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Ministry of Environmental Protection released the "2013" Chinese environmental state Bulletin
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-6-6 10:22:23
The Information Office of the State Council held 4 days in Beijing news conference, issued "situation of environmental China 2013 bulletin". The environmental protection department vice minister Li Ganjie attended the press conference and answered questions from Chinese and foreign journalists.

Li Ganjie said, in 2013, attaches great importance to and correct leadership of the Party Central Committee, the State Council of the environmental protection work, has been further strengthened, the State Council issued the "plan of action for prevention and control of atmospheric pollution" (hereinafter referred to as the "air ten"), put forward 10 35 comprehensive management measures. The development of Tianjin and the surrounding areas to implement the "rules for the implementation of article ten" atmosphere, the Beijing Tianjin Hebei and the surrounding area, the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta cooperation mechanism and the prevention and control of atmospheric pollution prevention and control of atmospheric pollution inter ministerial coordination mechanism. The construction of ecological civilization has made new progress, the new national pilot ecological civilization 72, 16 provinces have been in Hainan, Heilongjiang (area) to carry out ecological province (District) construction, more than 1000 city (county) to carry out eco city (county) construction. To further optimize the economic development environment protection function, is approved construction project environmental impact assessment document 241, involving a total investment of 1.9 yuan; to promote the reform of examination and approval system, the examination and approval authority delegated 25 types of construction project environmental impact assessment document. Highlight the source prevention and ecological protection, the implementation of biodiversity conservation strategy and action plan, improve the ecological compensation mechanism. Strengthen environmental law enforcement supervision, continue to carry out environmental protection special action and safety inspection, the environmental law enforcement officials were dispatched 1830000 people (Times), check the enterprises 81 (Times), investigate and deal with environmental violations of the law and the potential risk of nearly 10000. Continue to promote the key areas of pollution prevention and control, start the repair of groundwater pollution in key areas, carry out deep "to award to promote governance" policy measures, the central government allocated 6000000000 yuan of special funds, support the comprehensive improvement of rural environment. Nuclear and radiation safety supervision work to further strengthen.

Li Ganjie in the 2013 state of the environment China said, after a year to all regions, departments and the joint efforts of all aspects of the society, environmental protection work has achieved positive results. The total amount of COD emissions of 23527000 tons, down 2.9% from the previous year; total ammonia emissions of 2457000 tons, down 3.1% from the previous year. Sulfur dioxide emissions 20439000 tons, down 3.5% from the previous year; nitrogen oxides emissions was 22273000 tons, down 4.7% from the previous year. Overall, the environmental quality has improved, but the protection of the ecological environment situation is still grim, there are still many difficulties and challenges.

One is the national water environment quality is not optimistic. The Yangtze River, Pearl River, the Yellow River, Songhua River, Huaihe, Haihe, Liaohe, rivers in Zhejiang and Fujian provinces, rivers in southwest and Northwest River ten river systems in control sections, I ~ III, IV ~ section ratio of grade V and worse than grade V respectively 71.7%, 19.3% and 9%. The Pearl River, rivers in southwest and northwest rivers water quality is excellent, the water quality of Yangtze River and rivers in Zhejiang and Fujian provinces, the Yellow River, Songhua River, Huaihe and Liaohe light pollution, moderate pollution of Haihe river. In the 61 lakes monitoring nutritional status (reservoir), eutrophication of lakes (reservoirs) accounted for 27.8%, including mild eutrophication and moderate eutrophic lake (reservoir) rates were 26.2% and 1.6%. In 4778 groundwater monitoring points, monitoring points, poor and very poor water quality ratio of 59.6%.

The two is the coastal water quality in general. The one or two class of Sea Point proportion is 66.4%, three or four kinds of sea water point ratio is 15%, the four bad sea point ratio of 18.6%. The four sea areas, water quality of the Yellow Sea and the South China Sea is good, the water quality of Bohai coastal waters, coastal sea water quality is poor. 9 important bays, Liaodong Bay, Bohai Bay and Jiaozhou bay water quality is poor, the Yangtze River Estuary, Hangzhou Bay, Minjiang port and the water quality of the Pearl River estuary.

Three is the city ambient air quality situation is grim. On the basis of the ambient air quality standard "new" (GB 3095-2012) to evaluate the SO2, NO2, PM10, PM2.5, CO and O3 six pollutants, 74 new standards to monitor the implementation of the first stage city ambient air quality standard city accounted for only 4.1%, 256 other city air quality standards implementation of the old city, the standard ratio 69.5%. Acid rain distribution mainly in the area along the Yangtze River and south to middle and lower reaches, the acid rain area accounted for about 10.6% of land area.

Four is the city sound environment quality overall is good. 76.9% of the country's city daytime regional acoustic environment quality for level one and level two; in the city road traffic noise environmental quality 97.8% for grade one and grade two; the various functional area compliance rate of city sound environment of daytime and 91.1% at night, the target rate of 71.7%.

Five is the quality of the overall good radiation environment. Radiation level ionizing environment keep the ranges of the natural background level, significant changes in nuclear technology nuclear facilities, the project around the ionizing radiation level overall No. The overall situation of environmental electromagnetic radiation level is good, the emission of electromagnetic radiation environmental radiation levels around the electromagnetic facility overall had no obvious change.

The six is the land of the environmental situation is still grim. The soil environment quality, the regional degradation problems are more serious. The year net decrease of arable land area of 80200 hectares. The existing soil erosion area of 295000000 hectares, accounting for 30.7% of land area.

The seven is to maintain the stability of forest and grassland resources. National forest area of 208000000 hectares, the forest coverage rate of 21.6%, the stock volume of 16433000000 cubic meters, the forest stock volume 15137000000 cubic meters. Grassland area of nearly 400000000 hectares, accounting for about 41.7% of land area.

Eight is the ecological environment
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