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Resources -- the route one must take life garbage treatment
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-9-1 17:14:06
With the new urbanization advancement and the improvement of people's living standard, the amount of MSW generated at an average annual growth rate of 8% growth rate of 10%, in the case of shortage of land resources, garbage in garbage landfill capacity caused problems more severe, "garbage surrounded city" phenomenon more generally, garbage pollution more prominent.

At present, the governance of garbage pollution has become the main appeal to people's livelihood of urban and rural residents. "City life garbage as mineral", contains abundant and renewable resource, promote waste resource, which can resolve the pollution problems, but also realize the waste to treasure.

Eighteen of the third plenary session decided to accelerate the deployment of ecological civilization system construction, Hunan as the reform of the national "two oriented society" Comprehensive Experimental Zone, should put the waste of resources as an important livelihood issues, ecological civilization construction important content, transformation of the mode of economic development an important starting point, give priority to development, in order to completely solve the garbage pollution problems, promote the sustainable development of towns, develop circular economy, improve the ecological environment.

In recent years, Hunan province has increased the construction of waste treatment facilities above the county town, the basic realization of the garbage disposal facilities full coverage. But the treatment process behind the more prominent, process to landfill mainly has the following problems: one is the occupation of land resources. Life waste sanitary landfill, because the daily waste volume, consumption of landfill capacity. When the reservoir is filled up, will need more land resources for the construction of the new landfill. The two is the existence of two pollution problem. Garbage piling up easily lead to perishable part, toxic and harmful pollutants generated in part, cause serious environmental pollution on the surrounding soil, air, groundwater. Three is not the use of renewable resources waste. Accounting for 60% of total organic components of city life garbage, inorganic accounted for about 40% of the. The four is the strong advice against. For a long time the landfill negative impression is difficult to remove, the residents around the opposition more and more intense, resulting in many parts of the landfill is difficult to run normally, the new landfill construction difficulty landing.

America, Europe, Japan and other developed countries and regions after decades of exploration, incineration technology has been very mature utilization, trash classification recycling, the resource utilization level is high, can be decreased by more than 70%, and the two little pollution, incineration technology has become the dominant process at present abroad garbage treatment.

In recent years, the state has issued a series of policies, the collaborative process route as the resource utilization of waste incineration power generation, industrial, issued a waste incineration facility construction task and goal, from the central budget for investment and funding arrangements to support waste incineration facilities, additional renewable energy tariff income from subsidies in waste incineration operation, and exempt from value-added tax and business tax related enterprises.

To promote the "two oriented society" construction to speed up, the government of Hunan province to analyze the development situation of domestic and foreign waste resources, according to the actual situation in Hunan, study and formulate the resource utilization of urban living garbage in Hunan Province, decided to accelerate the waste of resources. 2014 the objectives and tasks in 2020 are: the introduction of garbage classification system, speed up the construction of facilities for treating and synergistic cement kiln incineration power generation, implementation of integration of urban and rural waste disposal, the implementation of stock dump ecological restoration, the introduction of social capital actively, establish "who who pay the garbage discharge mechanism", accelerate the utilization level of waste resources, promote the sustainable development of economy and society. By the end of 2015, up to 35% the proportion of waste utilization in the province (including, Changzhutan city group reached 50%, other city states reached 30%), Xiangjiang basin above the county town completed stock dump ecological restoration. By the end of 2020, more than 50% the proportion of waste utilization in the province, the integration of urban and rural waste disposal, resource of water, Yuanshui Lishui River Basin, above the county town completed stock dump ecological restoration.

In order to guarantee the smooth development, improve the utilization level of waste resources, Hunan province will take the following measures: one is to strengthen the planning layout. In the future, Hunan will be in urban garbage incineration, promote cement kiln CO (burning) processing technology development, do not allow the county above the town of new, expansion of sanitary landfill. Nissan garbage 300 tons more than in the cities give priority to the use of incineration technology. Actively promote the waste incineration facilities planning layout. Two is to improve the emission standard. New, renovation and expansion of waste incineration projects, emissions of pollutants have reached advanced international standards. Comprehensively promote the stock of landfill management, use of remediation technology, make full use of Incineration Facilities Co processing Stock waste, improve the original site of ecological environment. The three is to increase the recycling of resources. The disposal of sludge incineration project using a cooperative, collaborative processing utilization of fly ash cement kiln, the reclaimed water used for incineration of condensed water treatment project. Supporting the construction of brick facilities, the incineration residue was made of brick, brick or tile for wall. Supporting the construction of biogas collection purification facilities, used for supporting combustion power generation or garbage truck oil to gas. The four is to create a beautiful environment. Waste incineration project office area and production area as a whole construction, pay attention to appearance design and wall decoration, with visit, propaganda corridor, the formation of environmental publicity and education base, supporting the construction of garden greening, cultural and leisure facilities, can be used for peripheral populace leisure fitness. Five is to implement the integration of urban and rural waste disposal, in accordance with the household classification, village collection, the town transit, county processing principle, the construction of urban and rural garbage collection and transportation system, garbage, unified rural township of resource utilization. Six is the innovation of investment and financing mode. The further opening up of the municipal public utilities, a franchising, attract social capital investment, promote the cleaning, waste transportation and other public service government purchase of sanitation. The seven is to increase policy support. The use of public-private partnership (PPP) model construction, operation and management of the project, and emissions have reached the international advanced standards for the discharge of waste incineration, focus on arrangements for provincial capital premium, give discount support.
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