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Use opportunely crushing type grille to deal with all kinds of household garbage problem
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-8-5 15:04:24
Along with the rapid development of modern industry and the increasing of people's living standard, waste emissions are growing at an alarming rate, garbage sorting is obvious changes have taken place. Invested a lot of manpower and material resources at home and abroad, therefore, developed the sanitary landfill gas recycling, composting, incineration power generation, and other treatment methods.
Rubbish, only in the mixing together of the time is waste, once the sorting recyclables are baby, even that is called the micro killer of waste battery is also can be useful for profit. In this small studio, we see the waste battery recycling bins. And we live with batteries, generally contain toxic heavy metals such as mercury and cadmium, if these heavy metals in the ground by rain leaching easily, into the groundwater.
Garbage disposal and utilization, to a large extent depends on the garbage ingredients (physical), the second is economic levels and technical conditions, as well as the geography, hydrology, environmental factors, urban planning, etc. The current waste disposal process method basically has 3 kinds: sanitary landfill, composting, incineration; Other methods of processing accounts for small percentage.
Land resources
China land resources has four basic characteristics: absolute number is big, less per capita; Land type is complicated, the proportion of small, and Complex utilization, obvious productivity regional differences; Regional distribution, conservation and development problems.
(a) absolute quantity is big, less per capita
China's land area of 960 square kilometers, sea area of 473 square kilometers. Land area, the third in the world, but according to the theory of accounting for land resources per capita, in the area of the world's top 12 countries, China ranks the 11th. To distinguish between use type according to the China's various types of land resources are also has the characteristics of large absolute amount, per capita is less.
(ii) complex and varied types, arable land, a small proportion
China's topography, climate is very complex, land type is complicated, for agriculture, forestry, fishery, animal husbandry and a variety of management and comprehensive development provides favorable conditions. But also want to see, some land type is difficult to development and utilization. China, for example, sandy desert, gobi and more than 12% of the total area of land, the transformation, the use of very difficult. Which is vital to the agricultural production of China's arable land, accounts for only 10% more.
(3) the use of complex, productivity obvious regional differences
The development and utilization of land resources is a long-term historical process. Around due to the complexity of natural conditions and historical development process of particularity, the use of land resources in China are very complicated. For example, in the vast northeast plain, the han nationality more use of arable land, sorghum, corn grains, while the Korean rice. Shandong farmers grow peanuts have a lot of experience and higher yield, henan, hubei and farmers planted sesame yield is quite good. Under the similar natural conditions, the taihu lake basin, the pearl river delta, and parts of sichuan basin was formed national silkworm breeding centre and so on.
Different ways of use, degree of land resources development also are different, land productivity levels will have obvious difference. For example, in the same subtropical mountainous area, tea plantations, orchards, economic forest tree will have higher economic benefit and social benefit, and let the trees grow naturally, disorderly cut down, not only economic benefit is low, but also can make the destruction of land resources.
(4) distribution, conservation and development problems
This uneven distribution, mainly refers to two aspects: first, the specific type of uneven distribution of land resources. Such as the limited cultivated land mainly concentrated in the monsoon region of eastern China plains, grasslands resources distributed in the eastern part of Inner Mongolia plateau, etc. Second, the per capita possession of land resource distribution.
In different parts of the land resources, is facing a different problem. China forest land is little, lack of forest resources. Forest region in northeast China, however, efforts to balance at the same time, the southwest region faces overripe Lin than major, trees resources waste problem. China's vast grassland resources use is not sufficient, animal husbandry production level is not high, however, the local grassland overgrazing, pasture degradation problems again.
Any kind of garbage disposal technology has its own advantages and limitations, just for living garbage in some components, but not all garbage, a processing technology alone is difficult to meet the quantity increasing, ingredients of increasingly complex urban living garbage processing requirements. Living garbage composition is unstable, change is big, a single garbage disposal technology impact resistant ability is small, so the development direction of living garbage processing for different types of garbage adopts the corresponding processing method diversification integrated waste treatment system.
So-called integrated processing system is sanitary landfill, incineration, composting and other organic combination of garbage disposal system, adjust measures to local conditions, give full play to the advantages of all kinds of garbage disposal system, foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, to truly achieve waste reduction, recycling and harmless.
At present, the domestic garbage disposal practices have many precious experiences are summarized, basically formed a sanitary landfill, composting, burned (biological), three types of technical support system. From a technology perspective, goal consistent with each other, each system has its own pros and cons, the technology difficulty degree is different.
Practice has proved that using mixed collection of produce in urban waste compost, fertilizer effect, low impurity, high cost, inconvenience for farmland production, also influence its market development. Construction during the period of "seventh" wuxi, hangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai and other places of mechanized urban waste compost factory has been closed down because of technology and market, etc. Is at present in our country, is widely applied some of the low degree of mechanization, mainly adopts the static aerobic fermentation technology of MSW composting plant. Is characterized by simple technology, less equipment, low investment and operating cost, but at the same time there is also a compost quality is not high, composting on the screen content, and the smell of the composting process and for effective disposal of sewage and other urban waste compost factory problem such as larger impact on the environment. Compost to reduce costs, improve the quality of compost product, open up the market channel is crucial to the development of urban waste compost processing factors, these factors and influence of important condition is to achieve organic waste classified collection.
Residents of the government's garbage sorting work also expressed great support. This is not only
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