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Grille decontamination machine to cope with global climate change will greatly increase the demand f
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-2-19 9:57:35
Grille decontamination machine to cope with global climate change will greatly increase the demand for funds The massive sewage treatment plant the murmur of the river washed away the dirty days, wearing glasses and a T-shirt, a barely and wood. His work – leek farmer. Two years ago, wood graduated from University of Science and Technology Beijing College of tianjin. He took over his parents' 20000 square meters of land, the establishment of a company: planting Chinese chives. But not in the traditional way of planting Chinese chives, wood plant sold them directly through the online store and the customer in pots and. Now his family income of 10000000 yuan a year. Wan Chai is many young people have good occupation development opportunities in rural areas. They make full use of agricultural knowledge and their new technology, and from the support policy benefit. The fish in the clear water swim heartily, contaminated wastewater The sun through the crystal drop, when wood grown in pots of leek ideas, he is not my own business must. But China youth, a non-profit program supported by the government, gave him "courage", he said. The plan will help promote youth entrepreneurship. It provides 30000 to 50000 yuan start-up capital, promising ideas of young people. It will also mentor them, to provide guidance and business spending money. The local government also encourage young graduates to work in rural occupation. They often provide special subsidies to the management of agriculture related enterprises. Business is many young graduates dream. The 2012 session of the two percent graduates China started a business, according to the education of consulting company Mycos data published data. The new venture, experts suggest the countryside as a good platform. "Compared with the big city, small city and rural area, more opportunities, said:" Xiao Ming, the practice of enterprise network China international relations director. But experts also warned that, graduates need cautious start project. "It is necessary to find a suitable to local conditions and the appropriate project. It will only lead to failure, if simply copy the ideas of others, said: "Fang Zhongqiu, in Lianyungang City, a local Party committee organization department vice director, Jiangsu province. In addition, to prepare a lot of psychological pressure, if you want to become a modern farmer, said chai. The discount efforts people for wisdom There will be times when the How can we not this time This time will be long Eager to learn, have the spirit of exploration; the expert style (each round, the answer is a long, for fear of missing what, on his studies it is always off the reel); be good at summing up, organized (about the Latin root Professor impression: 1)... 2)... Experience: the test chamber the project, not necessarily!) Impatience; Confident and "ambition" (fear of others drawings and the idea of my train of thought; thought of writing "network edition" anaerobic book, but felt no technical questions, good only ask skillfully, can answer it; or say, not up to my needs); really young cynic (they don't than many domestic experts difference. But because the school is the practice of light place, fame is not loud! Try it) After his mother cried several days of learning, not after graduation to stay in Tianjin chai. "My friends and relatives to agriculture as a no decent work. But as a farmer is my work, not my identity, said: "chai. So far, his products have been shipped to distant Dubai in Arabia and the United Arab emirates. Wan Chai is optimistic, he can be further expanded in the definition of agriculture in the future. I still remember in Ann Arbor, into the original borders bookstore. It seems to fill up the whole block. "You have to have a look of the place," a friend has come, when we opened the door, I knew what he meant. Whenever guests were caught him (or her). Anoschwarzenegger or Anthony Weiner, for example - you can almost hear the collective "? "Water cooler in this country, its twitter feed and share in its backyard fence. Travel doesn't have to be expensive. A young couple "thank you" and trample, proving a budget of 40000 yuan to visit 18 countries in Asia. But when they released the news last week on Sina micro-blog, not many people seem to believe them. (we are stronger than the old man); a little humor, humor ingredients (see alumni hair name card, quite amused, very nervous, very cool...) ; have a passion for work, very dedicated, very crazy; good logic (analysis of Yixing environmental protection association does not reach the objective reason that the words); a "I give KunLun, who fill the sea". (the whole gave me this feeling), estimation is a "chatter" feeling when it comes to anaerobic, as referred to the many years baby... The pride, ha ha, in fact, the old horse like a funny "little man", a little thought fashion, many views can see, feel and many young people of the shadow, don't know how much real old predecessors? Day in and day out In the days of fighting In order to sweat heart gratified wine brewing With the victory bell is getting closer Silently struggle The shuttle is before dawn dawn Is the response to continued after the outbreak of the pollution More green civilization before shaking heaven and earth silence A real-time, has spread, interactive, can view, but also save a long time, since the media really, all by themselves, so, its popularity is inevitable. 2013 is coming, I should micro-blog transition from some trivial life earlier, restoring my blog, to environmental protection. Yunnan chromium slag pollution event In August this year, Yunnan Qujing Luliang chemical industry more than 5000 tons of heavy toxic chemical waste - chromium slag, illegal lost up to 10 years, leading to fatal six chromium content near the water exceed the standard 2000 times, serious pollution of the upper reaches of the Pearl River waters and the local ecological environment. Many in the "cancer village near". Yunnan Qujing chromium pollution incident, as public concern "the source of the Pearl River pollution linked to downstream" was exposed by the media, the investigation and handling of a series of progress were above the surface of the water. Investigation of Qujing official results: a total of more than 5000 tons of chromium residue illegal dumping, resulting in 77 head of livestock deaths, a 100 cubic meters of water by the Jishuitan chromium slag contaminated, but polluted water by intercepting and processing technology to safety and emission standards, there is no straight row of the situation. But the answer is still difficult to eliminate doubts and worries of people. Comments: why chromium slag heap ten years but not clear? On one side is the ecological environment be placed in jeopardy, and contamination scandals emerge in an endless stream, perhaps only real environmental governance to the same location and economic development, to environmental problems have been fundamentally alleviated, the health of the people can be guaranteed. The storm increased In the past few decades, most of the tropical ocean surface temperature, increased by 0.25 - 0.5 degrees celsius. And with warm water, can be more energy into a tropical storm, which makes them more intense, more destructive. Over the past decade, the global number of four level and five level wind nearly doubled, the 2005 hurricane Katrina hurricane Larry in 2009, 2006, the storm Morakot, impressing people. The 2005 hurricane Katrina clouds photos See more pictures In 2006, American Florida, a car because of Hurricane "Katrina" crashed the car Flue gas desulfurization 1, environmental protection industry, in this outstanding performance, long net environmental and Katie power etc.. An environmental protection company other unlisted Guangzhou heaven three and also the performance is very good. Because many of the objects is the power plant desulfurization, while the plant is rich, Chinese need more power plant desulfurization is, but each are big A power plant desulfurization projects often is several billion. No wonder in desulfurization environmental protection company size, stock appreciation faster, especially Katie in power, waste power generation, is a circular economy. But I didn't engage in waste gas treatment, compared to ignore this large. In fact, if the vision of the words, in the "Kyoto Protocol" after the entry into force should pay more attention to the. Scientific studies show that, if the human does not take the initiative to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, will not be able to reverse the global warming trend. The expert points out, at present is the warm period the earth cold and warm periods, warming is a big trend. This trend and human since the industrial revolution the huge greenhouse gas emissions are closely related, developed countries will undoubtedly have a historic responsibility. Climate change has no borders, living in the world of human beings and animals and plants are under threat. According to the forecast, to 2020, Africa 250000000 people will face water shortages due to climate change. However, because of the underdeveloped, and geographical factors, Africa and some development in the island residents, although global warming at least bear responsibility, but more harm. Developing countries to cope with climate change, such as flood control, anti sea-level rise and drought resistant crops planting, annual cost tens of billions of dollars, it needs from developed countries financial and technical support. The WWF says, developing countries cope with climate change capital requirements will be increased substantially, is expected by 2030 will reach more than 5 times its current size. The developed countries should assume responsibility actively, help developing countries enhance their capacity to respond to climate change, to curb the warming trend and make more contributions.
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