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Solid floating in the water of pollutants in the aquatic environment
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-4-25 14:52:59
Pesticide chemicals used to kill insects, forage crops and vegetation. The first documented use of pesticides by the ancient Greeks. Pliny (23-79) reported that the use of common compounds, such as arsenic, sulfur, caustic soda, and olive oil, in order to protect crops. China later used a similar substance, delaying infestation by insects and fungi. In the 19th century, Europeans heavy metal salts such as copper sulfate and ferrous sulfate as a herbicide.
DDT (dichloro - diphenyl the trichlor oethane) in the war against pests invention in 1939 marks the revolution. DDT is effective, the price is relatively cheap, appeared to be safe for people to face it, promised the world a miracle chemical unprecedented crop yields. Paul Muller, its discoverer, won the Nobel Prize to found DDT efficient contact with pests toxic. Pesticides used in agriculture in the United States, nearly three times, in 1965, the farmers began to focus on the use of DDT and other insecticides, herbicides and fungicides, and start accepting these chemicals on agriculture is essential.
Over the years, people believed that if the proper use of pesticides, a slight risk of harm to humans and wildlife. Continuing boom due to the use of pesticides, however, it eventually becomes apparent, pesticide, after all, is not safe. Pesticides are dangerous, the fundamental reason is that they are deliberately poisons designed to kill organisms. Part of the problem is biomagni specification prey, eating bio-pesticides in their bodies to the end of all these pesticides in its own organization. Eventually, the concentration of the pesticide will lead to serious problems. DDT, and ultimately hurt the numerous species of birds, especially those in the food chain, such as the bald eagle and peregrine falcon.
Become more apparent due to the dangers of pesticides in the 1960s and 1970s, some of the most dangerous, such as DDT was banned in the United States. However, the increase in the use of chemical pesticides, until the 1980s. The use of the general level of steady since then. Has stabilized in recent decades, the use of pesticides is the main reason, there is no concern about their safety, but its effectiveness decreased. This is due to the fact that harmful species of the rapid evolution of resistance to pesticides. The rising number of global anti-pest. Unfortunately, resistance increases, not only created a new, more powerful demand for chemicals.
Primarily by nitrogen and phosphorus pollution. Of these chemicals are commonly used inorganic fertilizers, bio-waste, such as manure and sewage naturally present. In addition, a nitrogen-containing compound is discharged into the air in the combustion of fossil fuels, such as oil and coal. All of these factors combine to produce a heavy load through land runoff, direct emissions, atmospheric deposition of nutrients into the water body.
Oil into the water, through various means, including natural and anthropogenic (human-related). Figure 4.6 shows the 2002 North American marine (sea?? Foreign) oil input source environment. Natural seepage accounts for 63% of the offshore oil exposure. Human activity is blamed for the other 37%. Municipal and industrial waste discharges oil runoff is attributed to human activities, the main source of oil exposure. A small amount is accused of the atmospheric deposition of the extra anthropogenic sources, including air pollution (8%), marine transportation vehicles (3%), entertainment marine vehicle (2%), and offshore oil and gas development (2%).
1989 Exxon Valdez oil tanker ran aground pristine coastline of Alaska, Prince William Sound oil spill of 11 million gallons kill millions of animals. In 1994, a federal jury assessed $ 500 million in punitive damages and $ 350 million in criminal fines and clean-up costs, Exxon dollars. Valdez oil spill led to additional security requirements, including double hull oil tankers. Oil spill larger than Valdes before and after the occurrence of the incident alarmed a lot of people can do damage to marine habitats. Many species affected by the oil spill, especially seabirds, yet to recover more than a decade.
The tanker Jessica released in January 2001 near the Galapagos Islands, biodiversity-rich areas harboring many unique species, including Darwin's famous finches, marine iguanas, tropical penguins population of 150,000 gallons of fuel. A wide range of relief, when the wind blows the oil slick to the sea, rather than on the island. Seabirds and sea lions dozens of deaths, it was considered a real catastrophe has been avoided. Unique marine iguanas in the Galapagos Islands, but ongoing research, discovered in June 2002, numerous green iguanas may have died due to oil-related injuries and sprinkle. In particular, 60% of marine iguanas Santa Fe Island, died in 2001, despite the fact that oil pollution is relatively low, only about one quart per yard coastline oil. On another island, there is no pollution, did not find a similar death. Scientists believe that the death of oil pollution kill iguanas intestinal bacteria so that they can not digest seaweed, starve them. Marine iguanas no natural predators, the general died of starvation or old age.
Marine debris from many sources, the impact of different marine species. Aqueous waste wrapped around wild animals, disguised as a food source, of suffocation beach and benthic plants, biological invasive areas provides a means to help toxic water pollution. The interaction between the marine debris and wildlife can be traced back to the record in the first half of the twentieth century. Northern fur seals entangled debris was found as early as in the 1930s. In the 1960s, a variety of seabirds were found to have plastic in their stomachs. The early 21st century, a total of 255 kinds of records has become entangled in marine debris or ingested.
Some scientists used to think that it is safe to dump garbage into the ocean, I believe marine large enough to absorb the sludge has no harmful effect. Other scientists believe that dumping will eventually lead to marine pollution. Once the center of the metropolis, such as New York City sludge and debris loaded on a barge, boat trips, dumping, there is a known as ocean dumping. Ocean dumping and not fully aware of until the floating plastic particles were found throughout the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
Dangerous veritable ocean dumping and debris hit in the summer of 1988, when the debris from the ocean, including sewage, garbage, medical waste, biohazard, wash, on the Atlantic coast, forcing the beach unprecedented 803. In some cases, the authorities advise the beach
Mercury contamination in many countries water is a problem. Scientists believe that the main source of mercury pollution rain coal-fired power plants, incinerators burning?? Burning of refuse, and smelters, the metal mercury. Mercury becomes concentrated in organisms, such as DDT, even low levels of mercury in the water harmful to health
Mercury can cause serious health problems in brain damage and other wild species and humans. In the 1990s, scientists began to report widespread mercury contamination of fish, including those living in remote lakes, it is assumed that the original. Therefore, many countries are warning people not to eat certain kinds of fish.
The Environmental Protection Agency's National Fish and Wildlife pollution planning to cover the 2004 mercury 2,436 fish and wildlife consumption advisories. Figure 4.9 shows the announcement effect as of December 2004. The northern border of the country as a whole, most states in the northeast statewide consult them all the rivers and lakes, such as Florida. All Gulf Coast, the coast of Hawaii, the eastern coastal areas, marine fish mercury pollution advisory.
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