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An organic recycling work refused to pollution
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-4-23 14:05:42
The cover is an organic material such as sawdust, grass clippings, leaves, or is distributed in the surface of the soil, compost. The film is an easy way to end waste back and forth.
Plastic film whether or not to do?
Mulch to conserve water, keep weeds, regulate soil temperature. It also protects from the the ground rain and traffic caused by erosion and compaction. Mulch earthworms and other necessary healthy soil and plants soil organisms provide ideal conditions. The plastic film is broken down into humus, which feed the soil. A good coverage should be readily available, easy to apply, and stay in place without too much effort.
Application of mulch
Applies the override before the weed area.
The spread covered as much as possible from the outermost branches (drip line) or around the plant to cover the entire flower garden.
Spread to cover thick, if the water is able to penetrate the plant if it does not stifle the root plastic film.
The three inches overwrite secure any large trees can accept up to eight inches in woody plants.
Azaleas, azaleas, or other shallow-rooted plants, avoid the use of thick cover.
Find materials
See in the yard. Each yard grass or leaves can be made into coverage.
Wood chips. Contact a local tree service, landscaper or nursery.
Buy shredders, chippers, lawn and garden equipment shop.
Rotary mower: encounter dry leaves, fine-textured annuals and smaller plants to cover.
Small electric chipper: woody stems and branches up to 1/4 inch thick covered with fine texture.
Gas-powered mill: A five to eight horsepower unit is capable of processing material diameter of 3 inches.
Large-scale gas-powered crusher: This type of unit can handle 6 inches in diameter wood waste. Coverage of larger, faster decisions.
General rules
Annuals and perennials: coverage, breaking in a relatively short period of time, such as grass clippings and leaves.
Trees and shrubs: an attractive thick layer of wood chips, requires very little maintenance.
Clipping: spread over the vegetable and flower beds or mixed with a thick layer of leaves and spread in a thin layer. Clippings remain less than an inch, to prevent seats, allowing water to penetrate the soil.
Leaves: deciduous tree leaves, spread coverage in the fall. Evergreen leaves can be used, but take longer to open the deep color and attenuation.
Pulverized sawdust and other wood material used on the surface, but not mixed into the soil.
What is composting?
Composting, also known as humus, the recovered organic substances. This is a dark, crumbly, part of a collection of decaying plant products. Composting is to create a biological process, many of the bacterial decomposition of plant material.
What is the value of the compost?
Composting is a practical and convenient way, yard waste into resources. This is a valuable tool for anyone with a garden, lawn, trees, shrubs, and even flower racks. Through the use of the compost, the organic material is returned to the soil. This process improves plant growth to become a better texture, breaking the heavy clay, add water and sandy soil nutrient retention capacity, will add essential nutrients to any soil. Soil improvement, to improve the health of the plant, reducing the use of chemical fertilizers, clean air, the first step to prevent soil erosion losses.
What can compost?
The compost can be used for many types of organic materials. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), grass clippings, leaves, hay, straw, weeds, manure, ground corncobs, corn stalks, sawdust, shredded newspaper, wood ash, hedge clippings and plant waste from the garden compost possibility of just minority.
Food waste composting, be careful. Composting only vegetable scraps. Do NOT compost meat, bones, fatty foods (cheese, salad dressing, cooking oil), or pet feces. These projects may attract dogs, rats and other animals, and in the decomposition process, you can develop an unpleasant odor. Instead, these items are placed in the regular garbage.
Individuals can enhance their ability to form small groups to strengthen its efforts to determine the actual or potential problems, and to exert the necessary pressure to take corrective measures to improve water quality. Anchored experienced in these programs will increase the effectiveness of these groups or national organizations.
Commitment. Recognize the need to invest time and effort in a few years. Do not use, unless there will be a follow-up project through the efforts.
Limit the target. Select waterway or stream under part of the continuum of care.
And form a group. Advocacy efforts. Please contact your local homeowner organizations, environmental groups, civic associations and youth groups to provide support and membership base. There is a kick-off meeting.
Develop an action plan. Perform initial flow away "inventory problem. The response to the obvious question. Proposed plan of action from the establishment of the organization.
Understand the law. There are many laws and regulations designed to protect the environment and regulate hazardous activities. For more information, call the state and local officials.
Create an organizational structure. Definition and allocation of responsibilities. Social Survey, talent and money.
Access to local political organizations and backed by ethnic / national volunteer organization dedicated to improving water quality. Contact Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District, as a first step, with a network of organizations involved.
Do a good job in the concrete and valuable things. Planning and implementation of a stream clean-up. Cooperation Organization involving all Member States.
Start the water quality monitoring. Joined the Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District or the Audubon Museum Society, and other organizations and to obtain the training package, and survey forms. The small group of volunteers assigned monitoring points, in order to maintain the initiative and hard work results.
Publicity. The findings and corrective actions to be taken to improve the water quality of the message spread. Organized?? Seminar homeowner lawn care, fertilization, mulching, and composting.
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