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Groundwater precipitate the degree of pollution monitoring and garbage crusher
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-4-12 13:59:13
The data set can be classified, descriptive listing and geographic queries and delivered to the user. The compilation of this data will contribute to the MDEQ, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Geological Survey and other stakeholders' access to existing water quality data and other relevant information.
GIS tools package to provide users with easy access to the water quality data, each of the project partners. The kit also provides the ability to zoom in to a specific area and check out all the available water quality data in the designated area. Users can also generate a report, including maps. In addition, the toolkit will provide links to websites for more information. A brief description of the following lists each data layer of the project partners
Data search Layers
MDEQ data
Point source licenses: surface water pollution, unsafe drinking water, fishing, swimming, and other activities. According to the Clean Water Act, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program control surface water discharge of pollutants into the waters of the United States by regulating point source pollution. Point source is discrete conveyance, such as pipes or man-made ditches discharge sewage into surface water bodies in Mississippi. Individual homes, whether or not connected to the municipal system, or use a septic system, or no surface discharge do not need to obtain NPDES permits
Stormwater permit: storm water permit is a point source licensing restrictions, only stormwater runoff.
319 BMP Website: Best Management Practices (BMP) data layer is a compilation of the BMP position funded Section 319 of the Clean Water Act. BMP generally described as an acceptable practice, from non-point source (NPS) pollution to protect water quality. Layer within the data, from 1999 to the present, and will be regularly updated new data become available. For more information on bone morphogenetic protein in the Mississippi download the following manuals.
enSPIRE website: of Enspire (surface water environment repository and exchange portal) data systems design, according to the environmental management of the Clean Water Act surface water quality data collection and preservation of MDEQ planning and evaluation purposes (ie environment fixed station bridge?? monitoring program network stool network environment, MBISQ station, etc.). site layer of EnSpire water quality including monitoring and evaluation data about the the MDEQ staff of information, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, planning, development, stakeholder and public places.
It borders. Currently, all authorized project in Mississippi Yazoo Basin. Vicksburg District, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Yazoo Basin site data layer in water quality sampling stations in the past 10 years has collected more than one surface water samples?? Products. In this layer District since 2005, Steele estuary basin along the large sunflower River lower station and 3 stops per month to collect surface water grab sample, a discrete sample location has not yet been determined. In 2009, the District samples collected from Cassidy estuaries and opossum estuary. Part of the other station is located in the data layer the Delta fixed station monitoring network, which is the U.S. Geological Survey, the MDEQ and the Vicksburg area, cooperation between
: U.S. Geological Survey in the selected site of surface water and groundwater to maintain water physical and chemical properties, including pH, conductivity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, continuous recording tool. Support data is also available on some Web sites, such as air temperature and air pressure. In this information is automatically sent on the site, all of the data from the real-time data systems. Real-time data time series (recorded at regular intervals) automation equipment in the data and represents the most hydrological conditions. Measurements are usually recorded in a time interval of 15 - 60 minutes to transfer to the real-time database of the U.S. Geological Survey, every 1-4 hours. Real-time data available online for 120 days.
Real-time flow: in the choice of surface water sites, the USGS maintenance tool continuous record of water level. Other data such as precipitation in some sites. In this information is automatically sent on the site, all of the data from the real-time data systems. Real-time data is the time series (fixed interval recordedat) automation equipment in data and represents the most hydrological conditions. Recording measurements are usually in the 15 - and 60-minute time interval and the USGS real-time database to every 1-4 hours. Real-time data is available online for 120 days,
Surface water quality in 1980, the United States Geological Survey collection and analysis from across the chemical, physical and biological characteristics of water, sediment and tissue samples. The basis of NWISWeb discrete sample data is September 2005 by compiling a history of more than 44,000 USGS data base in water quality analysis. The discrete sample data is a large and complex data sets has collected a variety of projects, including research from national programs small watershed. Data from the site and / or water samples, biological tissue, stream sediment, or other environmental samples, laboratory analysis. Data including approval of the quality assurance data released provisional data, its accuracy has not been confirmed. For convenience, the data sets have been collected in 1980, is divided into
: U.S. Geological Survey collection and analysis from across the water, sediment and tissue samples of the chemical, physical and biological characteristics. The discrete samples data base in NWISWeb September 2005, a compilation of more than 44,000 historical USGS data base in water quality analysis. The discrete sample data is a large and complex data sets has collected a variety of projects, including research from national programs small watershed. Data from the site and / or water samples, biological tissue, stream sediment, or other environmental samples, laboratory analysis. Data including approval of the quality assurance data released provisional data, its accuracy has not been confirmed. For convenience, the data set is divided into collection after 1980,
Groundwater quality: U.S. Geological Survey in the choice of groundwater sites, maintenance tools, continue to hit new water physical and chemical properties, including pH, conductivity, temperature, dissolved oxygen and dissolved - oxygen saturation. Support data is also available on some Web sites, such as air temperature and air pressure. In addition, the data from the field and / or laboratory analysis of discrete water samples are included. The data includes the approval of the quality assurance of the published data, as well as more recent provisional data, whose accuracy has not been confirmed.
Interests of the user to provide additional background layer. These impaired waters, drainage areas, national land cover data set (NLCD) 2001 land use, the designated use of the water, as well as other base layer,
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