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Series of problems caused by the accumulation of garbage that can not be dealt with in a timely mann
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-5-17 9:29:11

Around the world, including North America, we have done one or two things with ordinary garbage burning or burying it. Whether it is good for us or the environment. Burning garbage incinerators release dangerous gases and dust (particulate matter), which contribute to global warming and pollution of lakes, forests, oceans and cities half a world away from where it originated. Now, in the industrialized countries the most garbage crusher incinerator to delete a large number of particles and contaminants, thus ensuring clean air. But most of them to remove, ending in the landfill, the site focused on landfills, partly due to the increase in this incinerator technology to improve the pressure on landfills, in part because of the much higher proportion of waste sent to landfills than incinerator Spam buried also the air and water pollution, and easily transported to the site will consume valuable fossil fuel increase amount, thereby generating more pollution problem in North America, results in , burns or alternatives burial option is more attractive. Composting head, the options list.
Your landfill? Space issues it may seem yard waste and food scraps must be one of the more benign things, you can send to your local landfill. These things are not toxic, how could they cause pollution? Space, these things can be? In addition, with the old toaster, they decompose, which means they take up less space than they do next year when they are thrown away. All of this sounds perfectly reasonable. Unfortunately, much of it is wrong or misleading.
Garbage does not make the most of a short list of the top comedy fare. Johnny Carson night monologue part in the early spring of 1987, the whole world laughed. The occasion is loaded with over 3100 tons of Long Island garbage barge wandered final resting place in the world three months ago is finally home fiscal policy. Where it was shelved another three months, and the litigation request the court to ban handed down. Trash, and eventually the garbage crusher incineration and buried in the same landfill it has gone, it never left New York. The Mobro tug of war of 4000 and its hapless crack of dawn to leave Long Island on March 22, North Carolina Morehead, constrained its fragrance goods for methane production. Alabama businessman Lowell Harrison, the plan calls for adequate traction of Long Island garbage less crowded around the brainchild of harvest methane and spread compost waste in southern areas. Not a bad idea, Perhaps, except for one thing, it is clear that officials have been cleared prohibited barge loading and unloading the governor of North Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Texas and Louisiana. Hunt dump, and then go international. Homeless barge from the news reports of the time, piteously circling the Big Island, Louisiana, an area of ??80,000 square kilometers, including the account of the measures of the surrounding water. Cuba, Mexico and Belize refused to offer Long Island trash. The barge eventually turned to make a backup Coast. The legal battle lasted nearly as long as the journey itself. Month to the Mobro stray EPA officials to check the load of rot, and help determine the fate of the arrangement. Barge to avoid the appointment, rather than go to Mexico waters. U.S. officials were apparently concerned may be dumping garbage in the sea, which would be contrary to the laws of the United States. When the barge finally back to the North, the prosecution of environmental organizations. When you reach the Long Island in July, Claire Shulman, Queens, city councilor sued to prevent it from docking. New York State Supreme Court judge signed an injunction to stop the incineration of waste plan, during this period, the cost of junk is not from Long Island, the first ad, from New York City itself, some even from Manhattan, is the incredible potential dumping The site of the load. Although it should contain the main office waste, the rumors it may contain diapers and hazardous medical waste. Coast Guard adhere to the barge ingredients will remain in place until finishing things. When this Dispute Resolution, local residents protested in the streets burning city officials portrait. Incineration of waste is finally in early September ashes was buried in Ipswich landfill, originally designated to receive them. The whole thing will never happen, if there is no Long Island a landfill crisis. Because it's rubbish dump pollution of groundwater, New York passed legislation in 1983 ordering closed landfills in 1990 on the island. Incinerator air pollution, truck garbage off the island costs make it as twice the landfills. This is Long Island officials are well aware why the offer to take their hands something jumped expansion the plot launched the modern age of recycling and public attention focused on the landfill space available atrophy, is widely credited with.
Across North America, garden and food waste over a quarter of all ordinary garbage. This is 25% (by weight). In the U.S., almost equally divided, with 25% of yard waste (32.6 million tons of garbage, or 12.8%) and food debris (31.7 million tons, or 12.5%). Then there is the all other organic compost, all clothing, towels, bedding made of organic fibers, plus wood, old furniture, and sawdust. Then there is the paper, which 83 million tonnes of urban solid waste accounted for another 30%. As of 2006, the latest year for which figures are more than 64% we throw away the yard waste recycling and composting, paper and paperboard 54.5%. Only 2.6% of the food waste to the compost heap. (See the table of the 2007 EPA MSW). In other words, far more than 50% of the general waste can be composted, but most are not. The ordinary garbage crusher waste or municipal solid waste (MSW), family and business waste, rather than chemical or industrial waste. This is most of us in our trash at home, at school, or at work, to be picked up and dragging away: paper, packaging, food scraps, old toys, old chairs, old microwave, lamp shades, blue color jeans stuff and books. It includes office and restaurant garbage. In most cases, across North America, it ends in a landfill. This is despite the fact that 24 states, at least one provinces, municipalities hundreds of yard waste landfills is now prohibited. Landfill also accept certain types of commercial or industrial waste, which is one reason of their composition can become so toxic.
New York City and Long Island are not any garbage barge crisis, but they are difficult to solve the garbage problem. As of 2007, New York City garbage exports to the other five states: New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and South Carolina. Of course, this is not the end of the story. A fair in New York City the amount of waste in the northern region of their home, most of them by truck to landfills. Most major roads in New York State toll road, drivers like the road through many small towns. Residents in the early morning garbage trucks rumbling this procession is very happy. In May 2008, the governor of New York prohibits garbage truck from these small trail, a decision distressed drivers and the companies they work for. ("Truck driver upset the Governor of the State of New York prohibits garbage truck from behind on the road."), The Big Apple is not just its struggle to find its garbage dumpsite. Toronto sad story (see box below) that the presence of waste disposal in many of the complications of modern and arrangement. The bottom line is this: the establishment of a landfill is a huge, very expensive undertaking. This is harder and harder just to find a suitable location for a new, especially near the major cities. The amount of waste to reduce landfills and incinerators has become a pressing issue in many areas across North America. Therefore, the ban on yard waste, to ease the easiest one of the things. We need more compost, and throw away less.

Toronto the landfill disaster, a national embarrassment in Canada may be less well-known United States. In Toronto, in Canada's Golden Horseshoe area is densely populated, have seen the landfill option lit as its population shrink. The city proper has a population of 2.5 million making it North America's fifth most populous city. Has a population of 5.5 million in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), the Golden Horseshoe holds 81,000, or one-quarter of the Canadian population, filled to capacity when the city of Kiel Valley landfill closed in 2002, the city began cargo solid waste Michigan dispose of about 260 km, 418 km trip or one-way. As a result, waste disposal costs jumped from $ 18 per ton to $ 53 per ton freight operation has been plagued by a series of accidents, legal disputes and embarrassment. In 2004, a senior civil engineer named Tony O'Donoghue revealed, Toronto sent sludge - partially treated biosolids, including human and medical waste - not just solid waste has been claimed. This is the sludge truck driver died a year later, he tried to hand the the jammed door opened, and was buried sudden release of the load carried him into the pit. At the same time, is installed in the opposition of Michigan. In 2004, the governor signed legislation that allows national "emergency powers" (2004), in urgent and significant health, safety and environmental threats, border closures and waste. Few years later, the senator asked the federal legislation to stop the influx of garbage, (2006). That same year, the United States Department of Homeland Security to become concerned about crossing the border with the United Nations (2006) inspect the load. Then in 2007, Michigan residents filed a class action in the stench of the landfill, mainly due to a subsequent ban on the dumping of sludge, when Toronto to buy a green channel for landfill only 200 kilometers from London near Toronto Ontario, the city took up arms. Proceedings 奧奈達(dá)契皮 watt Thames, the site of its land border, tribal, and then solve for an undisclosed amount. The Munsee, another First Nations to pursue an independent solution.
"Landfill liner are temporary, chlorinated benzenes in the PCB can result in some liner leak." - The Great Lakes Binational Toxics Strategy, May 16, 2000 Toronto meeting minutes. Landfill impact on the environment is a complex problem. As noted above, the home and garden waste composting helps to prevent the landfill, thereby reducing the danger, they will leak into the water meter or waterways become too full. This also saves will be used for the transport of these wastes, and to prevent gas or other fuels so much carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide of nitrogen and particulate matter into the atmosphere. This is not a small problem, the big city is sometimes necessary to truck garbage hundreds of miles. Space is not the only problem. Municipal landfill pollute the air, water and soil. Yard and table waste actually contribute significantly, all of these pollution problems. Why? First of all, because they are wet. Secondly, because they are organic. Wet waste = Water Pollution wet waste, yard waste, which is 50% to 70% water, increased stew of toxic chemicals - household cleaners, antiperspirants, nail polish, paint, etc. - are mixed in a garbage landfill. The old unlined landfill leachate, and more mobile, diluted with rainwater, oozing fill the bottom. Where it will sink into the soil down and spread out, is called a plume of strokes shape characteristics, soil and water pollution, as it moved. Close landfill or cement cap, do not stop their feathers to promote. Modern sanitary landfill is usually lined to prevent such pollution and leachate charting and treatment. However, it is naive to assume that the liner will never fail. In 1987, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that the final liner would leak .2000, the Joint Working Group of the Canada / United States Great Lakes monitor and reduce printed circuit board wrote: "landfill liner are temporary, chlorine benzene, PCBs can cause leakage in some lining. ", it does not do so is not immediately 'reassuring tons. Longer a landfill caps and abandoned, is unlikely to be subject to adequate monitoring and leak detection.

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