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Human waste and garbage discarded water pollution caused by the formation process and impact
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-5-30 13:57:07
Water covers 70% of the Earth's surface, more than 60 percent of the human body. Water pollution affecting the marine ecosystem, wildlife health and human welfare. Solve the pollution problem the answer is to make in our daily habits change, we pay more attention to the type of product consumed. The following list shows the causes of water pollution and its effects on human health and the environment.
From domestic homes, factories and commercial buildings, sewage treatment plant effluent often treated sewage into the sea. Sewage can be more problems, people flush down the toilet chemicals and drugs.
Dumping of solid waste and garbage by humans in rivers, lakes and oceans. Littering projects include cardboard, foam, aluminum, plastic and glass.
Industrial waste from the factory to use from the plant into freshwater rivers polluted waters of waste pollutants, such as asbestos, lead, mercury, and petrochemical products.
Tanker oil spill and oil pollution ship travel. Oil does not dissolve in water, forming a thick sludge.
Into the air in the atmosphere from burning fossil fuels causes acid particle formation. When they are mixed with water vapor, the result is acid rain.
Increase in temperature caused by global warming, lakes and rivers cogeneration plants use mechanical equipment to cool.
The impact of water pollution
Pesticide contamination of groundwater resulting wildlife ecosystem reproductive harm.
Sewage, fertilizers and agricultural runoff containing organic matter, when discharged into the waters, to increase the growth of algae, leading to oxygen depletion. Low oxygen levels can not support the majority of indigenous organisms in the area, thus disrupting the rivers and lakes in the natural ecological balance.
Swimming and drinking contaminated water, can cause skin rashes, cancer, reproductive problems, typhoid fever and stomach in human disease.
Industrial chemicals and agricultural pesticides, and ultimately accumulate in aquatic environments, and later ate a human fish. Fish easily poisoned, later also for human consumption of the metal. Mercury is particularly toxic small children and women. Mercury has been found that the interference in the nervous system of the fetus and child development.
Water temperature rise, coral reef ecosystems are destroyed bleaching effect, because warmer temperatures affected. In addition, the warm water species indigenous forced to seek other areas in the affected areas of the ecological damage caused by changes of cold water.
Human production of waste materials, such as plastic bags, six pack rings can suffocate aquatic animals get killed.
Water pollution causes floods, because the accumulation of solid waste and soil erosion streams and rivers.
The oil spill in the water will cause the animal to die when they ingest or encounter. Oil does not dissolve in water, so it will lead to suffocation of fish and birds.
Water pollution has been widely documented in humans and marine animals ecosystem health problems as a contributor. This is our life has a huge impact, if we do our part, we can not throw garbage or chemicals into our water supply and drainage pipes generally help to improve aquatic life and our health.
Worldwide emissions of pollutants into the hydrological system manufacturers and farmers. Industrial water pollution comes from agricultural practices, deforestation and poor land management. In addition, industrial accidents, such as oil or chemical spills can create large-scale hydrological system. Commercial exploitation may also contaminate surface water and aquifers. Thermal pollution may occur during industrial production, the heating water discharge. Poor agricultural practices are a major source of industrial wastewater pollution one. This type of contamination occurs when the result of rainfall or irrigation agricultural runoff. Runoff often carries a significant amount of organic matter, as well as fertilizers and pesticides. As a result, these pollutants in estuaries and rivers. Industrial process wastewater discharges to streams and rivers can be both fresh water and salt water contamination. The effluent can be a lot of sea industrial water pollution affect marine wildlife. Heavy metals can be included in some industrial wastes. These metals, such as mercury, lead, beryllium, clearing flow and tidal basin bottom.
Removal of these sealing area may be very difficult, because the interference may lead to increased sediment humans and animals are exposed to the risk of toxic metals. Regulations may punish such activities take place, however, often take advantage of weak enforcement. In many places around the world, the illegal dumping of hazardous waste, is very common. Industrial accidents may result in extremely large release of industrial water pollution. A notable example is the Deepwater Horizon oil spill occurred in the Louisiana coast in 2010, which is the largest in U.S. history oil spill. A more devastating accidents, resulting in long-term industrial pollution of water, was in 1984 at the Union Carbide gas leak in Bhopal, India. Not only in this accident cause many deaths and injuries, but also in the pollution of groundwater. Historically, commercial exploitation has led to toxic metal contamination to the surface and ground water. In the United States, in Washington State's uranium production stopped in 1981, but 30 years later, the inhabitants of the region experiences higher levels of poor health, some experts attributed to the open pit uranium mining. Mine near the bottom of a lake is still highly radioactive sludge decades later. Thermal pollution is industrial wastewater pollution on the other side. This occurs when heated industrial effluents into rivers or estuaries, increase water temperature, affecting wildlife. Nuclear reactor is such a source of thermal pollution, a number of nuclear power equipment design, ocean circulation water to sustain the plant thermal efficiency.
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