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The watershed pollution everyone lives in a watershed
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-4-15 10:57:06

A watershed area of ??land, all the water is discharged into a common body of water. Watershed in many shapes and sizes: hilly, flat, rock, forest and wetlands. Basin can be very small, such as hundreds of acres discharged into the creek, is still very large, like the 64,000-square-mile Chesapeake Bay watershed.

A watershed, including rivers or tributaries along its course empty. Several small watershed basin, creating a series in a larger region known as the watershed basin.

Water into a watershed, through direct and indirect means. Precipitation in the form of rain or snow water seeping through the soil into surface runoff, directly or indirectly, through the groundwater system.

Watershed pollution

Occurred in the small watershed event, whether it is good or bad, ultimately affect the inflow of large watershed into the downstream water quality of rivers and lakes.

Substances in the water eventually flow system is not unique. Chemical contaminants, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, garbage, debris watershed drainage into the stream. From many sources, these foreign substances can continue to lower the surrounding habitat and life, their support for the health of the stream system adversely.

Even if the home is not next to a stream, it is a watershed, the practice of ordinary families can contribute to the pollution of the whole into the water system. A watershed actions taken anywhere can affect the quality and quantity of the stream ... and eventually water supply.

Watershed Land Use

Land use change is inevitable. However, the rate of land use change due to environmental issues, especially in river water quality.

Urban development increases impervious surface (roofs, roads, driveways, sidewalks and parking), resulting in more stormwater runoff. More runoff into the river changed natural ecosystems. Unless stormwater management, erosion control strategies, and carefully consider the watershed of the riparian zone management plan, the degradation can be expected.

Careful planning, taking into account the location and design of man-made structures is essential. A new building or road planning must include stormwater runoff control, maintenance of riparian buffer zones, wetlands and mountain forest and location plans.

Development does not have to be stopped, but should minimize the potential harm local streams. Local governments should encourage developers to implement appropriate management of land and streams, the development of the basin. The entire basin must be considered as a whole ecosystems, adversely affect the other part in a part of the imbalance.

Watershed management

Land use to prevent soil erosion, a large number of stormwater runoff and pollutant characteristics of a well-managed watershed. On the other hand, overgrazing, excessive use of improper management of agricultural land, urban runoff out of control, and poor management of land for urban development battered the characteristics of the basin.

Basin to maintain water quality for fish, waterfowl and other aquatic organisms an integral part of a healthy ecosystem, of course??, Swimming, fishing, and human consumption. Take care of streams and rivers, clean up the environment, protect land and water for future generations is an important part.

Make a difference

Factor in animal cost of loss of habitat, the establishment of the development of cost / benefit analysis.
Maintain a buffer zone on both sides of the flow area large enough to accommodate the amount of water delivered during the storm.
Restoration and maintenance of wetlands. Wetlands as a filter and flood control mechanism.
Use of permeable paving materials, so that the rainwater to penetrate into the surface, rather than run directly into a stream.
Maintain natural vegetation cover as much as possible. A tree can not replace the benefits of a mature tree.
Soil erosion control development sites.
Promote environmental settings, restore the damaged areas, to maintain quality of the stream, and encourage wildlife.
Water supply in the northern Virginia area is more than enough to meet current demand, but in the future, it may not be so. This is a valuable resource that must be protected and protected.

Conservation to save money

Saving water means saving a lot of sewer, energy and water bill. For owners and septic systems, water conservation, reducing wear and tear on the system and pumping well water requires less energy.

The general reduction in water use can also reduce implies the need for new or expanded sewage treatment facilities. Preservation is not the duty, to expand existing facilities, can be used to improve the water treatment technology.

Facts on the water on Earth

About 80% of the Earth's surface is covered by water.
Earth having the same amount of water when the formation of the planet.
Only one percent of the water on the Earth, the available fresh water. The remainder is salt water (97%) and water is frozen in glaciers (2%).
Natural circulation of water in the endless cycle.
Water consumption today may have to drink a glass of dinosaurs.
100 gallons of water per day.
(The most recent year figures are from 1995), the United States uses more than 360,000 gallons of fresh water.
In the United States, more than 50% of the charge has been degraded wetlands and groundwater purification.
Earth will not get more water.
Make a difference

Use low-flow faucets and showerheads, the reduced flow toilet facilities, water-saving dishes and washing machine.
Check for leaks. If you are using without water of table dial to move, there is a leak.
Take short showers instead of a full bathtub. Do not let the tap run unnecessarily.
Using only loaded with vegetables and washing machine.
Install a rain barrel or rainwater cisterns to capture reuse.
Car Wash only when necessary. Using a bucket and a nozzle, water conservation.
Into commercial car wash efficiency of water use and disposal of runoff correct.
Water the coolest part of the lawn to avoid evaporation of the day. Use slow-watering techniques, such as drip irrigation or soaker hose.
Use mulch to maintain soil moisture.
Do not over-water the lawn or garden.

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