, in order to minimize waste and maximize the value of the critical moment. This strategy is beneficial for source reduction, in order to reduce the volume and toxicity of the waste, and increase the life of the product. Source reduction, recycling, including composting, is the choice for the transfer of the combustion chamber and landfill waste, waste management approach. Use of the burning waste treatment and energy recovery, landfill for final disposal of non-renewable and non-combustible material, in order to reduce the volume.
The goal of the management is to use a combination of all these methods to deal with the safety of the municipal solid waste stream with the least adverse impact on human health and the environment. EPA encourages community development, community assessment of potential source reduction, recycling, combustion, landfill planning and customized programs based on local needs, taking into account the preferred strategy in the national hierarchy. Because each community's garbage configuration file (that is, the amount and types of waste generated), infrastructure, social and economic structures, and the different policies, decision-makers at the local level is the most qualified to evaluate the social demand and the development of an appropriate solid waste management strategy.
Source Reduction
Source reduction, also referred to as waste prevention is a front of the method to solve the problem of municipal solid waste, by changing the way of product manufacture and use. It represents an attempt to get rid of the traditional "end of pipe" waste management methods used in the past. "At the beginning of the pipeline source reduction" refers to the product's design, manufacture and use of the way, reduce product reaches the end of its useful life, the amount of waste generated and toxic waste prevention activities, including the re-use of the product (for example, reusable shopping bags), product materials to reduce the toxicity of the product (such as the alternative to the use of lead, mercury and other toxic substances) (for example, the elimination of unnecessary packaging) increase reduced product life cycle (for example, the design uses a longer useful life of the product), reduce consumption (for example, the change in consumer buying bulk purchases). EPA reports that in 1996 year 23 million tons of municipal solid waste source reduction, about 11% of the 209.7 million tons of municipal solid waste a year. businesses, families, the state and local government to play a positive role in the successful implementation of source reduction program.
Recycling is the separation and collection of waste, followed by the modification or re-processed into its intended use or sale materials. Recycling, including composting, transfer a large number of potential landfill material and the combustion chamber, and to prevent unnecessary waste of natural resources and raw materials. Provide the environmental benefits of recycling, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, energy conservation, protection of biodiversity and habitat original material, otherwise it will be used as a. In addition, the recovery plan, the creation of new manufacturing jobs and promote economic development, and promote U.S. competitiveness in the global market.
Like any other part of the integrated waste management hierarchy of the recycling program, should be fine?? Heart design and implementation, to address the needs of the community, including a focus on its cost-effectiveness. Collection of the degree of implementation of the recovery and classification scheme is different: some may be a simple drop-off program, while others may be involved a comprehensive roadside collection and recycling facilities in a complex source separation. Successfully recovered, however, need to spend more after the separation and collection of materials. The recovery plan must identify and develop market recycled materials, and only when the repeated use of the material is recycled and completed.
Although the market and use of the recovered materials is expanding, the opportunity for reuse by the different materials vary. For example, the option is depending on the resin used in the type of recycling plastics. Beverage bottles now included in products, such as carpets, household cleaner bottles, coat and fiberfill pillows, polystyrene food containers and cups are recycled to the insulation, the cafeteria food trays, and children's toys. Depending on their situation, the tire can be used for artificial reefs, play equipment, floor mats, and road construction materials. How to recycle waste paper recycling content of newspapers, stationery, corrugated boxes and toilet paper are some examples.
Code and food waste recycling activities including centralized composting. Compost humus material into land mainly used to improve the stability of the soil quality, control of microbial decomposition of organic matter. Many communities in large-scale centralized yard waste composting effort to save landfill capacity. Individuals also help to reduce waste in their own backyard yard waste composting, not bagging grass clippings or other yard waste, these activities are actually listed as source reduction. Composting of yard waste, in the past 10 years have seen a tremendous growth. In 1980, the yard waste recycling is negligible (less than 5,000 tons, or 0.05%). To the amount of yard waste recycling in 1999 has grown to 12.6 million tons, or 45.3%.
Reduce the volume and odor of garbage burning, for centuries has been a popular method. With the occurrence of the 1970s energy crisis and the Clean Air Act, the more complex the system, the burning of development, you can use the waste as fuel to produce energy. Modern combustion equipment is no longer just be eliminated garbage, but are designed to restore the energy used to produce steam and electricity. Develop a successful waste-to-energy system involves many decisions will determine whether this project is in a given society. Community showed increasing interest in the past two decades, and the burning of waste management options. The burning of solid waste increased by 5.8% between 1980 and 1999, about 260 million tons of municipal solid waste in 1999, burned down. In addition to?? Benefits of energy recovery, combustion residues consume less landfill space; burning ash content to approximately 25% (dry weight) of MSW input. However, the public is often opposed to the construction of the incinerator communities and farmland, because of the health risks of the people due to the emission of pollutants, including mercury and dioxin toxicity, persistence, bioaccumulation sex.

Even if the use of source reduction, recycling, combustion, there will always be ultimately must be disposed of in landfills. According to the EPA United States: 1999 Facts and Figures of municipal solid waste, and dispose of in landfills is still the most widely used method of waste management (representing approximately 57.4% of the total). New landfill site, mainly because of the increase the potential health risks and aesthetic context landfill in the concern of the citizens of their communities and local government, many communities are now facing difficulties. EPA in 1991 issued a new technical standard landfill. Solve landfill management, including the constraints of location, design and operation standards, groundwater monitoring aspects. Even if the national landfill standards, reduce the landfill construction of new landfill capacity and still very difficult problem.
The EPA have explored several solutions to conserve landfill capacity, including engineering materials, such as plastic resistant to degradation, or, in other words, biodegradable viability. The biodegradable material may be broken down into simpler substances (e.g., elements and compounds) by the bacteria or other natural decomposition. Paper and most of the organic waste, such as food and leaves are biodegradable. Conversely, nonbiodegradable material can not be decomposed in the natural processes in the environment. In normal circumstances, the degradation in landfills speed is very slow, due to the design standards of the modern landfill, minimizing waste exposed to sunlight, air and moisture. In fact, even if the landfill decomposition of biodegradable organic materials may require decades, carrots and cabbage have been found in the form of identifiable, after several years of burial. Studies have shown that biodegradable materials may help reduce the risk of damage to wildlife and aesthetic (ie discarded six-pack beverage rings and packaging), but will not reduce the amount of waste or toxic, also did not provide a solution to the reduce the capacity of the landfills.
In a continuing effort to save landfill space, reduce the toxicity of the waste, EPA is currently studying the potential benefits and drawbacks of using the bioreactor landfill. The bioreactor landfills design Transform and a more rapid stabilization of organic components in the decomposition of the waste stream, by controlling the injection of a liquid or air to enhance the microbial degradation process. In other words, by controlling the moisture content of the bioreactor landfill to promote the microbial decomposition of the waste. Recent research results show that the bioreactor landfill the field successfully accelerate the degradation process (for example, from a few years to a few years), providing 15-30% of income, landfill space, and may reduce the postclosure care and leachate treatment costs. In addition, bioreactor technology, a significant increase in emissions of landfill gas, which is captured, and is typically used beneficially used for energy recovery. However, due to its complexity, the bioreactor landfill may be more expensive, and concern has been raised about increased odor, liner unstable surface seepage. EPA has initiated several checks the validity of this innovative technology research and pilot projects in the national and local governments and private companies to work together.
International Solid Waste Management
Everywhere, the environmentally sound management of solid waste generated solid waste processing and not limited to the United States. Management strategy of the same countries and regions, although the majority of program source reduction model addresses some combination of burning, recycling and garbage landfill waste. For example, the European Environment Agency (EEA) to provide similar integration level of the EPA's solid waste management guidance. Specifically, community waste strategy recommendations, the agency's 18-member countries, their top priority, followed by material recycling, energy recovery, and, finally, the waste safe disposal of waste prevention.

International Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the preparation of the global data, including environmental statistics, the 30 Member States. Comparison bar chart on the next page the total amount of municipal waste generated per year and per capita generation of municipal waste per year, respectively, by the United States and other OECD (OECD) member countries in 1997. The per capita rate of waste generation, significantly different by the State, the factors causing this difference may include the individual's lifestyle, and the country's economic structure. Although the definition of the individual countries may differ, the purpose of analysis here, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) on urban waste collection and waste or order of the city, including those resulting from households, commercial activities, office buildings, schools and government buildings, and other institutions and small businesses.

Municipal solid waste, no?? Environmentally sound management is always a problem, just because the community will continue to produce garbage due to the growing population and the growing demand for modern society. Federal, state and local governments, industry and the public work together has made substantial progress, and effectively respond to the problem of solid waste through source reduction, recycling, combustion, landfill program. This community program tailored to provide a possible long-term solutions, production, and ultimately reduced the amount of waste in landfills.

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