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Water pollution caused by excess nutrients and chemical pesticides solutions
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-5-13 14:13:31
In the United States and other developed countries have strong laws to protect clean water. Unfortunately, a good start is not always accompanied by strong follow. For example, in the implementation of the Clean Water Act in the United States in the 1970s is indeed in the subsequent decade or two, improve water quality. But the bill was referred to as "zero discharge of pollutants into navigable waters by 1985, 1983, fishing and swimming waters." However, almost all of the surface water in the United States is still subject to a certain degree of pollution emissions still allows the Environmental Protection Agency is still classified Approximately 40% of lakes, rivers and streams, fishing or swimming unsafe; U.S. river miles have been told to limit their consumption of fish risen sharply since the early 1990s.
Our first water pollution solution is simple: the enforcement of existing laws. Politicians speaking, they have launched a great new anti-pollution laws means that if they continue to allow existing law than mere useless.
Apart from the legal, there are some practical water pollution can be achieved as a single solution, the community and your.
Solutions for water pollution caused by excess nutrients and chemical pesticides can be found in five categories:
Encourage smart agricultural practices ...
The right sizing application of fertilizers and the use of technology, such as biodynamic farming, no-till farming, settling ponds, riparian buffer zones, can help keep flowing into the river runoff sewage.
Livestock, it may be a problem. For example, runoff from chicken financing operation is nutrient pollution in the Chesapeake Bay, the primary reason. As a compassionate society, we should be a complete ban on Animal Feeding barbaric practices, but until we do, these strong pollution centers must meet strict water quality standards.
Reduce urban / suburban runoff of lawn fertilizers and pesticides ...
If you put "normal" fertilizer, pesticides and other chemicals on your lawn, landscaping and garden, you are part of the problem of water pollution. Although you may find the help of these products, most of the volume washed by rain to a nearby stream, pond, river or air blowing. They also tend to the passage of time, your future gardening work more difficult, dependent on chemicals to reduce your soil.
You can find out how to have a beautiful lawn, and avoid wasting money on the lawn chemicals, and check out these two articles: Lawn Care Tips and organic lawn care, stop polluting our waterways.
Prevent further destruction of wetlands, and to re-establish them as much as possible ..
Behavior of inland and coastal wetlands, buffer surge runoff and runoff and traffic filtering pollutants. However, it has been standard practice in the United States (and many other countries), so that development concerns, almost cake speech "nature of the value of services." It's time to seriously protect the wetland.
Driving less ...
Nitrogen deposition from air pollution is an important part of the nutrient pollution problem. Nitrogen pollution in the Chesapeake Bay about one-third of the nitrogen deposition from air pollution, mostly from vehicle emissions.
How much we drive, how much vehicle motor, mileage standards, as well as many other factors play a role in our drivers leave much pollution. It is also stupid of building code restrictions, separation force, forcing us than we would like to bring more houses, shops and work. However, driving less, we can do better, if we try and relatively small individual donations will summarize across millions of drivers are very different.
If your house toilet spewing its contents to the floor of your bathroom, you will get corrected it a very high priority. As a society, we should put the same priority, the date of upgrade or a lack of sewage treatment plants, and sometimes spit out their content to our waterways. It is also important to ensure that the way to have a manure field does not pollute groundwater or surface water near, in their system installation and maintenance.
More specifically, we should ...
How to repair the outdated municipal wastewater treatment plants. If flushing, you may be part of the problem. Community need to make up all necessary measures to address the lack of sewage treatment systems. But here's the bet is not necessarily painful - for example, Maryland set up a mere $ 3 "red tax citizens sewer bills to help fund state aging treatment plant upgrade.
Comprehensive Clean Water State Revolving Fund, municipalities need to upgrade their systems to provide loans provided in the form of federal subsidy funds. It is worth noting that, in 2006, the first letter of "GWB" Somebody must have decided to slash funding for the program. Boo hiss.
Place to set up a program to ensure that septic system maintenance and monitoring. Many rural homeowners seem to think that a septic system is a magical place, where 1 and 2 go, never heard of again. Does not. Septic system biomechanics equipment requires occasional attention, otherwise, they begin to fail, and send the poo goo into streams and groundwater. In good condition to help keep your septic tank area is a great way, plus occasionally flow, bio-active formula that helps to break things down.
Eliminate the "straight pipe" in some areas, even in the United States, there are a few people still running from their house full system outflow pipe straight to the nearest creek. These illegal settings need to be corrected.
Adequate funding, beach monitoring program, so that people will stay out of the water when it is not safe. (Well, we know that this is not really a water pollution solution, but it is worth doing, until the real solution to the sewage problem.)
Water conservation, which will help to reduce the load of septic systems and sewage treatment plants, to reduce the likelihood that they will send waste to our waters.
Prevention and control of water pollution is the most appropriate solution at the river basin level. As the saying goes, everyone living elsewhere upstream. What happens in someone else's backyard, and the neighborhood at low altitude all the way to the other parts of the ocean basin system.
One thing is proven to help control the backyard and neighborhood pollution is the implementation of the urban and suburban storm water management strategies, including:
Undeveloped land reserved to help soaking rain;
Construction of wetlands, stream buffers, sedimentation tanks, contaminated runoff natural bioremediation prior to entering the watershed.
Healthy Forests act like a sponge to absorb rainfall when they come, holding water and filter it before it makes its way to the nearby streams, lakes and rivers. When all the trees have been cut down, clear-cutting record is still the preferred method of operation, forest ecosystems death, can no longer perform this service. Rainwater directly into the rushing streams flow through bare soil, pick up the carrying sediment pollution to nearby waterways.
You can support the health of the forest (a) to support efforts to prohibit clear-cutting; (b) support the "roadless rule" to maintain a pristine national forest logging road (c) make you smart wood and paper selection and implementation of methods to save paper. It is also worth noting that the paper is the romance of high pollution, and the use of high-level consumer content paper source, helps to reduce pollution from the production of native paper.
Natural coastline (wetlands usually found there) serve a variety of purposes, from the the fish nurseries absorption filter the river into the estuary Hurricane. In the United States alone, but in these sensitive areas of more than 20,000 acres, disappear every year. When guesthouses, hotels, resorts, or other developments, not only the loss of wetlands and coastal ecosystems services given to these sensitive coastal areas of many types of pollution, but human activities.
Coastal development, marine, is a major problem, but various forms of suburban sprawl chewing wetlands, forests, grasslands, and other natural areas, rainfall and filter immersed in water, and then into streams and rivers. Support smart growth, urban renewal and the preservation of open space, is an important solution to water pollution.
Although it is true that a lot of oil naturally seep into the ground sources of marine geology, marine life where this happens hundreds of millions of adaptation. Human-caused oil pollution must occur in the more sensitive areas, often with disastrous consequences.
The first stage of this type of water pollution solutions, stop making so much oil and petroleum by-products into the water in the first place. Yes, we must reduce the occurrence of oil spills, but more importantly, we must reduce the entry into waterways non-oil spill source, which helps more problems, rather than the leakage of oil pollution.
The government and enterprises are able to respond to these two types of oil pollution:
Accelerate the pace of mobile all the catamaran in the world tanker fleet.
Tightening of commercial boats, motor boats, water recreation process, into the water to leak oil and fuel maintenance and inspection requirements. (Maybe this is a good idea, if a total ban on mobile technology to our drinking water reservoir!)
Needs of the surrounding roads and parking filtration ponds and natural buffer to help keep the runoff pollution of oil and gas dripping into the waterways.
Do more civic education on how to keep our environment out of the oil topic.
You as an individual can do something:
Driving a vehicle. This would mean that your vehicle will enter the oil pollution in our seas (not to mention to our air, reduce air pollution).
Keep your vehicle. If you see the oil stains on your driveway, your car needs attention.
If you must have a motor boat or jet ski, custody and maintenance of his.
We hope that this is self-evident, but if you change the oil, do not dumping waste oil down the nearest sewer dredge! In many places, the local service station, as required by law, accept your used oil. In addition, most municipal recycling centers accept used?? Oil.
Reduce mercury emissions
This is a real shame, we must let the global mercury pollution has become so bad, that wonderful fish, albacore tuna and swordfish pollution point where they are not safe to eat, at least not in any significant quantities.
Solution of mercury pollution in our waters is the solution to the problem of mercury pollution from the land. Coal-fired power plants in the United States and many other countries, is the largest human-caused source of mercury emissions. U.S. power plants account for more than 40% of the mercury emissions in the United States. Other notable sources of mercury pollution are chlorine production facilities and municipal and hazardous waste incinerators.
The technology exists mercury pollution control to do a better job, and prediction models indicate that reducing mercury emissions into the air, reduce mercury contaminated water and subsequent contamination of fish. Existing coal-fired power plants, better washing technology, you can get 90 percent of mercury emissions. For new coal-fired power plants, we should insist that allows the construction of the only type of "coal oil", which allows all of the mercury pollution are filtered out. Let your state and federal elected officials know that you support such a request.
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