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Developed countries several major types of water pollution
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-4-7 16:01:46
An inch storm?? Rain receives 27,000 gallons of water per acre. Where is it all go? Into streams, rivers, lakes, ponds, and on the ground. Along its path, the water picks up pollutants from the air and on the ground, carrying these pollutants waterways. A 2000 survey by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency found that 40% of rivers and 45 lakes in the United States is considered to be too fishing, swimming, or aquatic biological contamination.
Can be divided into five categories: sediment, chemicals, oxygen consumption is a major source of pollutants of nutrients, metals and biological contamination of our waterways.
Like dirt in the water will not be a problem, but the sediment will clog fish gills, reduce visibility fish, reducing photosynthesis of aquatic plants, increase the water temperature by absorbing more sunlight. These changes may have a devastating effect on aquatic ecosystems. According to the 1992 EPA report sediments leading to the pollution of surface water. This is our stop erosion to limit this type of contaminated soil and place a buffer between the open space and waterways.
Chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides, automotive fluids and industrial wastewater is often not easy to break, can take a long time in the environment affect the health of many organisms. Some chemicals also have a nasty tendency to bioaccumulation, "This means that high on the food chain, things can, in a very dangerous pollutant levels reduce the quantities of the chemicals we use, and must be properly disposed of, helps to keep the water clean.
Household cleaners, lawn fertilizers, farm runoff contributed a lot of nutrients to our nation's waterways. The more nutrients result is to increase the growth of plants and algae. Although the increase in growth sounds good, plant shade and cooling water. When the plants die decomposition use up all the oxygen in the water leaving no other aquatic organisms. The result is a "dead zone", which rarely life can survive. Many people do not know how many of their cleaners and the effect of the use of chemicals in the water of life. The nutrient pollution teach others to help out, be sure to use fewer chemicals at home.
Metals, such as arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury from industrial, power generation, mining, vehicle use and improper waste disposal. Most of these found there way into the atmosphere?? Rain down. Some metals pick up the runoff. Either way, they pollute rivers, lakes and oceans. Some metal is harmful to health, but like some of the chemicals, bioaccumulation. We can use less energy, buy fewer things. This ensures that the material is discarded in close to the water, where it will be less polluting. If we do so, we will reduce the metal in the water, the aquatic environment and health.
Biological contamination, including pathogens (viruses, bacteria and protozoa) and invasive or non-native species. Biological contaminants potentially serious hazards of local aquatic organisms, and even human health. Does not mean that just because a plant or animal species can be found in a geographic area, has been living in there. Many animals have been introduced to the movement or beauty waterways. This may damage the local wildlife, there may be no other place on the planet. Plants are often accidental introduction the bottom of a boat, or the plant aquarium into streams. The introduction of alien invasive species you are helping to keep the water clean, and maintain the health of native wildlife.
Reduce pollution in our waterways health of aquatic ecosystems that support all life is very important. We can all do our part to make a positive choice when it comes to the buffer, waste and recycling, our homes and gardens, our energy, how we move things around.
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