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Garbage generated by the exploitation of resources caused by environmental pollution problems Analys
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-5-15 11:04:00
When you think the problems in the world today, the water pollution, water pollution, usually come up with. In fact, it is one of the most serious problems in the world today. Water pollution, by definition, polluted rivers, lakes, groundwater, bracket, or any harmful substances in the marine living things. Everything that contains it, live here, it is most needed to survive, therefore, water pollution is a big problem, if not the biggest. If the pollution is serious, can kill birds, fish, and any water animals. In some cases, even cause the entire species. To keep to a minimum the pollution is not the easiest thing in the world to do. Major water pollutant chemical, biological or physical materials, reduced water quality. Pollutants can be classified into eight categories, each of the hazards presented its own set. Petroleum products is one of the most toxic substances on ecosystems. Oil and chemicals from the oil by ships, water tankers, pipelines, leaking underground storage tanks accidental release into the water. Many petroleum products are toxic, and if the intake of the animals, oil spill damage the feathers of birds or the fur of animals, often resulting in death. Pesticides and herbicides are used to kill harmful to animal and plant toxins. These collect runoff into steam, rivers, lakes, and even into the ocean. More than 14 million Americans drink water contaminated with pesticides. The nitrates often comes from fertilizer runoff pollutants, can cause methemoglobinemia heavy metals, such as copper, lead, mercury, selenium is another group of toxin-contaminated infant anemia, a potentially fatal form, also known as blue baby syndrome. The rest of the water and the environment. Many of these pollutants from industrial, vehicle exhaust, factories, mines, and even natural ...
Clean up mining conventional
Here, grinning rich in coal resources of the planet hometown of Kentucky, some of the flow of acid mine drainage pollution, wading into the stream to take water samples, workers must wear protective boots and gloves, or contaminated water may cause skin blisters and ulcers. Water pollution from mining Worse case, a number of agencies near mining operations is no life. In addition to the increase in acidity, water can become contaminated heavy metals such as cadmium, leaching into waterways rain on bare rock and soil. In gold mining, arsenic leaching heap may leak into the groundwater or surface water arsenic.
Coal, metals and other mining products is to establish what part of the modern society. However, the technology exists to perform these operations, cleaner, we owe our waters and adhere to their own.
As consumers and citizens, there are some things you can do:
Adhere to the regulatory body force industry to clean up abandoned for a long time, but still contaminated mine.
Tell our elected officials to prevent the siting of new mines, they are likely to cause the problem of water pollution.
Peak removal mining mining industry, which is often buried flow stopped completely devastating coal mining practice needs.
Clean up chemical contamination
Biologist Joseph Shelton describes the chemistry of our biosphere the submerged Global Toxification. Chemicals everywhere, all the better life through chemistry "has become a serious pollution shortcomings. Here is what we can do.
First of all, there are some things we should expect from our government and enterprises:
To revive progress to clean up Superfund sites, and re-establish the "polluter pays" principle. Taxpayers should not foot the bill for decades of industry abuse.
Clean-up of contaminated brownfield site is not too bad, enough to make the Superfund list, but still pretty good, and to promote its reconstruction.
Eliminate all remaining industrial wastewater discharge to streams, the implementation of the policy of "zero emissions" from our factory wastewater.
Log on to the international treaties of the laws of the United States on Persistent Organic Pollutants.
The use of the precautionary principle: unless you can prove otherwise, synthetic chemicals should be considered toxic. This concept has been incorporated into Europe's new REACH legislation on chemicals. The current situation is that the American public is a collective study of the long-term effects have not been proven to be safe chemicals guinea pig.
Upgrade sewage treatment plants so that they can filter out chemicals and pharmaceuticals. Most plants do not handle.
To continue the fight to stop the discharge of acid rain chemicals (sulfur and nitrogen), not only the destruction of forests, but also acidified lakes.
There are also some water pollution solutions, we as consumers and citizens, when it comes to chemicals, can be achieved:
Buy organic food.
Began to buy "green" household cleaners and personal care products. (Hint: you find at Wal-Mart or "normal" grocery store or pharmacy is not "OK" list.) Check out CHEC health?? Kang E House tips on how to.
Only when strictly necessary and to the use of drugs. How important it is to understand the natural remedies and good nutrition, sleep, low stress levels to maintain your health and pharmaceutical.
Stop the use of chemical pesticides, around the house and yard.
If you have the disposal of old paint, varnish, DIY or other chemicals, check with the local government environment or public works office to find out the safest way to do so.
Water pollution, the threat of global warming are mainly two:
Ocean acidification - due to rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, ocean carbon dioxide levels have risen even more, thus increasing ocean acidity levels. At the very least, this trend will have a negative impact shells, which may dissolve or become malformed, if the pH drops low enough organisms.
Ocean temperatures - as the earth warms, so the ocean. All organisms in nature have restricted temperature range, and they can exist in this range. Increasing ocean temperatures will change, but the possible negative impact on marine life.
There are many ways, global warming will affect the water; For example, mountain snow and small glaciers will lead to many parts of the lower river flows in summer melting of ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica will change the salinity levels and ocean flow will increase the sea plane, submerged coastal property and ecosystems. However, because we focus on water pollution solutions, in this article, we will leave again this effect.
During this period, when both the impact of water pollution, be added to many other widely predicted effects of global warming, there are a lot of reasons, it is recommended that action on global warming is part of a broad strategic, to address water pollution.
Hybrid solution to the pollution of water bodies
Here are a few random round a bunch of water pollution solutions.
Set the cruise control system - all countries should pass laws to prevent the dumping of untreated sewage, gray water, oily wastewater into the marine and coastal waters cruise. On a global scale, the Coast Guard should coordinate law enforcement.
We will do some tax shifting - if we reduce the personal and corporate income tax, increase the tax of chemicals, petroleum products, packaging, and other sources of water pollution, less pollution, with the market, rather than control, driver changes.
Tilt windmills - conventional power plants use fresh water, and you can add heat and other types of polluted water. Move actively to increase the use of solar, wind, wave / tidal energy and other clean energy technologies use of freshwater resources is a good solution, generally, not just water pollution. If you agree, tell your elected knuckleheads! And check out our article on home solar energy.
To break the surface of the water - and the increase in impervious surface stormwater runoff, resulting in more pollutants to reach waterways. Richness and diversity of aquatic species decline impervious surfaces in a watershed, streets, parking lots, driveways, sidewalks, roofs to increase the amount of more than about 10%. The government should pay attention to this point, they guide the development. In addition, special permeable pavement and cement can be used for parking, rather than the loss of the lane, and the stadium so soaked by rain. (Of course, there is always the old standby gravel.)
The fence - Website dirt. Rain with dirt into streams, causing sediment pollution. Need to better implementation, to ensure that the builders of appropriate mitigation measures, such as mud fencing and regular live near the road cleaning.
To the procurement Plastic Surgery - Plastic Marine Pollution, will be the story of a disaster of this century. Most of the plastic in the ocean from the ship, but some from the land-based use. Try to figure out you can use less plastic, especially plastic food storage bags and other types of plastic can easily be blown around.
Not to litter - litter from land wind or rivers, oceans and beaches. So, do not litter. It is also good if you can occasionally pick up other people's garbage. Every refuse a little help. (Sorry) Anyway ... the place of a healthy turtle thank you. Can also be considered part of the annual International Coastal Cleanup.
Affordability and practicality
According to the U.S. National Research Council, initial cleanup of contaminated groundwater approximately 300,000 sites in the United States cost $ 1 trillion dollars over 30 years. Per person per day is about 33 cents. Is not a simple amount over time, but not extraordinarily can not afford, either, considering the importance of clean groundwater.
Back to the surface, EPA estimates that can eliminate the need for at least $ 1.5 billion worth of state-of-the-art water treatment facilities to reduce agricultural pollution. Therefore, some solutions actually spend less money. Water supply facilities in Germany now pay farmers to turn to organic, because it costs less than the removal of pesticide water supply.
Similarly, the industrial enterprises increasing trend towards "industrial symbiosis" Park, one of the companies in the industrial processes become unavailable waste another input, thus maintaining the solid waste out of landfills, keeping the water out of the channel and keep more profits in the company's pocket. Based on a "green chemistry" - for example, switch to the the biochemical information sources, such as citrus fruit, corn, soybean, and lactic acid is derived from a water-based solvent can eliminate the toxic components of the total operation of the manufacturing technology.
Today's society as a whole has reached an unprecedented level of prosperity. Water Pollution affordable and practical solutions to our future well-being is essential. Let's continue!
We hope you have found our water pollution series inspired, if a little exhausted! And now, our big cup of hot water pollution and stunning organic coffee.
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