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A comprehensive analysis on water pollution source of insights and crushed grille
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-4-8 15:28:26
Water pollution affects everyone. Human beings need a lot of water to survive, and the supply of contaminated water is very dangerous. The most common cause of water pollution may be rotting fecal bacteria into the water supply through the feces into the water supply. These are usually coliforms, total coliforms, E. coli. Coliform non-harmful, but E. coli can be highly contagious. General water pollution
In addition to waterborne bacteria, as well as other pollutants, such as chemicals or other harmful substances. This can happen in many ways. Period of time, which is the the common liquid waste dumped into the river, it is assumed that it will only wash away. Things like dumping ingredients of paint, and printed circuit board into rivers causing huge problem. Even today, many of these problem areas are still clean. General Electric to dumping in the Hudson River PCBs result in more than a decade of continuous, clean-up, recently on the Hudson River dredging project.
May include other polluted water that is not a native plant. Yarrow in the United States is a huge problem, because it has no natural enemies. Yarrow thriving presence of pollutants, so it is The common yarrow take over the polluted water and get rid of other plants and fish, lake or other body of water of oxygen consumption. Yarrow is very difficult to control because boating is often overlooked in their boat Ma Daou yarrow, and quickly transported to other water bodies.
Many people think only about the lakes, rivers and streams, when it comes to contaminated water, but can also be a source of pollution of groundwater. This is particularly problematic, because many groundwater source is used as drinking water.
In many parts of the world, towns and villages rely on well water and ground water sources are contaminated, they will poison a lot of people. Groundwater sources are also more difficult to clean than surface water. In many cases, the individuals responsible for groundwater pollution, dumping of waste, waste oil, too close to the wells, or higher than the underground streams.
Non-point source water pollution
Nonpoint pollution usually results in runoff. This includes water from the parking lot, streets, lawns, into the ditch, or storm drains. Various types of waste can become a non-point source water pollution. The fertilizer often polluted water pollution, because it can lead to eutrophication. Eutrophication, algae and other plants become so common, they let other vegetation, fish, or animal life can not live.
Nonpoint pollution
Water pollution point source pollution directly into the water supply. This includes companies deliberately dumped into the water pollutants. When the ship close to the lake dumping of waste or used oil or individuals, which is the point source water pollution. Point source water pollution is not only intentional, broken pollution control systems can lead to this type of pollution.
Measuring water pollution.
There are different methods to measure water pollution. Involved to take water samples, and attempt to determine how many contaminants, such as bacteria or chemical, including water in different areas, and to measure the overall amount of pollution. Other methods can also be used as well. Certain animals or algae susceptible to a lot of contamination, and can be used to determine the presence of contamination in a system.
Controlling Water Pollution
There are many ways to control the pollution of water, or to sell something, could contaminate water. Generally, this is divided into two categories. A method of processing wastes and sewage, to prevent it, it is allowed to enter the environmental pollutants. Another is separated from the water, either permanently or incineration before incurable waste disposal in a special place. The control of water pollution is broadly divided into the following four categories.
Agricultural waste water and control its methods
Agricultural wastewater runoff irrigation systems. This water can be a lot of pesticides or fertilizers neither the environment as a whole, which is good. The primary means to control wastewater reuse. Farms operating small-scale water treatment facilities design, removal of pesticide, and often incidentally fertilizer, can be reused for irrigation?? Water, which saves the need to take water from the local water resources, and reduce damage to surrounding habitat.
Sewage and control method
Sewage often a by-product of the septic system. A septic tank, around its structure, essentially a small sewage treatment plant. Septic system, rather than a complex machine to filter waste, the use of the ground dirt filter waste, storage of hazardous waste, can not be considered to be very easy. While these need to be drawn out, and sometimes delete incurable waste septic tank usually can last for years, if necessary properly constructed.
Industrial wastewater and control method
There are several methods which industries can be in the water system damage. Many industries, even those that use water, very slightly purpose, does not seem to pose a threat to the environment, to do so because the volume of water used. Industry, dangerous water as a byproduct of its business, such as a paint factory. Nuclear power plants and other types of energy plants, with water as a means to generate energy, requiring constant release of hot water, which may be a dangerous fish and wildlife in the vicinity of these facilities.
Urban runoff / rain and means of control it
Urban runoff water to the treatment of one of the most difficult types of pollutants is a complete unknown. Urban runoff and rain, you can include everything from saliva, fast food packaging, almost any form of waste. Unfortunately, in many cases, the rainwater directly into lakes, streams and rivers. Are dealing with more frequent rain today, it is released to the environment, but it is still one of the largest sources of water pollution.
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