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The State Council paid to emissions trading pilot area within three years
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-8-26 17:00:39
Great wisdom of a Sida gram news agency August 25th hearing, GOV.cn Monday in the official news release, the general office of the State Council recently issued the "guiding opinions" on further advancing the compensated use of emission rights and trading pilot work, put forward to pilot area before the end of 2015 to complete the sewage emission units approved, by the end of 2017 basic establishment compensated use of emission rights and trading system, and lay the foundation for the implementation of compensated use of emission rights and trading systems.

"Guiding opinions on further promoting the compensated use of emission rights and trading pilot work" (hereinafter referred to as "the" opinion "clear"), a sewage system of compensation for the use of power, to strictly implement the total pollutant control system, the pilot should be the country pollutants as a constraint index of total quantity control of pollutant, the pilot area can also choose other pollutants a prominent effect on the quality of the environment of the region to carry out the pilot.

"Opinions" required to implement emission rights paid to obtain emission rights transferring, specification, strengthen the emission rights transfer income management. The emission charge for use by the local environmental protection department in accordance with the pollution source management authority, full turned over to the local treasury, into the local financial budget management.

Aiming at accelerating the emissions trading, "opinions" put forward to want to standardize transactions, the transaction price is determined by the parties to the transaction itself, the establishment of emissions reserve system, repurchase sewage units "surplus emission".

The emission right is refers to the type and quantity of pollutant discharge units approved, allow the discharge of pollutants, as early as in 2007, Tianjin, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shaanxi and other 11 provinces (city) has been approved as a national pilot unit, explore the compensated use of emission rights and trading system.
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