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Water quality testing and watershed pollution control pipe crusher crushed grille
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-4-19 10:59:04
Requires data, to identify troubled stream and / or discover the trend, which will lead to future problems. This will lead to initiate corrective action. There are three ways: assessing the health of a stream flow away, biological monitoring and chemical monitoring.
Decided to pursue what type of monitoring to identify monitoring may already be in progress. Check other groups watershed (civic groups, homeowners associations, youth groups), the local Department of Health, Ministry of Public Works of the local, state and federal environmental agencies. Began investigating a little bit of time, and avoid duplication of efforts.
Stream Walk the stream home city of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) process, the volunteers along the stream on a regular basis, and the physical condition is observed and recorded. Nutrition habitat erosion or impairment of visual observation, may result in immediate corrective action.
The general health of the flow can be measured Compare insect populations and diversity of damaged and undamaged difference between the stream insect species. Healthy streams and aquatic insects have different families. Biological monitoring procedure describes how to collect the macroinvertebrates, aquatic insects, in a systematic manner, and how to calculate each of the different types of digital or family. This check will have a certain degree of pollution levels, but different pollution. Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District to provide of continuous volunteer training, equipment and reporting format.
Measuring the concentration of certain chemicals in the stream, it will directly determine the directions of the pollutants, and often to the source of contamination. Water samples can be analyzed, using the easy access to the package in order to determine the concentration of major pollutants. The following parameters can be measured: temperature (air and water), acidity (pH value), dissolved oxygen (DO), nitrate (N), phosphorus (P), turbidity, suspended solids, fecal coliform.
Do not go alone stream.
Wear the right clothes.
Avoid flooding and storm conditions.
Be able to identify poisonous plants, animals, and avoid them.
Know the location of the nearest medical center.
Carefully before eating, cleaning, rub your eyes, or in contact with the mouth stream. There may be the toxic substances in water or biological.
Septic system wastewater treatment systems, individual families dealing with small-scale sewage flow using soil. Septic systems are generally found in rural areas a lot of settings, centralized wastewater treatment is impractical.
Groundwater and surface water an integral part of a watershed, or may be the normal operation of a septic system. Septic system normal operation, do not pollute the groundwater. On the other hand, does not work properly, the system can lead to serious health threat to family members and neighbors to reduce nearby water bodies and groundwater, reducing the value of the property and are expensive to repair, and water supply users at risk.
Incorrect cleaning system, clogging emissions regional lines, frequent use of chlorine bleach, roots in the system, a water table is higher than the system, poor soil percolation, septic system failures and possible water pollution caused by saturated soil .
A septic system wastewater treatment, solids to settle in the tank and excess water into the ground soil, which in turn filter pollutants. The problem occurs when the soil is clogged with solids discharge area Septic. Once the soil becomes clogged, which is able to absorb water effluent from the septic system, which can carry rain nearby stream surface ponding. A similar situation occurred tanks and drain line clogging the sewage untreated into the soil.
Warning signs, sewage surfacing emission region, especially in a storm in the house wastewater reuse
Lush green growth, the emission region
Slow drainage, toilet or drain
Sewage odor
Make a difference
Tank pump and system checks.
Maintain a record of pumping, inspection, maintenance and others.
Practice water conservation. Repair dripping faucets and leaking toilets, only run washing machines and dishwashers, avoid prolonged shower, and use water-saving features faucets, shower, toilet.
Learn septic systems and the location of the emission region. Keep convenient service access to its sketch. If the system has a shunt valve, to learn its location, and it once a year. The flow shunt can add years to the life of the system.
Transfer the rooftop drainage and surface water from driveways and hillsides away from the septic system. Liquid pump outlet position to maintain and house drains diversion away from septic systems as possible.
Leftover hazardous household chemicals approved hazardous waste collection and disposal center. Use bleach, disinfectants and drain and toilet cleaner cautious in accordance with the product label. Take a look at the safety of septic systems in those countries.
Reserved area of ??only manicured grass cover emission region intact. From near the root of the trees and shrubs may clog and damage drain lines.
Do not drive or park on top of any part of the system.
Do not let the repair septic systems did not get the required health department permit. Use professional licensed septic tanks contractor need of repair.
Do not septic tank or planting trees and shrubs near the scene.
Do not use commercial septic tank additives. These products usually do not help in the long run may damage the system.
Do not use the toilet or the drains the trash in nondegradables dumping.
Do not poison the septic systems and groundwater pouring harmful chemicals down the drain. They can kill beneficial bacteria and waste water treatment. Out of the system to view the following materials:
Oils, disposable diapers, and plastics.
Poison gasoline, oil, paint, paint thinner, pesticides, antifreeze.
A healthy lawn is beneficial to the environment
Lawn care knowledge and responsible approach is key to maintain a good lawn and a healthy environment in the surrounding community.
The nature of the work, rather than against it. Healthy grass found that it is rich in insects and worms feeding ground for birds. Grass to prevent soil erosion, the rainwater filter pollutants, and absorb pollutants in the air, such as various types of dust and smoke. The grass is a high efficiency of the converter, carbon dioxide, oxygen, which helps to clean the air.
Soil composition test. Virginia Cooperative Extension can recommend nutrition needs to be added to support the intended use.
Develop healthy soil. Growth good, Lawn need good soil texture, some key nutrients, while the right side of the pH value or balanced acidity / alkalinity.
Water deeply, but not too often. This is the best watering the lawn only when really needed it.
Select a type of grass, thrive in a particular environment. The right type of grass, the one that suits the specific needs and like local weather, will always produce better results.
Mao, often with a sharp blade. Maintain a high blade will have a stronger, healthier grass has a better root system and reduce pest problems.
Correct thatch establish. When thatch depth of more than 1/2 inch, it can prevent water and nutrients to penetrate into the soil and grass-roots. Reduce the thatch rake the lawn or use of a machine to break it.
Soil aeration. Aeration helps the water to seep into the soil, and allows the circulation of air around the grassroots. For the purchase or lease of soil aerators information, please call the local nursery or leasing companies.
Recycling grass clippings. So that they can be reduced up to 70% on the lawn fertilization. Cool-season grass in the fall fertilization to promote root health system.
Set realistic goals. Greens perfect is not necessarily a goal.
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