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From solid waste in the impact of harmful substances and pollution
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-5-27 14:17:49
Solid waste is useless, harmful, and the lack of adequate free flow of the liquid content of the waste material. In the U.S., more than more than 1 billion tons of solid waste generated each year, most of which are from agricultural activities. Waste generated mainly farm animals, slaughterhouses, crop harvest. Mining is another major producer of solid waste generated each year more than 200 million tons. Its solid waste from ore and mineral mining, mineral processing smelting) (preparation and processing, but residential and commercial waste may be generally more familiar with these measures include everything from plastic bottles, aluminum cans, and rubber tires yard trimmings, food waste, discarded appliances.
Solid waste management, it relates to the storage, collection, transportation, treatment, recycling, solid waste disposal, has been a daunting task. United States spends over $ 600 million a year on it, most of them to collect and transport. Most solid waste is transported to the landfill and landfill; the rest were burned. In 1970, when Congress began to study solid waste, up to 90% and 75% of the city dump incinerator lack of consideration, is a major pollution of air, land and water.
Disposal site for the community raised two long-standing problems. First, they are an aesthetic nuisance, or "thorn in the side." Federal Highway Beautification Act, "1965 (23 USCA § § 131 et seq.) Address this issue, with some success. Secondly, and more vexatious problem is caused by bacteria transmitted disease-carrying agents from the crowd near the landfill This type of drugs, including water, wind, soil, birds, insects and rodents.
In the late 1980s and early 1990s, state and federal attention to the landfill, recycling and other production purposes. Sometimes called reclamation or salvage, recycling, energy and other resources in the process of extraction from solid waste recycling or reuse. Aluminum cans and plastic bottles are two forms of solid waste can be recycled and reused. Has been used to extract from the solid waste of energy to produce steam, electricity and fuel.
Solid waste under federal supervision Resource Conservation and Recovery Act "(RCRA), 42 USCA § § 690 and below, sometimes referred to as solid waste disposal laws." RCRA formulation, Congress pointed out: "Land is too valuable national resource unnecessary pollution of waste materials,] the most open dumps and disposal of solid waste sanitary landfill on the land." Meanwhile, the U.S. Congress determined that hundreds of tons of solid waste was buried, and that could have been processing and salvage annually. Congress must develop better techniques, concluded that the recovery from solid waste useful resources.
RCRA definition of solid waste as garbage, refuse, sludge treatment plant and air pollution control facilities. Other waste materials, such as semi-solids and some liquid materials, including solid waste in the RCRA broad definition. From this definition does not include solids and dissolved materials, sewage and irrigation systems, both of which are regulated at the national and local levels.
According to RCRA, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator release of solid waste collection, storage, transportation, treatment and disposal guidelines. RCRA's enactment, in the first few years, especially during the administration of President Ronald Reagan, the U.S. EPA is slow to develop any guidelines cause. In 1987, four environmental groups sued the EPA in an effort to force the agency to fulfill its responsibilities under the RCRA. In this case, after the settlement, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued guidelines on solid waste management, including three tube paper products, lubricants, retreaded tires management.
Paper is the largest single component, the weight and volume of municipal solid waste. More than 500,000 tons of such waste is discarded
Each year, mainly in the solid waste landfill. Lubricants are also widely discarded. Annually produces more than 120 million gallons of oil, 30% into the sewer and land. Equally staggering number of waste tires. More than 400 million U.S. dollars of the tires have been dumped into landfills and inventory across the country, and the annual growth of the number 2000000. Because tires are not biodegradable, they provide long-lasting housing many rodents and insects, these two carriers of the disease.
The guidelines drafted by the EPA aims to encourage technological innovation, recycling and reuse of these issues in order to reduce the amplitude. In particular, the guidelines require the adoption of new or available technology, so that valuable resources can be identified and isolated, is truly a waste of material, so that the waste is processed. These criteria may be used by the state or federal government, and individuals through the so-called citizen suit enforcement. Who do not comply with the guidelines in criminal and civil enforcement of criminal penalties. Violators may also face additional penalties by state and local governments have enacted their own solid waste regulations.
Harmful substances and toxic pollutants shocking danger arising from hazardous substances and toxic pollutants were taken to Niagara Falls, New York, where the infamous Love Canal before the event. Canal initially in the 1890s as part of an unsuccessful plan to transfer the Niagara River hydroelectric unearthed. Hooker Chemical Company in 1942 and 1953, full of canals drum containing 21,800 tons of hazardous waste and toxic chemicals. Later, Hooker landfill disposal Niagara Falls School Board $ 1, containing the chemical company's responsibility to cause any harm harmful and toxic substances deposited on the canal a requirement deed of release.
Built near the site of a school and a neighborhood grew up around the canal. However, holding drum eroding chemicals, its contents from the canal through the neighboring residential soil migration. In the late 1970s, with several years of heavy rainfall, the presence of chemicals become more apparent, sludge and emission of toxic fumes penetrate the basement. Numerous lawsuits followed.
Regulation of hazardous and noxious substances, marking its name. Hazardous substances are defined as "solid waste," "cause, or a significant increase in mortality or disease" or "pose a substantial present or likely to cause harm to human health or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported or sold federal law "(42 USCA § 6903). Toxic pollutants, a subset of hazardous substances, including contaminants, "discharge upon exposure, ingestion or inhalation of ... [] Any organism" will "cause death, disease, abnormal behavior, cancer, genetic mutations, physiological appear malfunction, or the body in the organism or their progeny deformation "(33 USCA § 1362).
Because of the hazardous substances toxic pollutants a subset of contaminants can be dangerous, and toxic, but not vice versa. EPA published a list that toxic pollutants, including arsenic, asbestos, benzene, cyanide, DDT, lead, mercury, nickel, silver. Pollutants are not included in this list, such as acetic acid, ammonia and cobalt, may still be considered to be dangerous if they are to human health or the environment pose a significant threat.
Numerous federal and state regulations governing the management of hazardous and noxious substances. At the federal level regulation of dangerous chemicals production, the Toxic Substances Control Act "(TSCA), 42 USCA § 9604. TSCA aim is to identify potentially harmful substances, they manufactured and placed on the market before, in order to protect the public from any "unreasonable risk. "According to the TSCA, EPA has adopted rules require manufacturers to test chemicals," into the environment a lot "or showing a" substantial likelihood of human exposure. "TSCA EPA also requires manufacturers to notify 90 days ago, they started making any new chemicals.
Facilities, transportation, storage and disposal of hazardous waste and toxic substances, also known as the TSDS, subject to RCRA. RCRA provides "cradle to grave" based in part on the provisions of its persistence, degradability, corrosive and flammable toxic substances. TSDS RCRA and must obtain permission before allowing the management of toxic or hazardous substances. To obtain a license, applicants must demonstrate the ability to manage other materials to meet the stringent standards. These standards require TSDS corrective measures immediately after the release of toxic chemicals properly.
RCRA landfill disposal of hazardous waste and toxic materials, the final choice. Land for sale before the RCRA permit, TSDS must meet treatment standards, mandatory use of certain technologies, to minimize the dangers of specific substances. When Land Disposal Mandate, the new landfill must use double liners and groundwater monitoring systems, unless the EPA found another design or approach is equally effective against harmful and toxic substances migrate through the soil. EPA has broad powers to check TSDS under RCRA violation.
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act "(CERCLA), is the third major part of federal legislation to regulate hazardous and toxic substances. CERCLA established by Congress in 1980, thousands of websites in the United States inactive and abandoned hazardous waste. EPA CERCLA instructions to determine hazardous or toxic substances may have been released, and to identify the parties responsible for cleaning up these sites may be sites. PRPs) potentially responsible party (including the location of hazardous substances have been discharged owners and operators, and polluters themselves .
CERCLA joint and several liability for the responsible party, which means that once the duty is based on a group of owners, operators, polluters to clean up all the costs, any of which may be held liable. Although the responsible party can seek reimbursement from the other side, the defendant is usually the richest stick with CERCLA cleanup bills.
Some of the responsible party to evade responsibility, because they can not identify or located. Others have become insolvent or bankrupt. In this case, the super environmental law provisions were triggered. Super harmful substances create hundreds of billions of dollars in trust fund for cleaning up polluted sites responsible party to evade responsibility. Super incomes rise, through federal grants and some TSDS taxes.
Pesticide sales and distribution management at the national level, a separate legislation, known as the "Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act 136 and below, according to FIFRA, no pesticide may be introduced into the commercial stream, without approval by the EPA administrator. pesticides will not be approved if the administrator finds it very likely "unreasonable adverse environmental effects. "Taking into account the economic, social and environmental costs and benefits of pesticide adverse environmental impact is a measure of rationality.
Also, according to federal and state laws provide remedies, solid waste, hazardous substances and toxic pollutants, common law principles of nuisance, encroachment, neglect provides another avenue of recourse landfill owners damage. The common law doctrine of nuisance to the injured landowners, a cause of action, a "substantial" injury causes "unreasonable" use a specific landfill. The severity of injuries and the use of rational cost-benefit analysis is a measure of the usefulness and appropriateness of landfill activities against the value of the landlord's interest balance.
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