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Solid waste pollution caused by waste for the environment and human beings
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-5-23 14:43:35
Soil pollution is destroying the planet on a thin layer of healthy, fertile soil, our food cultivation. No fertile soil, farmers can not produce enough food to support people around the world depend on healthy soil bacteria, fungi and small animals decomposition of the waste release nutrients in the soil. These nutrients help plants grow. Fertilizers and pesticides soil biological treatment of waste capacity constraints. As a result, excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides, farmers who can destroy the soil's productivity. Many other human activities can also damage the soil. Irrigation and poor drainage, soil in arid regions can leave the water sector. When the water evaporates, it leaves behind salt deposits, so that crops growing in the soil too salty. Mining operations and smelters toxic heavy metals in contaminated soil. Many scientists believe that acid rain can also reduce soil fertility.
Solid waste pollution is probably the most obvious form. Every year, people are one billion tons of solid waste disposal. Industrial waste accounted for the majority of waste material. From homes, offices and shops of solid waste is called municipal solid waste. It includes paper, plastic, glass, metal cans, food scraps, and yard decorations. Other waste will be discarded by the electromagnet cars, scrap metal, scrap processing of agricultural products, and referred to spoil mining waste, solid waste disposal is a problem, because most of the disposal methods destroying the environment. Open dumps ruin the natural beauty of the land and mice carry diseases such animals a home. Both open dumps and landfills (buried waste areas) may contain toxins into groundwater or flow into rivers and lakes. Uncontrolled burning of solid waste generated smog and other air pollution. Even burning waste incinerators can release into the air of toxic chemicals, ash and toxic metals.
Hazardous waste is waste material may pose a threat to human health and the environment. Waste is dangerous if it corrosion (wear) and other materials; explosion ignites easily reacted strongly with water, or toxic. Hazardous waste sources, including industry, hospitals and laboratories. Such waste may cause direct harm, when people breathing, swallowing, or touch it. When buried in the ground or remain in open dumps, some of the hazardous waste pollute the air, groundwater and food crops. Emissions of hazardous waste mishandling or accidental disasters around the world caused some of it. For example, in 1978, from a leakage of dangerous chemicals Love Canal in western New York area landfill threatened the health of nearby residents. Hundreds of people were forced to leave their homes. 1984, pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, gas leak, causing more than 2,800 deaths, and cause damage to the eyes and respiratory tract than 20,000. Some hazardous waste serious harm healthy people, wildlife and plants. These pollutants include radiation, pesticides and heavy metals. Radiation is an invisible contaminants will pollute the environment in any part. Most of the radiation from natural sources, such as minerals and the sun's rays. Scientists also be in their radioactive elements in the laboratory. Exposure to large amounts of radiation could damage cells leading to cancer radioactive waste arising from nuclear reactors and weapons factories constitute potentially serious environmental problems. Some of this waste will remain radioactive for thousands of years. The safe storage of radioactive waste is both difficult and expensive. Pesticides can trek through the environment. When sprayed on crops or in the garden, pesticides can be blown to other areas. They also can go to the nearby creek into the storm water can penetrate through the soil into groundwater. Some insecticides for many years, and remain in the environment, from one organism to another. For example, pesticides, the stream, small fish and other organisms can absorb them. Larger fish eat these contaminated organisms build larger pesticides in their flesh. This process is called bioaccumulation.
Heavy metals including mercury and lead. Mining operations, solid waste incinerators, industrial processes, and motor vehicle can be released into the environment of heavy metals. Pesticides, as they are durable and can spread throughout the environment. In addition, pesticides, etc., they can collect animal bones and other tissues. In humans, heavy bones, various internal organs, nervous system damage. Many people can lead to cancer.
Solid waste is generally considered garbage going to landfill. Solid waste water can penetrate. Decomposition of organic matter of solid waste generated methane, an explosive gas, contribute more to global warming than carbon dioxide per tonne. Solid waste can also be a breeding ground for disease, which is easily infected areas, people recyclable materials in garbage dumps for food.
When people think, they generally think of industrial pollution, chemical pollution. Chemicals would pollute the air, water and soil. In some cases, entire communities are affected, such as Love Canal, New York. Love Canal community built on the land, once the chemical waste dump. Construction dump, Hooker Chemical Company, which capped waste and it considers to be an impenetrable clay barrier. Violation of the explosion of the barrier, so that waste into groundwater. Chemicals, dioxins, causing a lot of birth defects and miscarriages. Had to abandon the whole community. Leadville, Colorado, as in other cases, lead mining and tailings created a very high concentration of lead in the soil. Top neighborhoods is to be removed and replaced with uncontaminated soil. Lead can cause children with learning difficulties and cognitive problems.
Water pollution can come from a variety of sources, including industrial sources, agricultural or landfills. There are many forms of water pollution, each of which can have different effects on the human body. For example, nutrient-rich agricultural fertilizer runoff causes toxic algal blooms, which can make people sick when the water is consumed, if the person in the water swimming. Toxic algae damage to the marine ecosystem can also trigger food shortages in some areas.
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