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The causes and effects of water pollution and water pollution solutions
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-4-24 16:02:14
Our primary focus will be found in this water pollution solutions - both personal and global level.
Therefore, we will explore the causes and effects of water quality contamination by other articles of this website.
Our hope is that, in this discussion, many visitors will be actively involved in, and help us get the word out as soon as possible.
And various types of water pollution
Water pollution from a single source, such as a factory waste or oil spills, it is called point source pollution. If it comes from many sources, it is called non-point source pollution.
Most types of water pollution affects not only the neighborhood, but sometimes pollution can travel hundreds or thousands of miles, then it is known as cross-border pollution.
These different types of water pollution from different sources: surface water, groundwater, micro-organisms, depletion of oxygen, nutrients, suspended solids, chemical.
1. Surface water pollution
Pollution of surface water is the most obvious forms of pollution, we can see it floating in our waters, lakes, rivers and oceans.
From human consumption, such as mineral water bottles, plastic and other waste products, is the most common trash can be seen in the water. This type of pollution from oil spills and waste of gasoline floating on the water, affecting the water and its inhabitants.
2. Groundwater pollution
This type of pollution becomes more and more relevant, because it will affect our drinking water and the aqueous layer below the soil.
Is usually caused by the highly toxic chemicals and pesticides from agriculture, through the ground leakage polluted wells and aquifers below the surface groundwater pollution.
3. Microbial contamination
Microbial contamination, is the natural form of uncured water water pollution caused by microorganisms. Most of these creatures are harmless, but some bacteria, viruses and protozoa may lead to serious diseases such as cholera and typhoid.
This is a major problem, people in third world countries have no clean drinking water and / or water facilities cure.
4. Depletion of oxygen contamination
Microbial water to thrive, biodegradable material.
When there is a bio-degradable, such as agricultural waste or erosion influx material increase in the number of these microorganisms, and use of the obtained oxygen.
When these increasingly depleted oxygen levels, death and harmless aerobic microorganisms anaerobic microorganisms thrive. These organisms produce harmful toxins, such as hydrogen sulfide and ammonia.
5. Nutrient pollution
Usually in the waste water and fertilizer nutrients. These may cause excess vegetation, such as algae and weeds in the water, the use of oxygen in the water and damage the surrounding marine life and other microorganisms in water.
6. Suspended solids pollution
When the contaminants into the water, not mixed with the water molecules, this type of contamination occurs. These suspended particles formed on the sand, water beds, endangering marine life taken away nutrients and destruction of their habitat.
7. Chemical pollution
Due to the nature of the industry these days, mass production factories and farms, we have a lot of chemical runoff into nearby rivers and water sources.
Metals and solvents out of the factory and into the water, pollute the water and harm wildlife. From the farm pesticides in the water like poison wildlife, murder, endangering aquatic life. If birds or humans eat infected fish toxin is transferred to us, we swallow these dangerous pesticides and toxins, affects our health.
Oil is a different type of chemical contaminants, greatly affect aquatic organisms. This oil is killing fish and marine life and birds feather stick, causing them to lose their ability to fly.
Water, air and soil pollution is an international, multidisciplinary journal, pollution and solutions in all aspects of pollution in the biosphere. This includes plants, animals, water, air and soil relating to environmental pollution chemical, physical and biological processes. Range of disciplines are diverse, including all aspects of pollution sources, transport, sedimentation, accumulation of acidic precipitation, atmospheric pollution, metal, including marine pollution and groundwater, wastewater, pesticides, soil pollution, pollution by sewage water Product sediment pollution, forestry pollution, the impact of pollutants on human, vegetation, fish, aquatic species, microorganisms, animals, environmental and molecular toxicology applied to the contamination, biological sensors, global climate change, ecological pollution and pollution models the impact. Water, air and soil pollution has also published manuscripts in environmental pollutants, environmental toxicology, environmental biology, environmental engineering and pollution-related novels, contaminated biodiversity, pollution of new environment-friendly bio-technology (such as bio-remediation of new methods), environmental modeling and remediation of contaminated environments.
Most of the water pollution, usually attributed to large industries. However, recreational and agricultural pollution largely to blame for our aquatic organisms suffering and the extinction of species.
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