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Shattered type grating applies - treatment and disposal of solid waste
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-7-11 15:01:43
Shattered type grating applies - treatment and disposal of solid waste
Environmental protection is the people all over the world major social and economic issues of common concern, also is the important research topic in science and technology. Environmental science is in the process of modern social economy and scientific development, formed a comprehensive science. Is the world environmental science, environmental science, scale, environment science become a science or nearly twenty or thirty years.
One, the definition of solid waste
Solid waste treatment and disposal is one of the three factor environmental science, solid waste according to the source can be roughly divided into household waste, industrial solid waste and hazardous waste. In addition, there are agricultural solid waste, construction waste and abandoned land. Solid waste such as without proper collection, use and disposal will pollute the atmosphere, water, and soil, the harm to human health.
Life garbage refers to the waste generated in daily life, including food scraps, paper scraps, dust, packing materials, scrap, etc. General industrial solid wastes including fly ash and smelting slag, slag, tailings, industrial water treatment sludge, coal and solid waste pollution, solid waste pollution
Coal gangue and industrial dust. Hazardous waste is inflammable, explosive, corrosive, infectious, radioactive and other poisonous and harmful waste, in addition to the solid waste, semi-solid and liquid hazardous waste in the environment management is usually designated as a hazardous waste management.
Solid waste has the duality, that is to say, in a certain time, place, and some items are no longer useful to users or temporarily do not need to be discarded, become waste; But to the other user or under some specific conditions, waste can be useful, even necessary raw materials. Solid waste pollution prevention is the use of this characteristic, makes every effort to make solid waste reduction, recycling, harmless. For those who are inevitably produce and unable to use solid waste disposal is needed.
Solid waste and wide source, variety, quantity is big, the features of complicated composition. So the focus of the prevention and control work is according to the different characteristics of the waste classified collection transportation and storage, then carries on the reasonable use and disposal, reducing environmental pollution and waste as far as possible.
Second, solid waste pollution
In 2003, the discharge of industrial solid waste is 1 billion tons, an increase of 6.3% over the previous year of solid waste pollution of solid waste pollution; Industrial solid waste emissions of 19.41 million tons, 26.3% less than last year. Industrial solid waste comprehensive utilization of 560 million tons, the comprehensive utilization rate of 55.8%, an increase of 3.8% over the previous year. Hazardous waste production amount of 11.71 million tons, 17.1 more than the previous year.
In 2003, the national living garbage QingYunLiang is 148.57 million tons, an increase of 8.8% over the previous year; The living garbage harmless handling capacity of 75.5 million tons, an increase of 2.0% over the previous year, hazard-free treatment rate of domestic garbage was 50.8%.
3, solid waste
Long-term open-air pile to soil, solid waste. The harmful ingredients in surface runoff and rain leaching, permeate through the pores of the soil around and under the action of deep soil migration. During the migration process, harmful components subjected to soil adsorption and other solid waste pollution - usually, due to the soil adsorption capacity and adsorption capacity is large, as the infiltration of water migration, make the harmful ingredients in the soil solid phase presents different degree of accumulation, leading to soil composition and the change of the structure, and plants grow in soil, the indirect pollution on plants, some can't even farming land.
Germany, for example, by nonferrous metallurgy factory near the soil of smelting waste residue pollution, soil on the growth of zinc content in plant for general plants 26 ~ 80 times, lead to 80 ~ 260 times, copper is 30 ~ 50 times, if people eat the plants, and will cause many diseases.
To air, waste of fine particle and powder in the wind scattering; In processing waste, transport and the lack of corresponding protection and purification facilities, the release of harmful gas and dust; Stacked and landfill waste and waste seeping into the soil, the volatile and emit harmful gas reaction, atmospheric pollution and atmosphere quality decline. For example: incinerator runtime discharge particulate, acid gas, not burning waste, heavy metals and trace organic compounds and so on. Petroleum chemical plant sludge open piled up, will have a certain number of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons generated and volatile into the atmosphere. Decomposition of organic waste landfill in the ground will produce carbon dioxide and methane (landfill gas) gas into the atmosphere. If allowed to gather the danger will happen, such as fire, or even an explosion. The United States, for example, 40 kilometers south of San Francisco will coast amphitheater was built in the city the old mountain city landfill field. In October 1986 during a concert, an audience with a cigarette lighter, result a 5 ft flames into the sky, near a burning hair on a woman, almost caused a fire. This is from the rising out of landfill methane gas lighters stars fire into a blaze.
To water bodies, if the hazardous waste directly into the river, river, lake, sea, or the waste deposited in the open air carried by surface runoff into the water, or drift into the tiny particles in the air, through the rain washing sediment and rain coagulation sedimentation and the settlement of gravity and the dry deposition and fall into the surface water system, water can dissolve the harmful ingredients, poison, cause serious lack of oxygen, water eutrophication, killing fish and so on.
Some untreated landfill, or bins, by rain leaching effect, of biochemical degradation or waste leach liquor, contains high concentrations of suspended solids and various organic and inorganic components. If the leach liquor into the underground water or shallow aquifers, problems become difficult to control. The dilution and removal of groundwater in the leach liquor is much slower than surface water, it can make the groundwater in the near future become undrinkable, and makes a region become uninhabitable. One of the most famous example is the lowe canal, in the United States has a large number of residents living in the city at first, later residents living near a disposal site in this health affected, fled from this place, and makes this place become lifeless.
In some advanced countries in the industrial waste, sludge and sediment in the ocean for disposal, which cause all sorts of bad effects to the Marine environment. Some appeared in the ocean dumping areas has been the destruction of the ecological system, such as fixed live animal population decrease. to
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