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Water, solid waste garbage crusher and crushed grille treatment
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-3-20 15:44:49
Soil pollution
Soil pollution is the destruction of the Earth's health, productive soil, our food is grown a thin layer. Fertile soil, farmers can not produce enough food to support the people of the world. Dependent on the health of the soil bacteria, fungi, and small animals release nutrients in the soil to break down waste. These nutrients help plant growth. Fertilizers and pesticides, soil biological waste treatment capacity is limited. Therefore, the excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides, farmers who can destroy the productivity of the soil. Many other human activities can also damage the soil. Irrigation and poor drainage in the soil of the arid region can leave water standing on the field. When standing water evaporates, leaving behind salt deposits, soil too salty crop growth. Mining operations and smelter pollution of toxic heavy metals in the soil. Many scientists believe that acid rain can also reduce the fertility of the soil.
Solid waste
Solid waste pollution may be the most obvious form. Every year, people tons of solid waste disposal of billions of dollars. The majority of industrial waste waste materials. Solid waste from the home, office and shop known as municipal solid waste. It includes paper, plastic, glass, metal cans, food scraps, and yard decoration. Other waste includes scrap of junked cars, scrap metal, agricultural products processing, is called spoil mining waste, solid waste disposal is a problem, because most of the processing method of the environmental impact. Stored in the open air, land, destruction of the natural beauty, rats, and other disease-carrying animals a home. Either open dumps and landfill the buried waste field may contain toxins seep into groundwater or flow into rivers and lakes. Uncontrolled burning of solid waste generated smoke and other air pollution. Toxic chemicals released into the air, even if the waste incinerator burning ash and harmful metal.
Hazardous waste
Hazardous waste from discarded material and can threaten human health and the environment. The waste is hazardous, and other materials corrosive wear out; explosion, burns easily, and the strong reaction of water, or toxic. Sources of hazardous waste, including industrial, hospitals and laboratories. These wastes can cause direct harm, when people breathing, swallowing, or touch it. When buried underground or remain stacked in the open air, some hazardous waste pollute the air, surface water, crops and food crops. Improper handling or accidental release of hazardous waste, disasters caused many around the world. For example, in 1978, the leakage of dangerous chemicals in Western New York's Love Canal area threatened the health of residents near a waste disposal site. Hundreds of people were forced to leave their homes. In 1984, a pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, toxic gas leak, killing more than 2800 people were killed and more than 20,000 cause eye and respiratory damage. Hazardous waste serious harm to the health of people, wildlife and plants. These pollutants include radiation, pesticides, heavy metals, radiation is an invisible part of the contaminants will pollute the environment. Most radiation from natural sources, such as minerals and the sun's rays. Scientists can also produce radioactive elements in their laboratory. Exposure in nuclear reactors and weapons factories of large amounts of radiation can damage the radioactive waste produced by the cells cause cancer. Constitute a potentially serious environmental problems. For thousands of years, this kind of waste, radioactive able to maintain. Secure storage of radioactive waste is both difficult and expensive. Environment, pesticides can travel great distances. When sprayed on crops or in the garden, the pesticide can be blown to other areas. They can also flow into a nearby creek rain can penetrate through the soil into groundwater. Certain pesticides may be many years, and remain in the environment, is passed from one organism to another. For example, when the pesticide is the stream, small fish and other organisms can absorb them. The bigger fish eat these contaminated organisms to establish a large number of pesticides in their flesh. This process is called bioaccumulation.
Heavy metals like mercury and lead. Mining operations, solid waste incinerators, industrial process control, automotive heavy metals that can be released into the environment. Pesticides as they are durable and can be spread through the environment. In addition, such as pesticides, they can be collected animal bones and other tissue. Heavy metals in the body and may cause damage to the bones, internal organs and nervous system. Many people can also lead to cancer.
Noise pollution
Noise pollution from such machines, aircraft, automobiles, engineering machinery, industrial equipment, etc.. The noise does not dirty the air, water or land, but it can cause discomfort, anxiety, hearing loss in humans and other animals.
The solid waste may be included in sufficiently high concentrations is toxic minerals and other chemicals. Some minerals are good soil, such as iron. As iron rust, iron oxide is mixed with soil. However, some minerals, such as heavy metals are toxic the damage creatures living in the soil solid waste need to go places. If properly managed, it is placed in sinkholes and abandoned quarries. Sometimes people instead of dumping in a natural area, because it is cheaper and more convenient for them. This will affect the region's plants can not be grown in an object depends on the soil habitat. However, according to some animals, fungi, and plant material, may benefit from it, because they can use it as a sunlight, predators refuge or shelter, heat, rain, etc., to reduce solid waste recycling not in the economic sense, but is actually repeated use of things when they are no longer in their functionality. This has been done in the past, but after World War II developed into a consumer-driven society, things get a one-off, people lose the skills they need to solve, because it is cheap enough to throw them away and buy new . Therefore, there are many elements of the problem, and encourage reuse, need a good reason people do not reuse projects in the past on the basis of their cost. Pick up solid waste recycling centers, can greatly reduce the illegal dumping of this material occurs frequently.
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