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Shandong opened the town sewage and garbage treatment facilities construction market
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-5-8 14:38:44
The afternoon of May 5th, the Shandong Provincial Government Information Office held a press conference, invite deputy director of the provincial office building Geng Qinghai introduced "the general office of Shandong Provincial People's Government on the strengthening of rural sewage and garbage treatment facilities construction opinions". Reporters from the conference was informed that, by 2015, Shandong 70% towns resident life centralized sewage treatment, the Xiaoqing River Basin 80% towns to achieve centralized sewage treatment, sewage collection pipe network gradually improve; all new rural communities have built sewage treatment facilities; all the village set up garbage collection, transport and disposal system, the basic realization of the "village the collection, the town (township), county (city, district transport) the integration of urban and rural garbage disposal" centralized processing system.

Geng Qinghai said, Shandong in the development of villages and towns of sewage and garbage treatment facilities continue to increase investment, strengthen management. At present, the province's 1086 towns, 535 built a sewage treatment facilities, accounting for 50% of the total number of towns, processing capacity of 3390000 tons / day; 5790 new rural communities, 3346 built a sewage treatment facilities, accounting for 58% of the total number of community, processing capacity of 980000 tons / day. 823 villages and towns built garbage transport facilities, accounting for 70% of the total number of villages and towns; the 65000 administrative villages, 50000 rubbish collection point, accounted for 77% of the total number of villages.

as of 2014 2 at the end of 90, the province's urban counties realize the integration of urban and rural waste disposal.

In order to speed up the rural sewage and garbage disposal facilities construction, improve rural living environment. "Opinions" put forward, to 2015, the province's 70% towns resident life centralized sewage treatment, the Xiaoqing River Basin 80% towns to achieve centralized sewage treatment, sewage collection pipe network gradually improve; all new rural communities have built sewage treatment facilities; all the village set up garbage collection, transport and disposal system, the basic realization of the "village collection, the town (township), county (city, district transport) the integration of urban and rural garbage disposal" centralized processing system.

Geng Qinghai said, Shandong county (city, district) as the unit of organization of rural sewage and garbage treatment facilities planning, co-ordination arrangements, reasonable layout of township and rural community sewage treatment facilities, county garbage disposal, garbage transfer station and other infrastructure, clear the construction scale and timing. According to the "city (factory), the nearest edge over construction, encourage the principle of" building, near the city of surrounding towns, sewage can be incorporated into the city sewage treatment plant for centralized treatment; near the Industrial Park Village, sewage can be incorporated into the factory processing Industrial Park sewage treatment, industrial sewage treatment to the surrounding villages and towns sewage treatment; advocate the adjacent rural joint construction of sewage treatment plants, to achieve regional co-ordination, co construction and sharing; low population density, the water environmental capacity of the larger local and non environmentally sensitive area of the towns and rural communities, in order to meet the environmental protection requirements, can use "process decentralized, low cost, easy management" according to the actual conditions, encourage the sewage treatment with natural, ecological.

"Opinions" requirements, each township to build a more garbage transfer station (field), each village to suit one's measures to local conditions and constructing some garbage collection point; from the county (city, district) the existing waste disposal field of more than 20 kilometers Township, on the basis of reasonable planning and site construction garbage new physical field. In order to ensure the construction and operation of funds, "opinions" put forward, can raise village sewage treatment facilities construction fund, the establishment of government financial investment, bank loans, funds from society at large and striving for national environmental management of funds and other channels, diversified investment system actively. Built in the township level sewage treatment plant, sewage treatment plant to discharge sewage pipe network of water users, levy sewage treatment fees, charges authorized counties (city, district) government.

In addition, the views of the introduction of preferential policies to support the development of villages and towns, sewage and garbage treatment facilities. Geng Qinghai said, "opinions" put forward should give priority to security around the town sewage and garbage treatment facilities construction land, and the land use formalities. In accordance with "land allocation list" of the township sewage treatment plants and garbage disposal facilities construction land may take the way for the transfer; electricity, rural sewage and garbage treatment of electricity production by electric transformer capacity at 315000 KVA and above, in accordance with the implementation of large industrial electricity price. Support plant incineration disposal of sludge from sewage treatment plant for processing, power generation enterprise quantity according to the sludge to give appropriate price subsidies. The implementation of renewable power pricing policy actively living on garbage power generation project of sewage treatment plant, with fixed asset investment approval procedures. Opinion also provides, in accordance with the provisions of the sewage and garbage treatment projects are exempted from vat.
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