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Jinjiang green energy: open the door to the challenge
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-6-27 15:48:13
Editor's note: when the "junk besieged city" has become the public topic, when "NIMBY" to street gossip, we people in industry to what should be done? Sincere communication, no longer silent, positive response to distrust from the society, open the door to all people, including the real question, perhaps, is the fundamental solution to solve the current predicament of. From now on, start from every detail. Look, Jinjiang has started......

When the driver told me to reach the destination of this trip -- Hangzhou Xiaoshan Jinjiang Green Energy Co., Ltd., I happened to see the left hand side was built with a primary school. Across town, bypassing a crop, a few hundred meters away, I was in a modern factory.

Yes. Please delete the mind for the traditional landfill "dirty, chaotic, and poor" impression. Today I want to tell you is a standardized, modern waste incineration plant incineration: here is equipped with world advanced, closed the whole, monitoring management; here we can see the rise of transportation of garbage truck, but summer nor the smell of rotting stench; here the pond reared pearl, everywhere the groups are flying a dragonfly; here is to go out on a piece of crops, several hundred meters away, is a village school; here bear the garbage disposal in Xiaoshan District 70%, the most important is, through various technical means, the abandoned city life waste for energy efficient utilization......

If you doubt the descriptive text, you are welcome to enter the scene. According to the company's assistant general manager Luo Xiaolong introduction, here has been fully open to the public to visit, the purpose is to let all the people know, "the true colors of waste incineration".

What gives Xiaoshan Jinjiang Luneng dare to open the courage? Luo Xiaolong answered, are excellent technology and strict management.

At present, the company is equipped with 3 sets of circulating fluidized bed boiler, 2 sets of 12MW generating units. In the workshop, garbage incineration furnace Luo Xiaolong introduced, the high stability of the waste incineration density circulating fluidized bed, the bed temperature more than 850 degrees, the effective containment of dioxin. Through the material flow and efficient mixing combustion, garbage burning rate is high, the slag clinker ignition loss is low, less than 3%, dioxin and sulfur dioxide up to the national standards.

Landfill leachate is garbage disposal, arch-criminal direct contamination. And here, landfill leachate by high pressure transmitted directly to the leachate treatment plant, effective control of pollution two leachate. At the same time, leachate treatment technology for wastewater treatment using high standard, through biochemical treatment and MBR membrane technology so that the final effluent can reach the national discharge standard of two grade. But these are not drain, after treatment of landfill leachate in addition to the park to implement recycling, return on the spot to raise fish.

In the real-time monitoring room. The reporter saw, five staff dedicated to sit at the computer and monitor screen, the incinerator picture and pollutant emission information real-time monitoring and information transmission. Asked that, synchronization, real-time project of real-time operating information and pollution emission data directly to the Hangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau website, people can understand and supervision at any time. In addition, the company also set up at the gate of the display screen, incineration furnace temperature, real-time monitoring data of emission concentration of hydrogen chloride, sulfur dioxide and other pollutants, near the old people eye can know.

"There was a local people's Congress at the meeting 'participate' we a." Luo Xiaolong said, "then we asked him to come to our company to visit, give him our garbage every procedure in the treatment of. Before leaving, he very honestly said, I truly know garbage incineration is how one thing today, as long as you continue to maintain such management, I will no longer opposed."

Here, Luo Xiaolong played a joke: "I refuse this for more than a decade, eat here, sleep in here, and every year on the physical examination. If you really like the harm others to say so much, I will first ran away!"
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