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Many departments do answer the national survey of soil pollution
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-4-21 11:13:10
The Ministry of environmental protection and the Ministry of land and resources today to the media released a national survey of soil pollution bulletin. According to the results of the survey, the national soil environmental condition overall is not optimistic, some regions of the soil pollution is heavier, the soil environment quality, industrial and mining waste soil environment problems. For a comprehensive understanding and correct understanding of the content, the environmental protection department and the Ministry of land and resources and other relevant responsible person to answer a reporter's question.

Q: what is the significance of the investigation results of soil pollution?

Answer: This survey is a comprehensive national survey of the soil environmental quality, to fill the gaps in the soil environment in china. Through the survey, the overall situation of national soil quality and change trends, environmental pollution, pollution degree and regional distribution, initially identified the typical block and its surrounding soil pollution status, a soil sample database and survey database.

Through the investigation, enhance environmental monitoring capacity around the soil, for the establishment of environmental monitoring network, the optimization of soil soil environmental monitoring points, to carry out routine monitoring of soil environment quality and lay a solid foundation; survey data for China to improve the soil environmental quality standards, to carry out soil environmental function zoning and planning, to determine the region, soil pollution control key to provide a scientific basis for strengthening the management and control the risk of soil pollution survey results; to strengthen China's national soil environmental protection and pollution control, rational use and protection of land resources, guide agricultural production, ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products and human health, is of great significance to promote the sustainable development of economy and society.

Q: survey items?

Answer: This survey selected pollutants principles: one is the effect of pollutants on Yield and quality of crops; two is the pollutants harmful to human health. Pollutants mainly includes 13 kinds of inorganic contaminants (arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, copper, mercury, manganese, fluorine, lead, nickel, vanadium, selenium, zinc) and 3 kinds of organic pollutants (six six six, DDT, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons). The soil environmental background investigation in addition to pay attention to the comparison of pollutant, also includes 61 elements, molybdenum, antimony.

Q: why the sampling depth of the soil is generally 0 ~ 20 cm?

Answer: in general, the surface soil is the main and most crop root distribution and soil, tillage layer of agricultural production; at the same time, the pollutants are mainly concentrated in the surface. Therefore, the investigation of soil sampling depth is generally 0 ~ 20 cm.

Q: what is the soil environment quality evaluation based on?

Answer: This investigation specially formulated the "Regulations" technique for the evaluation of national soil pollution status, the "standard of soil environmental quality evaluation standard of value principle" (GB15618-1995), "edible agricultural products producing environmental quality evaluation standards" (HJ332-2006) and "greenhouse vegetable producing environmental quality evaluation standards" (HJ333-2006). No provisions of the standard indicators, such as manganese, cobalt, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are the relevant foreign standards for evaluation.

Q: why not give the area of soil pollution data?

Answer: the relative water and air pollution, soil pollution is non-uniform, and pollutant transport in soil is slow, distribution accurately grasp the soil pollution is difficult. The soil survey belongs to the preliminary investigation, has the property of survey, to the overall situation of national soil pollution control, because of objective conditions, the overall point more sparsely. In the case of farmland, grid every 8km * 8km (i.e. 6400 hectares, or 96000 acres) set 1 point, can reflect the overall situation of soil environmental quality of cultivated land of our country from the macro. Therefore, this investigation to point to exceed the standard rate to describe the status of soil pollution, soil pollution area are accurate data is difficult.

Q: what is the background value of soil environment?

Answer: the background value of soil environment is no or very little by the influence of human activity, the inherent content of chemical elements or compounds in soil environment.

China attaches great importance to study on soil environmental background values, "seven five" during the 4095 typical sections of the acquisition, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, cobalt, manganese, fluoride, mercury, lead, nickel, vanadium, selenium, zinc and other elements of the soil environmental background values determined.

Q: how the change of soil pollution in China?

Answer: in order to understand the changes of soil pollution in China, according to the survey "survey seven five" period of national soil environmental background of point coordinates, to carry out a comparative survey. The results showed that the content of surface soil, inorganic pollutants increased significantly, the cadmium content generally increased in nationwide, an increase of more than 50% in the southwest and coastal area, increased 10%~40% in North China, northeast and Western regions.

Q: compared with water and air pollution, soil pollution characteristics of what?

Answer: one is the soil pollution is hidden and lagging. Air pollution and water pollution are generally more intuitive, through the senses can notice. Soil pollution often through the analysis of soil samples, detecting crop, even human and animal research can affect the health of determination. Soil pollution damage are usually longer from generation to.

Two is the soil pollution is cumulative. Compared with air and water, more difficult to transfer, pollutants in soil diffusion and dilution. Therefore, the pollutants are easy to accumulate in the soil.

Three is the soil pollution has inhomogeneity. Due to large differences in soil properties, and pollutant transport in soil is slow, resulting in uneven distribution of pollutants in soil, spatial variability.

Four is the soil pollution is not reversible. Because of heavy metals are difficult to degrade, resulting in pollution of heavy metals in soil is basically a can not be completely reversed the process. In addition, many organic pollutants in soil also need time to degrade long.

Five is the control of soil pollution is difficult. Soil pollution once it happens, just rely on methods to cut off sources of pollution is very difficult to restore. In general, soil pollution control of high cost, long period, difficult.

Q: what is the main cause of soil pollution in China?

Answer: China's soil pollution is accumulated in the process of economic and social development in a long-term, the main reasons include:

First of all, waste gas, waste water, waste residue discharge of industrial and mining enterprises in the production and operating activities is the main cause of the surrounding soil pollution. Tailings, hazardous waste and other solid waste dumps, leading to its surrounding soil pollution. Automobile exhaust emissions of lead on both sides of highway soil lead, zinc and other heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

Secondly, agricultural production is an important cause of soil pollution. Sewage irrigation, fertilizer, pesticide, agricultural film, the unreasonable use of agricultural inputs and livestock breeding, cause soil pollution.

In addition, the natural background value is high in some regions and soil heavy metal exceed the standard reasons.

Q: how about the relationship between heavy metal content in soil and geological background?

Answer: the heavy metal element content in soil is determined by the natural background and man-made effect is composed of two parts, including the natural background and related with many factors of soil parent material, climate, topography, biological, time etc..

Soil parent material is the material basis for the formation of soil. Parent material (Geological) of mineral composition and chemical composition determines the element content of soil, soil of iron, manganese, basic magnesium, calcium content is high, the soil of silicon, sodium, potassium and other acidic rock area element content was high, sulfide and other non-ferrous metal deposits, coal seam and the black rock series of concentrated elements area soil cadmium, lead, chromium, nickel, tungsten, tin and other high levels. The reason is that the geological body is rich in heavy metals of the weathering soil in situ, also inherited the mineral composition and chemical material, the content of heavy metals in the soil were generally higher.

In addition, when the geological body in heavy metal cadmium rich, lead, chromium and other elements of the upper reaches of the river catchment area, the rock formed by physical, chemical and biological weathering debris, transported downstream and deposited by water migration, high content of soil development in these sediments and on this basis will also inherit catchment area geological body cadmium, lead and other heavy metals. Typically, enrichment of heavy metal elements formed by the geological weathering and fluvial transport in soil, its scope is relatively large.

There is a need to explain, soil formation will cause the increase of heavy metals in soils. Such as in Southwest China karst area soil parent rock is carbonate, during the formation of soil, the main chemical components of calcium carbonate rock dissolution and leaching, in rocks with low content of arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury, strong enrichment, can make the soil arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury and other elements compared to the parent rock of the enrichment of 10~20 times, so that the karst area of Southwest China has become one of the high content of harmful elements Cd, Cr, Hg in soils of China area.

Sources of heavy metals in soil, determines the form and bioavailability of heavy metals in the soil, which leads to the difference of ecological risk. In general, high content of heavy metals caused by geological and soil forming processes in the soil, the ecological risk is relatively small.

Q: what are the hazards of soil pollution?

Answer: one is the impact on Yield and quality of agricultural products. Soil pollution will affect crop growth, resulting in production; crop may absorption and accumulation of a contaminant, affecting the quality of agricultural products, bring huge economic losses to agricultural production; the long-term consumption of contaminated agricultural products may be a serious health hazard.

The two is the harm living environment safety. Residential, commercial, industrial and other construction land soil pollution may also harm the health of human body through ingestion, inhalation and skin contact etc.. Contaminated sites without treatment directly the development and construction, will cause long-term harm to the crowd.

The three is the threat to the ecological environment security. Soil pollution effects of plant, soil animal (such as earthworms) and microbial (like rhizobia) growth and reproduction, endanger the normal soil ecological processes and ecological service functions, is not conducive to the transformation of nutrients and fertility of soil conservation, affect the normal function of the soil. Pollutants in soil may change and migration, and then into the surface water, groundwater and atmosphere environment, influence of other environmental media, may cause pollution of drinking water sources.

Q: what are the reasons of heavy metal content exceed the standard of food?

Answer: grain heavy metal exceed the standard for three main reasons: one is the heavy metal cadmium in the soil background value. The southwest and south central regions of China's nonferrous metal mineral resources in China are very rich in the region, the content of heavy metal elements such as CD high. Two is China's nonferrous metal traditional mining area, so far has been 100 years of non-ferrous metal mining history, long-term mining, metal smelting and industrial wastewater containing heavy metals, residue discharge caused soil pollution, resulting in heavy metal exceed the standard of food. The three is due to climate change, environmental pollution cause acid rain increased, soil acidification, in acidic conditions, the activity of heavy metals such as cadmium also increases, more easily by the rice and other crop absorption. In addition, some rice varieties planted in the area because of some organisms, natural adaptability, high enrichment characteristics of cadmium.

Q: agricultural products exceed the standard have what contact between soil pollution?

Answer: agricultural products exceed the standard refers to the content of pollutants in agricultural products exceed the maximum permissible concentration of pollutants in China about agricultural products in the current value (such as "food contaminants" (GB2762-2012)). Agricultural pollution are likely to result in agricultural products exceed the standard in planting, processing, storage, packaging, transportation.

Agricultural products exceed the standard including heavy metals, nitrite, benzopyrene and exceed the standard, the heavy metal exceed the standard closely related with soil pollution. But because of different crops, different varieties of tolerance to soil pollutants and absorptive capacity are different, different pollutants in soil and plants (crops) migration in the system are not the same, the uncertain relationship between soil pollution and agricultural products exceed the standard.

Q: what is the impact on the groundwater soil contamination?

Answer: groundwater pollution is due to human activities lead to groundwater quality deterioration. Soil pollution is an important source of shallow groundwater pollution, some pollutants in soil leaching with water seepage into the groundwater or easy, days and months multiplying by shallow groundwater quality deterioration, eventually leading to pollution.

Q: soil pollution, has a way of governance? What method of repair?

Answer: the contaminated soil can repair to reduce the risk or harm, restore its function, but generally requires a lot of money and a longer period of time. Soil remediation refers to contaminants in soil by method of physical, chemical and biological transfer, absorption, degradation and transformation, the concentration can be reduced to acceptable levels, or toxic pollutants into harmless substances, including biological, physical and chemical repair repair repair method of the 3 category. Due to the complexity of soil pollution, sometimes rely on a single method is difficult to repair the soil pollution, need to use a variety of techniques.

Bioremediation technology is developed in 80's of last century, the basic principle is to use the ability of biological characteristic decomposition of toxic and harmful substances, to remove the pollutants in soil, including phytoremediation, bioremediation and bio remediation.

Physical rehabilitation means through a variety of physical processes for the removal or separation of contaminants from soil technology. Among them, the heat treatment technology for soil remediation of organic pollution, has been applied in the repair of benzene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, PCBs and dioxins contaminated soils.

Chemical remediation is to add chemical substances in soil, the adsorption of heavy metals and organic compounds, the oxidation and reduction, antagonistic or precipitation, to reduce the soil pollutant bioavailability or toxicity, including soil, stabilization, leaching, oxidation, photocatalytic degradation and electrokinetic remediation technology.

Q: in view of the present situation of soil pollution, state what measures will be taken to strengthen environmental protection and pollution control?

Answer: one is the preparation of soil pollution prevention and control action plan. According to the deploy of the State Council, the Ministry of environmental protection is in conjunction with the relevant departments to the preparation of soil pollution prevention and control plan of action, the general idea is: to ensure the safety of agricultural products and environment health as a starting point, to protect and improve soil environment quality as the core, with reform and innovation as the driving force, to the construction of legal system as the basis, adhere to the source control, execute classification management, strengthen scientific and technological support, play the role of the market, guide the public participation.

Two is to accelerate the process of soil environmental protection legislation. The twelve session of the National People's Congress Standing Committee has the soil environmental protection included in the legislative plan for the first class project. The Ministry of environmental protection jointly with the relevant departments to set up the soil environmental protection laws and regulations drafting work leading group, the working group and the group of experts. After nearly two years of efforts, now has formed a preliminary draft of the law.

Three is the further development of soil pollution survey work. Based on the investigation of soil pollution, environmental protection department will work with the Ministry of finance, Ministry of land and resources, Ministry of agriculture, health and Family Planning Commission and other departments organize and carry out the investigation of soil pollution, and further find out the soil environmental quality status. Currently has initially formed the overall implementation scheme.

Four is the implementation of soil remediation engineering. The state will organize the soil pollution control pilot demonstration in typical area, and gradually establish a system of soil pollution remediation, planned, step by step to promote the management of soil pollution remediation.

Five is to strengthen the environmental supervision. The state will strengthen the environmental regulatory functions of soil, soil pollution liability lifelong accountability mechanism; strengthen the enterprises involving heavy metals wastewater, waste gas, waste residue treatment of the supervision and inspection, strict control of agricultural production during the agricultural inputs disorderly use, abuse, specification of hazardous waste collection, transfer, storage, transportation and disposal activities, in order to prevent soil pollution caused by the new.
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