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The future to reduce air and water pollution is bound to the rapid growth of the forest coverage rat
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-11-21 13:12:41
In recent years has made some improvement in environmental protection. According to the world bank, is one of the few countries in the world, the forest coverage rate increased rapidly. This is to reduce air and water pollution.
Pointed out a reliable view between the huge differences in some official publications and completely negative views in some western energy in the 2009 literature review of environmental economics and policy review, such as the "New York Times" article. Commented, "despite the severe pollution started from one point, set priorities and made progress, as happened in industrialized countries during their early development stage. "Environmental trends described as uneven. Surface water quality in the south is improved and particle emission stability. But before the nitrogen dioxide emissions increased rapidly and the increase in sulfur dioxide emissions reduced last year (2007) data are available.
Water pollution:
Water pollution in water resources by the quantity of water resources shortage and serious pollution of water quality. The rising population and rapid economic growth and environmental lax regulation, increased water demand and pollution. In response, has quickly take measures, such as the construction of water conservancy infrastructure and strengthen supervision, to further explore the technical solution.
Air pollution: a thick haze off the eastern coast of the Gulf of the Yellow Sea, Bo and. Probably from the city and industrial pollution smoke results. Air pollution damages people's health, achieve the government's threat. The coal consumption for generating "respirable particulate matter" also known as "point". At present Beijing is suffering from PM2.5, the particle diameter of 2.5 microns or less. According to the American environmental protection agency, so good especially important induced asthma, bronchitis, acute and chronic respiratory symptoms, such as difficulty in breathing and painful breathing, and premature death. According to the "8 year old girl with the simplicity of the Daily Telegraph reported that lung cancer" and "lung cancer has become the most young victims". The doctor pointed out, this is most likely due to contact with air pollution, especially the problem of fine particles from vehicle. This collection of national public attention and the attention of the international community.
Medical Association chairman Zhong Nanshan said the warning in 2012, air pollution may become the biggest health threat. Lung cancer and cardiovascular disease increases, because the factory and vehicle air pollution and smoking. Lung cancer is two to three times more common in cities than in the country despite smoking similar proportions. Zijin Mountain said, although in recent years the transparency increases the epidemiological study of more detailed information needs and requirements. He questioned the official data show that the reduction of air pollution. Until recently, the air quality index of government does not include ozone and PM2.5, while the most dangerous to human health. Measurement data show that air pollution levels in 2013 January, according to the particle density of less than 2.5 microns in size, is higher than the highest 755 G -- the United States United States Embassy equipment can measure. The smoke from the mainland have arrived in California.
Sulfur dioxide emissions increases, until after 2006, they start to fall. This is accompanied by improvement of some variable frequency of acid rain and satellite measurements of aerosol optical depth. This is likely due to using technology to reduce power plant sulfur.
The large-scale use of formaldehyde can also cause indoor air pollution in architecture and furniture.
Particles: according to the world bank, the highest level of urban study of the particulate matter in 2004 people's Republic of China is Tianjin, Chongqing, Shenyang.2012 years of strict air pollution monitoring ozone and PM2.5 was ordered to gradually realize in 2015, in addition to the smallest city will be included. The official media to recognize the environmentalists in the cause of this change of role. In a microblogging service more than one million mainly evaluation was posted in less than 24 hours, although some would like to know whether the standard will be implemented effectively.
The United States Embassy in Beijing often post automatic air quality measurements on twitter @ beijingair. In November 18, 2010, describing the abstract PM2.5 measurements as "crazy bad" register a reading for the first time in more than 500. This description was later changed to "beyond index, level, February October and 2011 December, recurrence.
In 2012 June, after the disclosure between strong particle Observatory and the Embassy of the United States government level, requiring foreign consulate ceased publication "inaccurate and illegal" data. Controversy arose when it was announced that the US embassy in Beijing air as the June 5th "very unhealthy"; the underlying data display particle 199 micrograms. In contrast, reading from the Beijing City Environmental Protection Bureau announced Beijing air as "good", it's data show that the level of the same period of 51 to 79 micrograms of. [28] officials say it is "air quality and evaluation of the results of scientific a region from which only one point, collecting area", and asserts that the daily average PM2.5 official data for Beijing and Shanghai "almost the same results issued by foreign embassies and consulates".
By 2013 January, worsening pollution and Beijing official data shows that the average figure in 300 years and 700 years of reading personal recording station in the United States Embassy in January 1st 755 and January 12th 800.
In October 21, 2013, Harbin airport and recording smoke closed in the area all schools. 50 times the World Health Organization every particle level (crusher manufacturers) recommended daily reported levels of part.
The government response to the air pollution: about air pollution, especially the removal of smoke and of the people's Republic of China government to implement more stringent regulations. The most famous example is the Beijing. As the capital, it is suffering incredible levels of air pollution. According to Reuters, 2013 September, the government issued the program in its official website to solve the problem of air pollution. The main objective of the program is to reduce coal consumption by shutting down polluting factories, factories and refineries and switch to other environmentally friendly energy resources.
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