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Xiamen crushing grille type, just as its name implies is the environmental protection investment
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-10-14 14:41:25

Shattered type grille, just as its name implies is the environmental protection investment
Natural geography and economic and social development, regional geology and hydrological geology, the degree of previous work, the work deployment, work content and technical requirements, organization and management and assurance measures, the expected results, and budget, etc. Investigation content, mainly including land use survey, pollution sources and hydrogeology survey. Major surveys human activities affect the quality of groundwater.
Work content mainly includes data collection and sorting, groundwater pollution status quo survey, investigation and evaluation of groundwater quality and the pollution of groundwater system structure, antifouling performance evaluation of groundwater, groundwater pollution prevention planning, information system construction and the groundwater pollution survey and evaluation research, etc. To requiring investigation content, combined with regional characteristics, puts forward the ground survey, hydrological geological mapping, remote sensing, environmental isotope analysis, drilling, geophysical prospecting, dynamic monitoring, numerical simulation and field experiment, mathematical statistics and so on corresponding investigation and evaluation method of the specific application and schedule.
Land use investigation, according to the national land use classification, combining with the characteristics of certain radioactive-polluted area land use and land use status survey and its changes, including cities, farmland, forest land, industrial and mining land, grassland and the status quo and change. Pollution source investigation of groundwater pollution investigation should be on the basis of land use status survey, give priority to in order to collect, sort out certain radioactive-polluted area pollution source data, the important pollution sources or potential sources of pollution should be added field investigation. Investigating types, spatial distribution characteristics of pollution sources.
Survey of pollution sources, machinery, electronics, chemical industry, mining, smelting, oil companies such as name, location, sewage, solid wastes (tailings) emissions, emissions, location, scale, the way and the outfalls pollutant kinds, quantity, composition and harm, as well as important polluting enterprises waste sites, abandoned Wells and oil and solvent such as underground storage facilities, etc. Survey sites, scale, the distribution of garbage disposal way and the effect of discharge, drench filtrate and geological structure of the situations of the main pollution components, storage, etc.; Sewage discharge, treatment and discharge way, main pollutants and their concentration and hazards, etc. History and current situation investigation of land use; The farmland use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides type, quantity, way, time, etc.; Scope of sewage irrigation area, irrigation wastewater, main pollutants and concentration wastewater irrigation frequency and quantity of the wastewater irrigation. Farms and scale, the pollution situation of township enterprises, etc. Survey the polluted water (river, lake, pond, reservoirs and canals, etc.), scale, the distribution of utilization and water quality condition, etc. Salty seawater intrusion in the geological environment background, survey, freshwater aquifer characteristics, groundwater quality XianHua degree (Cl, Br and salinity, etc.), investigation of seawater intrusion in the influence factors and invasion pathways, etc. The sources of land pollution
1, the pollution of heavy metals on soil from the industrial "three wastes"

2, chemical fertilizers may cause heavy metal pollution
Regional groundwater pollution monitoring sampling frequency, average level period sampling once a year. Key area of groundwater pollution monitoring sampling frequency, general feng, during dry each sampling once a year. The special components of groundwater pollution monitoring, general each quarter or sampling once a month. Regional groundwater pollution monitoring project determined according to the results of the groundwater pollution investigation. Key area of groundwater pollution monitoring project, in addition to including the pollution of ground water pollution survey to determine indicators, should also be based on index to monitor the condition of possible contamination. Special groundwater pollution components of the prison, according to the actual situation.
On-site quality control samples, sample analysis of NO. 3, semi volatile organic analysis sample should be on-site quality control samples collected. In principle, each batch sample (about 20) repeat specimens from a set of (double), a set of blank samples, and the prototype of a set of. Budgetary constraints, each work according to the actual situation to arrange monitoring samples three times, respectively, at the beginning of the work, middle and end of gathering a group of repeated samples, a set of blank samples, and the prototype of a set of.
New energy environmental industry are doing a few years ago, but the application of new energy has only just begun, has not been large-scale development. And compared with new energy, energy conservation and environmental protection industry is more suitable for the current development of China's national conditions. Energy efficiency is relatively low in our country, in 2010 the GDP, but China's primary energy consumption is 5 times of Japan. Now the bottleneck of China's economic development is overly dependent on resources, investment, investment and exports, in order to get is very important for the sustainable development of energy efficiency, energy conservation and environmental protection industries.
Laboratory shall according to the requirements of GB/T 4091 map quality monitoring, selection in the process of testing a specific statistics (mean, relative deviation, etc.), statistical trends, timely judge whether the testing process is in statistical control, timely take appropriate measures to ensure the test quality, regularly or irregularly to responsible for groundwater pollution investigation sample analysis laboratory control samples, through the control sample, the result of the quality evaluation of each laboratory test, if test quality problems found, should be timely find the reasons, suspend groundwater pollution testing, until the test work back to normal.
Submit results include:
A) evaluation of groundwater pollution survey report;
B) the sample analysis of test data and quality evaluation report;
C) the groundwater pollution investigation space database system;
D) forming conditions, groundwater chemical characteristics, groundwater quality, groundwater pollution status quo and pollution source distribution, groundwater pollution prevention and protection division series datum.
Environmental protection investment, just as its name implies is the environmental protection investment, investment in place, is in the city for the life of every citizen to provide create a beautiful environment, fresh air, clean water, healthy living environment. And as local managers of administration, they consider is do the environmental protection investment can see only the social benefits, not the actual economic benefits, into the deep again, saying, for example, landfills, is located in the distant suburbs, investment, more people and superior leadership also can't see, also won't say the leadership is good, just make do with landfill! Treatment of landfill leachate, too, can steal row emboldened when a large number of discharges, the rain, the weather is good when a small amount of emissions, as if it's not our own hangs, the surrounding people drinking water pollution and potential long-term harm caused by the body, muddling muddle along.

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