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New energy, renewable energy waste centralyear technology old broken plastic recycling line
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-12-22 17:22:07
Two draft decrees on clean air and circular economy has not yet been implemented that are facing the "cut" of bad luck.
One is the circular economy law, will be put in the landfill in 2025 out of the EU, and require each member's utilization rate in 2030 reached 70%, in which the waste recycling, packaging of products reached 80%, the paper reaches 90%. At the same time, plastic, wood, glass and metal has also developed a recycling objectives similar. The reason for withdrawal is because countries don't have a good recycling record, it is difficult to form a "foreseeable agreement" to ensure the implementation and Realization of the goal of the proposal, funding support.
Another face "cut" risk is clean air program, vehicles, industry and power plants to reduce air pollution, can prevent 58000 premature deaths and many diseases of respiratory system.
Deregulation of these two draft decree, is "the guardian" from the EU's first vice president Frans Timmermanns (Frans Timmermans) show the EU committee work plan proposal to see, to wait until next week plans to release the committee meeting, in order to make the final decision.
Ministers of Germany and France's 11 members were of the view that the importance of "the two bill far beyond the field of the environment", urged the EU to be retained.
Members of the European Parliament, Liberal Democrat Catherine Peld (Catherine Bearder) said: "the EU should be cut off is gobbledygook, company website: http://www.hcsolidwaste.com/ rather than life expectancy. There are thousands of people caused by atmospheric pollution disease of premature deaths each year. The withdrawal of this act is to convey information, the new European Commission will be big business interests in the first place, rather than the health of European citizens."
Members of the European Parliament, the British Conservative Party member Julie Gehring (Julie Girling) said: "if the draft has indeed been withdrawn, we will be the strongest opposition. The quality of the air draft is a series of act to improve air."
Members of the European Parliament Claude Turmes (Claude Turmes) said: "obviously, some people want to kill the draft, but we still have a week's time, in order to form a strong force to the European Parliament pressure, ensure do not make foolish decisions. The health threat caused by air pollution and more resource dependence, these are tantamount to economic suicide."
The first European Commission Vice President Frans Timmermanns (Frans Timmermans) said that the EU should focus on employment and economic growth "big things". And the data show that over the past few years, the only growth and create employment area is green industry.
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