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A baseline national power plant emissions using garbage crusher from the new use of energy
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-8-21 16:57:51
Issued by the national energy administration of the recent files, physical deployment to the national active coal-fired power plants in the key areas (including the self-provided power plant flue gas pollutant emission condition to carry out the research project supervision. Research scope including: key areas related to the prevention of air pollution in Beijing, tianjin, hebei, shandong, jiangsu, zhejiang, Shanghai, guangdong and the proportion of coal electricity installed bigger of the two provinces of shanxi, Inner Mongolia, shaanxi, gansu, ningxia, heilongjiang, henan and other 15 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities).
Energy bureau issued TeJiJian: baseline national power plant emissions
It is reported, this research according to the leadership of the state council directives, combined with the action plan for the control of air pollution, by the dispatched office of the national energy administration organization, power generation, power grid enterprise group, a baseline inventory, stepping up efforts to active coal-fired units pollution emissions monitoring. The work has also been included in the "energy regulation article 12".
The most severe power emissions standards
According to the notice, the research content including electric power enterprises and local government pollutant emission control measures; All of 2012 and the first half of this year to governance and pollutant emission condition; Desulphurization and denitration, dust removal equipment, the installation and operation of flue gas emissions continuous detection system; Flue gas pollution emissions from coal-fired power plants in the work of the problems and Suggestions.
Investigators will be on the basis of power plant to find 15 provinces and cities, spot checking. Each province 4 ~ 6 selectiving examination power plants (including the self-provided power plant of 1 ~ 2) with capacity of 600000 kw or more sets of not less than 1, single unit capacity of 300000 mw and below not less than three.
A local electric power enterprise staff told reporters that "research will focus on understanding of the main economic indicators, such as capital investment and income, the number of hours in use, the power supply of standard coal consumption, rate of auxiliary power, etc., and listen to the opinions of the electric power enterprise, and to study and put forward relevant policy Suggestions."
At present, our country implemented the most stringent in the history of electric power pollution emission standards, the power industry opinion is bigger, considered a "cow", and the standard is too high, policy changes too fast, the lack of electricity and other supporting policies.
On January 1, 2012, the national environmental protection a new coal-fired power plant air pollutants emission standards. According to the regulation, carbon limits reduced from 50 mg per cubic meter to 30 micrograms per cubic meter; On January 1, 2012, the newly built thermal power unit nox emission standard is 100 mg/m3, July 1, 2014, the existing thermal power unit nox emission standard is 100 mg/cubic meter.
To the discharge standard, the power industry is generally accepted that too strictly, and to the point of madness. "New emissions standards improve thermal atmospheric pollutants emission limits, strict in all current regulations and administrative requirements, and significantly more than the '12th five-year' total sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides control goals and objectives." The itu experts say.
To this, the environmental protection standard of science and technology department deputy director Wang Kaiyu had responded to our newspaper, revision of pollutant emission standards, need comprehensive consideration of environmental quality, environmental pollution present situation and the industry economic and technological development level. In the energy structure in China, more than 70% of the total thermal power in electricity generation, and difference of environmental management methods at home and abroad, requirements of coal-fired units take more strict control measures.
Proposed electric discharge support policy
Environmental protection department issued the 2012 China environmental conditions gazette, 92%, 27.6% of the thermal power unit has been installed desulfurization and denitration equipment respectively.
The itu statistics, by the end of 2012, China has reached 675 million kilowatts, flue gas desulfurization unit of flue gas denitration units 230 million kilowatts, planning and construction of more than 500 million kilowatts.
The itu expert thinks, in the thermal power unit is not main factors haze, and thermal power is enormous economic cost, energy saving and emission reduction needed support energy saving and emission reduction policy and electricity price policy.
The example, according to the current national coal smoke and dust discharge 1.5 million tons a year now, and that number is about 4 million tons in 1980. For over 30 years, China's coal-fired power plants installed to turn over a dozen times, but the amount of carbon is greatly reduced. Power sulfur dioxide emissions in 2005 from 13 million tons to 8.83 million tons in 2012, nitrogen oxide emissions down to more than 900 ten thousand tonnes.
With the electric power enterprise, power unit and install desulphurization and denitration and dust removal device is put into operation, power generation coal consumption may be increased to about 3-4 grams of standard coal/KWH, bring new pressure electric power industry and energy saving.
According to the new emission standards, the country needs to be completed during 2011-2015 coal unit in the reconstruction of denitration is as high as 600 million kilowatts. Multiple power generation companies, said in a variety of occasions, head of 0.8 / KWH of denitration electricity price subsidies fails to cover large power plant cost, suggest to raise the level of denitration electricity price, alleviate the pressure of the thermal power operation.
In terms of dust removal, the national development and reform commission ring. Department officials predict that look from economic effect, carbon dropped to as low as 30 mg/m3, at least add 2 money per kilowatt-hour.
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