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Environmental accountability "high-voltage wire," the key to good electric
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-8-28 17:47:14
In order to further strengthen the government's environmental responsibility consciousness, Guangdong Foshan recently enacted environmental protection administrative fault accountability measures. Decision error caused by environmental damage, the government officials to "pay", causing significant losses or adverse effects related to the leadership, or removal from office. The accountability rules, shows the development environment on GDP. "Focus on economic development, the ecological environment" decision-making will be deterred, and the ecological damage to the environment also need to examine how the lifelong accountability.

Through extensive and inefficient development of long-term, "treatment after pollution" of the high cost of road has been difficult to continue, "Lushui hill" is not only environmental protection in the meaning of the title, is changing the mode of economic development, realize the way of adjusting the economic structure. "Planning" clearly put forward 2014 - 2020 national model town, the establishment of ecological civilization evaluation mechanism, cancel the GDP assessment on the restricted zone and ecological fragile key poverty alleviation counties, this means that the national will have GDP check cancelled half of the county and county-level city. This is not difficult to see, the environment in GDP is becoming a policy requirements.

Environmental protection is a basic national policy, is the implementation of "one vote veto". However, many facts prove, environmental pollution, ecological destruction, all lies in the development of eye myopia, development utility, "as long as I left, orientation the flood Tao day" walk, leading to the environmental protection responsibility is not in place, become the biggest push pollution protector, some places will not only deliberate connivance pollution behavior, even deliberately the introduction of polluting enterprises. Investigate its reason, lies in the responsibility is not uniform, illegal acts have not been given due punishment, ask the form and responsibility mechanism become the ornaments.

On the surface, the current "environmental protection law" and a variety of environmental law to blank the government's environmental responsibility, need to reinforce the heads of government of accountability has the very big relations, there still lies in the system implementation is not in place due to lack of accountability, "the protection of accountability" and "indulge type removal" processing accountability, or whip up, gently down, or the accountability of officials soon secretly return, accountability, so too soft, too partial, not only undermines the accountability power, but also a form to condone illegal, caused strong resentment among the society.

Nowadays, a problem to be solved is, through the implementation of a green new deal, "high-voltage lines" to set up environmental protection work at all levels of government, who will power, and who should supervise "power"? In April 17th, Dunhua City Education Bureau deputy director Zhu Yanbin bribery case in Helong City People's court trial. Prosecutors charged the bribery 170000 yuan, Zhu Yanbin to confess all. In the last statement, 51 year old Zhu Yanbin cry and shed bitter tears by regret, "I think I just send me a post receipt free money......" Deputy director "at best removal" view has realistic factors can not be ignored, there have been people's Congress said in recent years, around 70% crimes was immune from prosecution or probation, some of this should be prosecuted or penalty, will not be held penalty.

The criminal law is still such, internal administrative accountability to more self-evident, in recent years, some "protection of punishment" incidents that infinite, "removal" as an administrative sanction is more popular, make rigid accountability at. As early as 2009, the provisions of article tenth of the CPC Central Committee General Office, office of the State Council issued the "on the implementation of Party and government leading cadres accountability Interim Provisions": take the blame and resign, resign, removal of the leading cadres of the party and government, shall not assume their original Posts considerable leadership positions within a year. Specifically, the local level environmental accountability "high-voltage lines", but to the provisions of the repeated and strengthened, and no "enhanced version" of the special. At the same time, in the face of "since 2008 52, caused by official media attention removal cases, accounted for 34.12% of the total return" reality, the need to address the problem, take what to test "high-voltage wire," the power?

Environmental accountability "high-voltage wire," the key is to pass electric, otherwise it is an unused equipment. Set up the system of rules is important, but ensure uncompromised execution, the same is the major task that how to restrain the authority
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