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The ten water pollution solutions and Issues of
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-3-26 14:52:40
Water pollution is a serious problem in the United States and other regions of the world. Many solutions to this problem, but the problem of water pollution, all industry and consumers will only be solved once and for all in a unified effort to make the world a cleaner joint efforts.
Reduce air pollution, reduce water pollution
If people drive less, you will reduce the nitrogen in the air. Nitrogen deposition will lead to a lot of nutrient pollution in lakes and rivers.
Nutrition, water and pesticide pollution solution involves the introduction of more environmentally friendly agricultural practices, such as no-till farming, biodynamic agriculture and utilization of settling ponds to reduce groundwater runoff into.
Wetlands provides a natural solution to the pollution of the water body
The re-establishment of wetlands and to prevent persists destruction of water pollution will be reduced, because of the surge in the running as a buffer and filter pollutants in lakes and rivers.
Sewage treatment system improvements will reduce pollution
Many sewage treatment plants have been out of date and needs to be improved to stop the system of pipeline leak further contamination to the water system.
Conserve water and limit the pressure of the septic systems, and the possibility of waste to enter natural waters is significantly shortened.
Forest Law is like a sponge, absorbing rainwater, catch it, until it has been filtered through them. This can prevent the occurrence of runoff. Clean water, and then to nearby streams, rivers and lakes.
Despite some progress, the United States has made since the 1980s in the solution of the water pollution, but not enough measures to control non-point or diffuse?? Sources of water pollution - when rain, snow melt or similar operation or spread through the ground, pick up the deposition of pollutants in lakes, rivers and oceans. According to the EPA, 40% of surveyed rivers, lakes and estuaries is not clean enough for fishing or swimming in 2009.
Law, hoping to help solve the problem of water pollution. For example, the 1987 Clean Water Act amendments established agricultural non-point source management plan, and in the 1990 Coastal Zone Act Reauthorization amendment to establish coastal non-point source pollution projects.
Although the laws in place to prevent further water pollution, they are not always effectively implemented. Solve the water pollution problem step by step toward the implementation of the law has passed.
People can make small changes in their daily lives, to help reduce the problem of water pollution. This is one way to do to avoid littering, reduce the use of plastic bags and properly handle the old paint and varnish. Individuals can also help to buy organic food, household cleaners and personal care products, to eliminate chemical runoff, and avoid drugs possible, avoid meat has proposed the use of drugs and hormones.
Industrial pollution caused huge body of water, and their activities. These are mainly from: sulfur - This is a non-metallic material is harmful to marine organisms. Asbestos - carcinogenic pollutants. When inhaled, it may cause the disease, such as asbestos and many types of cancer.
Lead and Mecury - these metal elements, humans and animals can cause environmental and health problems. It is toxic. It is usually very difficult to put it to clean the environment, once you get into it, because it is non-biodegradable.
Nitrates and phosphates - these are found in the fertilizer from the soil, often washed into nearby water body. They may cause eutrophication on the marine environment, which is very problematic.
Oil - to form a thick layer of oil on the water, because they do not dissolve in water. This can prevent marine plants receiving enough light for photosynthesis. This is harmful to fish and seabirds. A typical example is that in 2012 caused the death of thousands of animal species BP oil spill sewage and waste water every day, we cook, wash clothes, flush toilets, wash our cars, shower and use the water to do many things. Think about how we use in schools, hospitals and public places water. Do you think that the end of all the water, waste water, toilet and urine? Development in many communities, all of this water soluble waste (sewage) treatment, cleaning, pour into the sea. Although they are treated, they never freshwater. Click on the red button, take a look at the sewage treatment: in some less developed countries, sewage treatment, but quickly dumped into the sea or water. This is very dangerous, because they pollute the environment, water and brought us many deadly diseases.
Each connected to a domestic (home) toilet septic tank usually located outside the house. Each poo punch down toilet into the tank, wherein the solid portion of the liquid part is separated. The biological process is used to break the solid and liquid discharge to ground drainage system. From this stage, it can escape into the soil and near water bodies, marine and ocean dumping that all our garbage make each day. Waste paper, food waste, plastic, rubber, metal and aluminum scrap. In some countries, there are also deposited into the sea. All need these types of waste decomposition. Embodiments, it is to know that the paper takes about six weeks, will take about 200 years of aluminum and glass will take longer. When these end in the sea, they harm marine animals, resulting in a large number of deaths.
Daily transport, runoff and dumping the grease of the ocean surface daily. Oil spill into the ocean about 12% of the oil. The oil spill caused a major problem, and can go to the local marine wildlife, such as fish, birds and sea otters and other aquatic organisms is extremely harmful. Because the oil is not dissolved, it stays in the water and suffocate fish. Oil caught to prevent their flight feathers of seabirds. The result of the death of some animals.
Many liquid products (petroleum products) are stored in the metal and underground steel pipe. Other sewage treatment system is running in the underground pipe. In time, they rust, and began to leak. If this happens, they are in many nearby water pollution, soil and liquid.
Atmospheric deposition is caused by air pollution, water pollution. Each air pollution, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, which is mixed with water particles in the air, and the formation of a toxic substance. This belongs to the acid rain on the ground, being washed into the water. As a result, also looked at the contaminated water, which can affect animals and aquatic organisms.
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